American Patriot Ted Nugent Hammers Down On The Media's Hypocrisy!

What? Don't try to change the subject. Address the facts.
You deny those crimes against those people occurred?
You deny that the criminals pictured did them?
I didn't change the subject at all and I did address the facts. I openly stated that blacks commit more crimes. I also openly stated that we should ask why and not just be bigots.

I also stated that Ted Nugent is a puss.
Ted Nugent made a FB post tonight that is going viral and he is getting massive positive feedback.

Nugent's about as much of a patriot as you are. Your kind of "patriots" are some of the worst rotten apples in the barrel. You really stink up the American pie.
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I didn't change the subject at all and I did address the facts. I openly stated that blacks commit more crimes. I also openly stated that we should ask why and not just be bigots.

I also stated that Ted Nugent is a puss.

Who is being a "bigot"? Me?..for showing pictures of white crime victims and the negroes who committed the crimes against them? THAT is "bigotry"?
You made smart ass comments about those crime victims and I called you on you're backing down. It's the smart thing to do at this point.
I didn't change the subject at all and I did address the facts. I openly stated that blacks commit more crimes. I also openly stated that we should ask why and not just be bigots.

I also stated that Ted Nugent is a puss.
I live in Red State America. I've PERSONALLY seen hard black workers denied jobs because everyone around me is a primitive minded idiot like you. And this has been happening for decades.

Low income = bad education. Bad education = most violent offenders...Red state or Blue state....Facts..
Who is being a "bigot"? Me?..for showing pictures of white crime victims and the negroes who committed the crimes against them? THAT is "bigotry"?
You made smart ass comments about those crime victims and I called you on you're backing down. It's the smart thing to do at this point.

Any kind of crismism against blacks at all = bigotry! Remember this...As we don't have any rights when dealing with these assholes.
I live in Red State America. I've PERSONALLY seen hard black workers denied jobs because everyone around me is a primitive minded idiot like you. And this has been happening for decades.

Low income = bad education. Bad education = most violent offenders...Red state or Blue state....Facts..
Now you've completely abandoned your position and tried to change the subject ....again. A sure sign that you're desperate.

and your juvenile name calling is revealing. You're obviously projecting your own insecurities and shortcomings...
Who is being a "bigot"? Me?..for showing pictures of white crime victims and the negroes who committed the crimes against them? THAT is "bigotry"?
You made smart ass comments about those crime victims and I called you on you're backing down. It's the smart thing to do at this point.

We need to start protesting everytime a black kills a white person.
Now you've completely abandoned your position and tried to change the subject ....again. A sure sign that you're desperate.
My position never changed LOL! I use to be a bigot, I don't hate you. But you should learn what you are so the educated don't judge you. Bigotry was taught by our families, it isn't natural. You should accept that your family raised you as a bigot and start wondering why these black people commit crimes instead of just judging them. Only then, you will learn about politics and racism.
My position never changed LOL! I use to be a bigot, I don't hate you. But you should learn what you are so the educated don't judge you. Bigotry was taught by our families, it isn't natural. You should accept that your family raised you as a bigot and start wondering why these black people commit crimes instead of just judging them. Only then, you will learn about politics and racism.
You're projecting again.
The hypocrisy is the bobbleheads on CNN and Fox screaming how the media is responsible for sensationalizing the issue and need to stop. Then they go to to their reporters on the scene and discuss it for the next 24 hours.
American patriot Ted Nugent...

(stops speaking mid-sentence and makes a face like he just swallowed a bug then clears his throat and spits)

Tug Nugent may be many things, but patriot is not among them.
Your link was an epic fail. Looked like it was made by a KKK underground group. Someone must have maxed out their EBT card to make that website.

Blacks are arrested, and tried at a higher rate, this has nothing to do with Michael Brown's death, which is not a murder, unless some really startling evidence is hidden. Thus the OP gives credence to the "murder" tag. The OP is not a conservative of course, just a KKK wannabe crap stirrer.
American pedophile and pants-shitter, Ted Nugent race baits. And the far right, who cry about liberal race baiting, gobble it up and regurgitate it all over their echo chamber.

Who gives a shit?
no matter what your political affiliation you can't disagree with ted on this one. our media is a disgrace
i can. how many of those people in his list died at the hands of cops?
None. That isn't the point. The point is the selective way the media pushes or ignores certain story lines.
Black on white nugent pointed out don't make the cut...but saint michael of brown...a thief who attacked a cop and got made "good" for it and the media frenzy goes on for days and days...
....but you don't get that, do you? Doesn't fit your agenda.
Blacks are arrested, and tried at a higher rate, this has nothing to do with Michael Brown's death, which is not a murder, unless some really startling evidence is hidden. Thus the OP gives credence to the "murder" tag. The OP is not a conservative of course, just a KKK wannabe crap stirrer.
..but you won't address the plague of black on white crime..and because I point it out and it makes you uncomfortable, you think calling me names is a substitute for intelligent discussion.
Very revealing.

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