American killed in attack on US Embaasy


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
in Libya. Question: why don't we tell them and the Egyptians to go to hell, cutoff all aid of any kind, and pull out of the country. No doubt there are good reasons, but I can't think of any at the moment. I think it's about fucking time we grew a pair and impose some consequences for this kind of bullshit.
This is an act of war and im shocked how some on this board are acting like it's not a big deal.
This is an act of war and im shocked how some on this board are acting like it's not a big deal.

The left love Muslims cause they foolishly believe supporting them helps some how. The same people attack and criticize Christian beliefs.

Part of the problem is simple really. You can call Christians all sorts of names and deface their houses of worship and blasphemy against their God. Nothing generally will happen to you. But mention Islamic religious things or even draw cartoons and people die. Riots occur and murder ensues.

The left are cowards. Rather then properly blame the backward religion for its ignorant violence, they blame some fil maker for making some film, or a cartoonist for drawing a cartoon, or some activist for WORDS they spoke. It is appeasement and it is disgraceful.
Reagan bombed Libya, and Obama bombed Libya, and no one complained a whole lot.

I guess Mitt is 'next at bat'.
The left are cowards. Rather then properly blame the backward religion for its ignorant violence, they blame some fil maker for making some film, or a cartoonist for drawing a cartoon, or some activist for WORDS they spoke. It is appeasement and it is disgraceful.
Actually, the film maker and the cartoonist are the ones to blame. :cool:
The left are cowards. Rather then properly blame the backward religion for its ignorant violence, they blame some fil maker for making some film, or a cartoonist for drawing a cartoon, or some activist for WORDS they spoke. It is appeasement and it is disgraceful.
Actually, the film maker and the cartoonist are the ones to blame. :cool:

Yeah because the Film maker forced those people to violence.
The left are cowards. Rather then properly blame the backward religion for its ignorant violence, they blame some fil maker for making some film, or a cartoonist for drawing a cartoon, or some activist for WORDS they spoke. It is appeasement and it is disgraceful.
Actually, the film maker and the cartoonist are the ones to blame. :cool:

So its ok to bash Christians but NOT ok to say anything to Muslims. GOTCHA. and you call your self an american!
The left are cowards. Rather then properly blame the backward religion for its ignorant violence, they blame some fil maker for making some film, or a cartoonist for drawing a cartoon, or some activist for WORDS they spoke. It is appeasement and it is disgraceful.
Actually, the film maker and the cartoonist are the ones to blame. :cool:

Muslims are a bunch of pansyass pantie waists.. Killing people over a freaking cartoon?!! WTF?!! Barbarians.. Worthless waste of breath.. I hope Israel nukes their sorry asses back to the stone age.
This is an act of war and im shocked how some on this board are acting like it's not a big deal.

The left love Muslims cause they foolishly believe supporting them helps some how. The same people attack and criticize Christian beliefs.

Part of the problem is simple really. You can call Christians all sorts of names and deface their houses of worship and blasphemy against their God. Nothing generally will happen to you. But mention Islamic religious things or even draw cartoons and people die. Riots occur and murder ensues.

The left are cowards. Rather then properly blame the backward religion for its ignorant violence, they blame some fil maker for making some film, or a cartoonist for drawing a cartoon, or some activist for WORDS they spoke. It is appeasement and it is disgraceful.

I'm not appeasing anyone and I'm center to left of center. I have not problem calling Islam out for what it is, a backward religion that should be ignored.
This is, like, a no brainer. Obama already bombed Libya once. Who is going to start counting before an election?

Wait....let's ponder this....
Muslims are a bunch of pansyass pantie waists.. Killing people over a freaking cartoon?!! WTF?!! Barbarians.. Worthless waste of breath.. I hope Israel nukes their sorry asses back to the stone age.
Never happen. :cool:

Revelations predicts differently. I'll bet on the God of Abraham over a Moon God any day.. but you keep believin that shit along with your 72 virgins.
So its ok to bash Christians but NOT ok to say anything to Muslims. GOTCHA. and you call your self an american!
I never said anything about it being OK to bash Christians. :cool:

So when the Head of the Saudi Islamic faith called for the destruction of all Christian religious buildings through out the Middle East, we should have gone to Dearborn and rioted, right? Or is that DIFFERENT?

Your Prophet would be ashamed of you and the vast majority of Muslims world wide. he taught that women were EQUAL, that all persons were to be treated the SAME. He taught that the Jewish faith and the Christian faith had teachings from Allah. That their holy books were also Islamic Holy books.

You spit on his teachings as does the Islamic leaders in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and else where through out the Islamic world.
Revelations predicts differently. I'll bet on the God of Abraham over a Moon God any day.. but you keep believin that shit along with your 72 virgins.
Don't know anything about some Moon God?? :confused:

But we also believe in the God of Abraham. :cool:

The 72 virgins is a nice reward though. :eusa_angel:
Muslims are a bunch of pansyass pantie waists.. Killing people over a freaking cartoon?!! WTF?!! Barbarians.. Worthless waste of breath.. I hope Israel nukes their sorry asses back to the stone age.
Never happen. :cool:

Revelations predicts differently. I'll bet on the God of Abraham over a Moon God any day.. but you keep believin that shit along with your 72 virgins.

Allah is supposed to be Abraham's God as well. Islam is supposed to believe that the Jewish Koran and the Christian New Testament are the words of God delivered to his prophets. The problem is few Muslims actually believe that and even fewer believe the teachings of their own Prophet that ordered that all of the faith be treated equally woman and man were EQUALS.
AchmadinJIHAD keeps flappin that trap threatening to wipe Israel off the map.. There's going to be but so much Israel is going to tolerate.. Israel doesn't need the United State's permission to protect her sovereignty.. Be careful what you wish for..

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