American Tinderbox


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
For some time now, residents of some US cities have noted occasional incidents of seemingly random, racially motivated violence in which young Black males are involved. The hot weather and bad economy seem to be combining to generate a small but possibly significant uptick this year. The national media are doing their best to avoid looking too closely at this disturbing phenomenon, and perhaps for good reason. What the United States doesn’t need is a media firestorm that triggers copycat violence.

Nevertheless some attention should be paid:

American Tinderbox | Via Meadia
For some time now, residents of some US cities have noted occasional incidents of seemingly random, racially motivated violence in which young Black males are involved. The hot weather and bad economy seem to be combining to generate a small but possibly significant uptick this year. The national media are doing their best to avoid looking too closely at this disturbing phenomenon, and perhaps for good reason. What the United States doesn’t need is a media firestorm that triggers copycat violence.

Nevertheless some attention should be paid:

American Tinderbox | Via Meadia

How dare you try to improve our plight.

Eminent domain used to push out blacks, suit says - Washington Times
Not a lot of media coverage of these recent events.

And where are Al and Jesse and others? They're missing a hell of a good chance to elbow each other out from in front of the nearest news camera.
[ame=]‪****** Eating Watermelon‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Interesting to see if London's black riots hit the U.S. in quite the same way. The thing is, it'll be impossible for the media to cover it up because of blogs, the Internet, cellphone video, etc. You're fucked, Jew media!
While blacks watch the flashmob/riots on TV and get excited, alot of white folks are waking up to a racial reality.

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