American Teacher Trapped In Afghanistan: ‘It Is Insane…We Are In Huge Danger And We Need Help’

You have to have principals.
Giving some moron with a badge less reason to point his gun at you is worth doing. Your life is more valuable than that. That's not safeguarding your principles. That's letting your pride and ego get you killed.
I respect them being the same type of warriors that I am.
Well I don't understand it. Maybe I'm not meant to.
If it wasn't obvious I am suggesting it's selfish to forget them in your outlook on this. The prevention of their suffering matters more than your ego. And yes, it is your ego whether you realize it or not.
I'm not forgetting them. I am teaching them to never lay down. Thats what the enemy wants you to do. Give up and surrender.
Why the teacher want to put american soldiers in harms way when they had a year to leave?

Because the US government sponsored them to go there and put no real pressure on them to leave.

It is called responsibility.

A government takes care of its people but this Democrat government doesn't.

I saw a report this morning from a contract security person that worked at the embassy. He was told as early as Monday that they had until the First of September to leave.
Giving some moron with a badge less reason to point his gun at you is worth doing.
I am who I am. There is nothing I can do to keep from having a gun pointed at me if thats what that "moron" wants to do. They are going to find a reason no matter what. That is clearly obvious and illustrated throughout history.
I saw a report this morning from a contract security person that worked at the embassy. He was told as early as Monday that they had until the First of September to leave.
When was he told that and why haven't you provided a link?
I am who I am. There is nothing I can do to keep from having a gun pointed at me if thats what that "moron" wants to do. They are going to find a reason no matter what. That is clearly obvious and illustrated throughout history.
There are absolutely things you can do to reduce your likelihood of being victimized by the police. Quiet compliance. Yes sir. No sir. I understand sir. Cops love that shit. Why does it bother you? Use your manners to work your way out of potentially complicated situations. It's a tool that works particularly well on dumb people. You'll never see that moron again so fuck it.
You have to pick better battles man. In that context it is not the time to make a stand.
That's just a lot of words for what it really is. Inconsistency. Either you stand for something or you don't. You cant waffle just because you might die.
Quiet compliance. Yes sir. No sir. I understand sir. Cops love that shit.
I'm not calling a cop sir. That's a term of respect and I don't respect most of the cops I have met. My only words are "am I being detained?"
That's just a lot of words for what it really is. Inconsistency. Either you stand for something or you don't. You cant waffle just because you might die.
You can't win in that context though. It's okay to recognize and avoid a battlefield that puts you at a disadvantage. I'm sure Sun Tzu covered this. Do you want to win or do you want to be a martyr?
That's a term of respect and I don't respect most of the cops
You don't have to respect somebody to use a term of respect to manipulate their disposition in a way that benefits you. In fact I think that's a sign of the opposite.
You can't win in that context though. It's okay to recognize and avoid a battlefield that puts you at a disadvantage. I'm sure Sun Tzu covered this. Do you want to win or do you want to be a martyr?
I'm already at a disadvantage and I have no way of gaining an advantage other than not bowing. I'm not going to win by bowing. In fact that will embolden the asswipe to do it other Black people. I could care less about being a martyr. I'm not built like that.
You don't have to respect people to use a term of respect to manipulate their disposition in a way that benefits you.
Again its the principle. I use that word (sir) when addressing older men and peers that I respect. I have other ways to manipulate the situation without basically punking out. "whats your badge number?, Am I being detained? No you cannot search my car unless you have a warrant to do so." All these put the assholes on notice that I am aware of my rights and they are going to have to kill me in order to get their satisfaction.
When was he told that and why haven't you provided a link?

Because it is a security contractor posting on another forum and the management of this forum doesn't like for us to quote other forums.

Why are little shitheads like you in denial about the incompetency of the Dufus administration? You know that it makes you little Moon Bats look like fools given the destruction we are all seeing, don't you?
Because it is a security contractor posting on another forum and the management of this forum doesn't like for us to quote other forums.
You conservatives lie a lot or lack reading comprehension so I cant take something you say seriously if you dont have the documentation to back it up. I have been burned before trusting you guys only to find out you were lying or didn't understand what you were reading.

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