American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI

Here ya go, sunni puss.

The “persecution” of Muslims has always been greatly exaggerated. Are there some cases of Muslims being victimized? Yes, but Muslims are victimized far far less often than many other groups, and the exaggerated status of Muslim as victims is used to encourage the real persecution of non-Muslims in the Muslims world. If you buy into the false claims that the Muslims are the great victims then you are encouraging the far greater brutality that is occuring in the Muslim world.
Face it, it's all about perception.

Muslims are perceived as the victims; and that's what counts.

So we will take that label and use it to the max in order to get our way.

Other groups play the victim card; so why shouldn't we? :cool:
Muslims excuse their violence in a society with free speech.
The muslims didn't get arrested.

So apparently they were the victims.

Deal with it retard. :razz:

The cops are muslims and the muslims used violence, not the Christians.

There you have it, folks. This is what you can expect when you deal with muslims in regard to Sharia Law............."Deal with it retard".
Muslims excuse their violence in a society with free speech.
The muslims didn't get arrested.

So apparently they were the victims.

Deal with it retard. :razz:

The cops are muslims and the muslims used violence, not the Christians.
Buford, tell your Idiot Christian pals to show up again next year for a repeat performance. :cool:

But if they were smart they would wear helmets next time.

Just sayin.......... :badgrin:
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The muslims didn't get arrested.

So apparently they were the victims.

Deal with it retard. :razz:

The cops are muslims and the muslims used violence, not the Christians.
Buford, tell your Idiot Christian pals to show up again next year for a repeat performance. :cool:

But if they were smart they would wear helmets next time.

Just sayin.......... :badgrin:

Please, continue. Many lurkers are getting a first-hand look at Sharia Law. You're making this too easy.
Please, continue. Many lurkers are getting a first-hand look at Sharia Law. You're making this too easy.
This incident has zero to do with Sharia Law.

Just average people defending themselves against rabid harassment by fundy christians out to cause trouble.
Perhaps they wanted to demonstrate how easily Muslims are enraged. If you wanted to provoke a violent response in some other community maybe you could, but would it be this easy?

If muslims did this at a christian festival would I expect the dumbest members of the festival congregation to do what the dumbest muslims at this festival did? Yes.

Remember the days right after 9/11? Retard christian fundies all over this country were doing this exact stuff to muslims and their places of worship.

I hate to be the one who informs you, but your religion doesn't automatically make you superior to other members of different religions.

I hate to be the one to inform you of this, but the muslims were throwing stones and other objects, not the Christians.

In this instance, yes. In other instances, no.

Neither muslims nor christians in this country are above this sort of thing purely bc of their religion.
Hard to argue with evidence like that

There already is evidence, if fact I mentioned right in the sentence you didn't feel like highlighting, coincidentally I'm sure.

Remember the days right after 9/11? Retard christian fundies all over this country were doing this exact stuff to muslims and their places of worship.

So again no, your side isn't "above" this like you're trying to pretend.

The “persecution” of Muslims has always been greatly exaggerated. Are there some cases of Muslims being victimized? Yes, but Muslims are victimized far far less often than many other groups, and the exaggerated status of Muslim as victims is used to encourage the real persecution of non-Muslims in the Muslims world. If you buy into the false claims that the Muslims are the great victims then you are encouraging the far greater brutality that is occuring in the Muslim world.

American muslims aren't victims, foreign muslims who we shoot the heads off of are, but not american muslims.

They are the most likely to be bigotted against by our society, but I still don't think that's enough to call them victims.

Yes the persecution has often been exaggerated, but not by me. All I'm saying, which I've repeated multiple times already, is that looking back at what many christians did to muslims and their place of worship is the exact same thing we're seeing done at this festival in terms of the muslims throwing rocks, etc.
Please, continue. Many lurkers are getting a first-hand look at Sharia Law. You're making this too easy.
This incident has zero to do with Sharia Law.

Just average people defending themselves against rabid harassment by fundy christians out to cause trouble.

The "average people" don't throw rocks or other harmful objects at people using their Constitutional rights. Perhaps this is an example of what ignorant muslims operating under Sharia Law would do.

Spin it any way you like. Intelligent people can make up their own minds as to what is happening. I don't need to spin it.
There already is evidence, if fact I mentioned right in the sentence you didn't feel like highlighting, coincidentally I'm sure.

Remember the days right after 9/11? Retard christian fundies all over this country were doing this exact stuff to muslims and their places of worship.

So again no, your side isn't "above" this like you're trying to pretend.

The “persecution” of Muslims has always been greatly exaggerated. Are there some cases of Muslims being victimized? Yes, but Muslims are victimized far far less often than many other groups, and the exaggerated status of Muslim as victims is used to encourage the real persecution of non-Muslims in the Muslims world. If you buy into the false claims that the Muslims are the great victims then you are encouraging the far greater brutality that is occuring in the Muslim world.

American muslims aren't victims, foreign muslims who we shoot the heads off of are, but not american muslims.

They are the most likely to be bigotted against by our society, but I still don't think that's enough to call them victims.

Yes the persecution has often been exaggerated, but not by me. All I'm saying, which I've repeated multiple times already, is that looking back at what many christians did to muslims and their place of worship is the exact same thing we're seeing done at this festival in terms of the muslims throwing rocks, etc.

So the muslims at this "festival" are excused and throwing rocks and other objects at Christians is permissible. Got it. How about Christians who have had family murdered by muslims? Are they allowed to throw rocks and other objects at Muslims?
The “persecution” of Muslims has always been greatly exaggerated. Are there some cases of Muslims being victimized? Yes, but Muslims are victimized far far less often than many other groups, and the exaggerated status of Muslim as victims is used to encourage the real persecution of non-Muslims in the Muslims world. If you buy into the false claims that the Muslims are the great victims then you are encouraging the far greater brutality that is occuring in the Muslim world.

American muslims aren't victims, foreign muslims who we shoot the heads off of are, but not american muslims.

They are the most likely to be bigotted against by our society, but I still don't think that's enough to call them victims.

Yes the persecution has often been exaggerated, but not by me. All I'm saying, which I've repeated multiple times already, is that looking back at what many christians did to muslims and their place of worship is the exact same thing we're seeing done at this festival in terms of the muslims throwing rocks, etc.

So the muslims at this "festival" are excused and throwing rocks and other objects at Christians is permissible. Got it. How about Christians who have had family murdered by muslims? Are they allowed to throw rocks and other objects at Muslims?

Did I say it was permissable? Of course not, actually I said directly to you that those idiots should be arrested. So you either just lied or have a very very short memory. I guess anything to further push the "I'm a christian, I'm a victim of muslims" narrative.

No, no one is allowed to throw rocks at anyone in this country.
It gets better.

What "Christian laws" were they breaking?
Are you really this stupid Buford?

For the last time numb nuts;

The Christians were Not breaking any laws. Not man's laws. Not God's laws. Period.

Now it's your turn Buford.

Answer my 2 simple questions coward.

Exactly why were the Christians there?

And what did they hope to accomplish?

I see, so you think the christians in this video were trying to win over the muslims with Jesus's message of love and forgiveness?
You’re the one who’s claiming they’re violating some “Law of Jesus” by being critical of what they see as evil…even though this is something that Jesus did.

Maybe you missed my question, I'll provide it again.

I see, so you think the christians in this video were trying to win over the muslims with Jesus's message of love and forgiveness?

Ive said this before and i'll say it again, they were protesting the Fact that Christians are oppressed in dearborn by Muslims. Christians only have certain streets they are allowed to preach on there, this is totally unconstitutional and Muslims there are constantly attacking Christians simply because they are Christians.
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It gets better.

What "Christian laws" were they breaking?
Are you really this stupid Buford?

For the last time numb nuts;

The Christians were Not breaking any laws. Not man's laws. Not God's laws. Period.

Now it's your turn Buford.

Answer my 2 simple questions coward.

Exactly why were the Christians there?

And what did they hope to accomplish?

You’re the one who’s claiming they’re violating some “Law of Jesus” by being critical of what they see as evil…even though this is something that Jesus did.

Maybe you missed my question, I'll provide it again.

I see, so you think the christians in this video were trying to win over the muslims with Jesus's message of love and forgiveness?

Ive said this before and i'll say it again, they were protesting the Fact that Christians are oppressed in dearborn by Muslims. Christians only have certain streets they are allowed to preach on there this sis totally unconstitutional and Muslims there are constantly attacking Christians simply because they are Christians.

It has nothing to do with the Constitution, it is the city that has an ordinance that pertains to where and when you may assemble in public.
American muslims aren't victims, foreign muslims who we shoot the heads off of are, but not american muslims.

They are the most likely to be bigotted against by our society, but I still don't think that's enough to call them victims.

Yes the persecution has often been exaggerated, but not by me. All I'm saying, which I've repeated multiple times already, is that looking back at what many christians did to muslims and their place of worship is the exact same thing we're seeing done at this festival in terms of the muslims throwing rocks, etc.

So the muslims at this "festival" are excused and throwing rocks and other objects at Christians is permissible. Got it. How about Christians who have had family murdered by muslims? Are they allowed to throw rocks and other objects at Muslims?

Did I say it was permissable? Of course not, actually I said directly to you that those idiots should be arrested. So you either just lied or have a very very short memory. I guess anything to further push the "I'm a christian, I'm a victim of muslims" narrative.

No, no one is allowed to throw rocks at anyone in this country.

Thanks for getting specific. No one is allowed to throw rocks at anyone in the USA because they don't like what they say. Did you hear that, Sunni twit.
Are you really this stupid Buford?

For the last time numb nuts;

The Christians were Not breaking any laws. Not man's laws. Not God's laws. Period.

Now it's your turn Buford.

Answer my 2 simple questions coward.

Exactly why were the Christians there?

And what did they hope to accomplish?

Maybe you missed my question, I'll provide it again.

I see, so you think the christians in this video were trying to win over the muslims with Jesus's message of love and forgiveness?

Ive said this before and i'll say it again, they were protesting the Fact that Christians are oppressed in dearborn by Muslims. Christians only have certain streets they are allowed to preach on there this sis totally unconstitutional and Muslims there are constantly attacking Christians simply because they are Christians.

It has nothing to do with the Constitution, it is the city that has an ordinance that pertains to where and when you may assemble in public.

Why didn't the muslim cops arrest the muslims who were throwing rocks?
Why didn't the muslim cops arrest the muslims who were throwing rocks?
Buford, you keep saying the police at the protest were muslim.

Do you have any evidence or a link to prove that the cops there were muslim?

Or is that just another one of your lies?? :cool:
Are you really this stupid Buford?

For the last time numb nuts;

The Christians were Not breaking any laws. Not man's laws. Not God's laws. Period.

Now it's your turn Buford.

Answer my 2 simple questions coward.

Exactly why were the Christians there?

And what did they hope to accomplish?

Maybe you missed my question, I'll provide it again.

I see, so you think the christians in this video were trying to win over the muslims with Jesus's message of love and forgiveness?

Ive said this before and i'll say it again, they were protesting the Fact that Christians are oppressed in dearborn by Muslims. Christians only have certain streets they are allowed to preach on there this sis totally unconstitutional and Muslims there are constantly attacking Christians simply because they are Christians.

It has nothing to do with the Constitution, it is the city that has an ordinance that pertains to where and when you may assemble in public.

Don't tell me what i know pal i live just two hours from the place and im Christian, so i know all the rules there, even the unspoken ones you likely don't even know about.
Thanks for getting specific. No one is allowed to throw rocks at anyone in the USA because they don't like what they say. Did you hear that, Sunni
People who protest muslim events do so at their own peril.

We aren't turn the other cheek Christians.

Fact :cool:

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