American Patriot David Duke: Charge Obama With Treason For Supporting ISIS In Syria

David Duke is more conservative than any of the neo-con pretenders in the GOP.

Maybe now he is, but when he was n the KKK he was a die hard Democrat.

It is part of the far left programming to forget that part..

Southern Democrats were more conservative than the modern day GOP.

"Were", being the key word. They're no longer Democrats but a mixture of Independent, GOP and Teabags. A lot are like David Duke. Fruitier than a nut cake and dumb as a pile of Rocks.
As well as Congress to. Once again, former Louisiana House Representative David Duke hits the nail on the head while ignoring political correctness. I have to say that Duke would make a fine president. Unlike Obama, he is a natural born Citizen and actually Constitutionally eligible for Article 2 Section 1. He believes in preserving our sovereignty and adhearing to the principles this nation was founded on and that isn't bad. As for ISIS, I will let patriotic David Duke explain in his own words below.

Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason - David | David

Everything that is happening today would have still happened even if Bush/McCain/Romney were in office. We should have never started this way. And no one likes Bush's puppet Al Malaki. Who are we going to bomb? Isis? What if they take over? We will then have to negotiate with them, which may be inevidible. Maybe they are who should run Iraq? Let the chips fall where they may. Even Republicans don't want to go back in and don't know what they would do but they won't tell you that.

Oh yea, and even though Obama's approval on this is down, people like what he is doing or like what he is not doing. So funny people don't like Obama because of what is going on over there but they like what he is doing. How stupid are people huh?
David Duke. Seriously?

I dont think there is a facepalm big enough for this.
If this guy had a (D) next to his name the far left here would support him without question or hesitation.

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh wait they did!
The thread is about Duke, who was elected as a Republican. You can't handle that, so of course, you try to divert the thread to be about Byrd.
No, this thread is about Dukes opinion about Obama and Congress supporting ISIS rebels in Syria. Is Duke wrong or right?

"I say that this policy has occurred because of Zionist Jewish agents and their collaborators in high places in the United States Government, and in the mass media, who are in service to the admitted Zionist plan to support al Qaeda elements in order to perpetuate bloodbath and chaos in nations of Syria and Iraq which they see are strategic enemies of Israel."

This is from that same article. I think he is wrong. Do you think he is right?
The thread is about Duke, who was elected as a Republican. You can't handle that, so of course, you try to divert the thread to be about Byrd.
No, this thread is about Dukes opinion about Obama and Congress supporting ISIS rebels in Syria. Is Duke wrong or right?

"I say that this policy has occurred because of Zionist Jewish agents and their collaborators in high places in the United States Government, and in the mass media, who are in service to the admitted Zionist plan to support al Qaeda elements in order to perpetuate bloodbath and chaos in nations of Syria and Iraq which they see are strategic enemies of Israel."

This is from that same article. I think he is wrong. Do you think he is right?

Why are we forever in the business of the Middle East? It's not oil.
Oh yes it is.:cuckoo:
No, it's not. Why would anyone, except a racist perhaps, give a flying fuck what another racist thinks about a black person?

Try thinking and not reacting. The issue is foreign affairs, not skin color.

Duke has a checkered past, but it doesn't mean he's not right on this.
He's still a racist and it matters not what a racist thinks about a black person. It's safe to assume that anything he says is tainted by his bigotry.
No, it's not. Why would anyone, except a racist perhaps, give a flying fuck what another racist thinks about a black person?

Try thinking and not reacting. The issue is foreign affairs, not skin color.

Duke has a checkered past, but it doesn't mean he's not right on this.

Even if he is right, that doesn't mean it's wise to invoke his name in pushing it.

If he's right, that is the issue.
No, it's not. Why would anyone, except a racist perhaps, give a flying fuck what another racist thinks about a black person?

Try thinking and not reacting. The issue is foreign affairs, not skin color.

Duke has a checkered past, but it doesn't mean he's not right on this.
He's still a racist and it matters not what a racist thinks about a black person. It's safe to assume that anything he says is tainted by his bigotry.

So by that measure a person who dislikes any particular race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc. can never comment on any issue that a person fitting into one of those categories has some involvement. If you hate republicans, you now are forbidden from commenting on anything they say or do. Well done. :eusa_clap:
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No, this thread is about Dukes opinion about Obama and Congress supporting ISIS rebels in Syria. Is Duke wrong or right?

"I say that this policy has occurred because of Zionist Jewish agents and their collaborators in high places in the United States Government, and in the mass media, who are in service to the admitted Zionist plan to support al Qaeda elements in order to perpetuate bloodbath and chaos in nations of Syria and Iraq which they see are strategic enemies of Israel."

This is from that same article. I think he is wrong. Do you think he is right?

Why are we forever in the business of the Middle East? It's not oil.

Why did we support the Shah in Iran between 1954 and 1979? Why do we continue to support the Saudis who export terrorism and are one of the strictest Islamic Society on the planet? It ain't cause they export bananas brother.

If suddenly all the oil wells in the ME went dry, how long would we remain embroiled in that part of the world? If their chief export were sand, we wouldn't have ever given a damn.
Try thinking and not reacting. The issue is foreign affairs, not skin color.

Duke has a checkered past, but it doesn't mean he's not right on this.
He's still a racist and it matters not what a racist thinks about a black person. It's safe to assume that anything he says is tainted by his bigotry.

So by that measure a person who dislikes any particular race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc. can never comment on any issue that a person fitting into one of those categories has some involvement. If you hate republicans, you now are forbidden from commenting on anything they say or do. Well done. :eusa_clap:

A racist can comment on blacks all they want. But don't expect anyone other than racists to care about their opinions.
As well as Congress to. Once again, former Louisiana House Representative David Duke hits the nail on the head while ignoring political correctness. I have to say that Duke would make a fine president. Unlike Obama, he is a natural born Citizen and actually Constitutionally eligible for Article 2 Section 1. He believes in preserving our sovereignty and adhearing to the principles this nation was founded on and that isn't bad. As for ISIS, I will let patriotic David Duke explain in his own words below.

Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason - David | David

Ladies and Gents, this is no different than finding a lot to like about many (most?) Muslims.

They can be fine individuals EXCEPT for the trivial little flaw of wanting Jews to be persecuted and killed.

David Duke is despicable.

But give the debil his due.

Even though he is wrong when it comes to his ideas of race relations, he happens to be right about what is wrong with America.
He's still a racist and it matters not what a racist thinks about a black person. It's safe to assume that anything he says is tainted by his bigotry.

So by that measure a person who dislikes any particular race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc. can never comment on any issue that a person fitting into one of those categories has some involvement. If you hate republicans, you now are forbidden from commenting on anything they say or do. Well done. :eusa_clap:

A racist can comment on blacks all they want. But don't expect anyone other than racists to care about their opinions.

You lack the requisite cognitive ability to even think about having this discussion. Have a swell day.
So by that measure a person who dislikes any particular race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc. can never comment on any issue that a person fitting into one of those categories has some involvement. If you hate republicans, you now are forbidden from commenting on anything they say or do. Well done. :eusa_clap:

A racist can comment on blacks all they want. But don't expect anyone other than racists to care about their opinions.

You lack the requisite cognitive ability to even think about having this discussion. Have a swell day.
My day is going just fine, thanks.
No, it's not. Why would anyone, except a racist perhaps, give a flying fuck what another racist thinks about a black person?

Try thinking and not reacting. The issue is foreign affairs, not skin color.

Duke has a checkered past, but it doesn't mean he's not right on this.
He's still a racist and it matters not what a racist thinks about a black person. It's safe to assume that anything he says is tainted by his bigotry.

Your position is indefensible. And if taken to the ultimate conclusion we can see that your position is a flawed position to take.

Would you disregard information he'd possibly pass on to you or others which could save the life of your parents or children or other loved ones?

No. You would probably thank him for that information.

So, your position is flawed.

Why not change it?
Wouldn't that be KKK Grand We earn David Duke?
Former Grand Wizard, yes. And it is irrelevant to the topic.

How about his Antisemitism and his Jew-baiting. Is that relevant to anything?
It's right there in his poorly written diatribe. Want some examples?

The government admits that Syria is now an international Jihad with thousands of the most radical, terrorist Muslim extremists streaming into support it from all over the world.​

It should read 'in to' as in two separate words.

So, the inescapable truth is that Barack Hussein Obama and most of the United States Congress has supported the most dangerous enemies of America, terrorist organizations who have come out of al Qaeda which the government claims was behind the worst civilian massacre in American history!​

It should read 'have' since Duke is referring to the president AND most of congress.

In fact, the truth be known, Israel itself is state created by terrorism, first against the British and then against the Palestinians.​

I'll skip over the fact that the first six words are poorly written. What's more important is that I think Duke dropped the word "a" which should have gone before the word state.

I see that Duke claims to have a PhD. In what discipline, it doesn't say. At any rate, he now refers to himself as Dr. Duke. Hmm. Show me a self-respecting man who's earned a PhD after years of hard work who would put his name on something so sloppily written and then put it out on his own website for all to read!. Hell, if an undergraduate student did this kind of a sloppy job on a term paper that wasn't even considered for publication, he would end up getting his paper back with red marks all over it. So, I seriously DOUBT that Duke has a PhD in anything other than unadulterated idiocy.

But that doesn't mean he's not smart enough to take advantage of the unadulterated idiocy of others. That's where YOU come in!

I noticed there's a link on Duke's website that has the heading of "Help Dr Duke's Work." No doubt he's soliciting money from dupes and fools like you. I'm not asking if you send him money. I don't care one way or the other. If you're stupid enough to fall for this guy's shtick of pandering to racists and antisemites so he can profit off their ignorance and make a living while he's doing it, you deserve what you get. I was just thinking that maybe you could do him a favor and either tell him to hire a proof reader who's at least graduated high school (no GED), or tell him to stop by the local junior high and pick up one of their English textbooks to help him compose his next hard-hitting piece of schlock.
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Try thinking and not reacting. The issue is foreign affairs, not skin color.

Duke has a checkered past, but it doesn't mean he's not right on this.
He's still a racist and it matters not what a racist thinks about a black person. It's safe to assume that anything he says is tainted by his bigotry.

Your position is indefensible. And if taken to the ultimate conclusion we can see that your position is a flawed position to take.

Would you disregard information he'd possibly pass on to you or others which could save the life of your parents or children or other loved ones?

No. You would probably thank him for that information.

So, your position is flawed.

Why not change it?

I'm truly not concerned that devout racists like Duke will be in the sole possession of life-saving information.
He's still a racist and it matters not what a racist thinks about a black person. It's safe to assume that anything he says is tainted by his bigotry.

Your position is indefensible. And if taken to the ultimate conclusion we can see that your position is a flawed position to take.

Would you disregard information he'd possibly pass on to you or others which could save the life of your parents or children or other loved ones?

No. You would probably thank him for that information.

So, your position is flawed.

Why not change it?

I'm truly not concerned that devout racists like Duke will be in the sole possession of life-saving information.

You mean like a true far left Obama drone racist like yourself?
Your position is indefensible. And if taken to the ultimate conclusion we can see that your position is a flawed position to take.

Would you disregard information he'd possibly pass on to you or others which could save the life of your parents or children or other loved ones?

No. You would probably thank him for that information.

So, your position is flawed.

Why not change it?

I'm truly not concerned that devout racists like Duke will be in the sole possession of life-saving information.

You mean like a true far left Obama drone racist like yourself?
I see you're stuck on stupid. Let me know when you expand your vocabulary.

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