Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem

Blacks killing twice as many whites per year
Burning down businesses and expecting them to move into or stay into their communities? lol
Blacks going around and attacking whites.

Blacks should look in the mirror as they will find the solution to most of their problems. It isn't only whites that have problems.
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Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back?
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.
What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News

You're right Jakey, if Obama was white then all conservatives would love his far left radical ideology. You know, just like they did with Clinton.

Do you even stop and listen to yourself?
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.

they are no more divisive than the left was during the latter part of bush's presidency. stop carry the democratic party's water.

btw...i notice you can't back up that it has to do with race. typical jake style, make claims and then run away when asked to back them up.

We have a race problems.

Minorities breed like bunnies.

And can't afford the upkeep.

That's a problem.
No, you aren't a racist. :lmao:

USMB, the premier hate site on the interweb.
What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News

You're right Jakey, if Obama was white then all conservatives would love his far left radical ideology. You know, just like they did with Clinton.

Do you even stop and listen to yourself?

if he did stop to listen he would stop claiming to be a republican...90% of posts and threads are in line with far left liberal ideology
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.

they are no more divisive than the left was during the latter part of bush's presidency. stop carry the democratic party's water.

btw...i notice you can't back up that it has to do with race. typical jake style, make claims and then run away when asked to back them up.
How about all of the issues your ilk has with Obama...are the same issues that existed under white presidents in the past. Regan granted amnesty. Bush created spying on Americans. The list goes on...but your lk only blames Obama and weren't so vocal under any other Presidency.

Hypocrites, racists...teapers. They are destroying America and true conservatism
What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News

You're right Jakey, if Obama was white then all conservatives would love his far left radical ideology. You know, just like they did with Clinton.

Do you even stop and listen to yourself?

if he did stop to listen he would stop claiming to be a republican...90% of posts and threads are in line with far left liberal ideology
Not really...he just doesn't fall prey to the hypocrisy, hate, hysteria, and hyperbole the teapers have introduced to the GOP.
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.

I don't think being opposed to thugs burning down or looting businesses is something I'd describe as sick. At least not as sick as the assholes doing the destruction. How exactly is supporting crime going to help anyone??? How is blindly allowing a innocent person that needed to use self defense to be lynched good for America??? (Wilson, Zimmerman, etc) Sometimes you fight for better even if it is politically hard.
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.
Lol... your spin is interesting to say the least.
What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News

You're right Jakey, if Obama was white then all conservatives would love his far left radical ideology. You know, just like they did with Clinton.

Do you even stop and listen to yourself?

if he did stop to listen he would stop claiming to be a republican...90% of posts and threads are in line with far left liberal ideology
Not really...he just doesn't fall prey to the hypocrisy, hate, hysteria, and hyperbole the teapers have introduced to the GOP.

I don't see the teapers rioting, burning and destroying peoples property. Pointing out evidence and being opposed to such things don't raise to the same level of evil.
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.

they are no more divisive than the left was during the latter part of bush's presidency. stop carry the democratic party's water.

btw...i notice you can't back up that it has to do with race. typical jake style, make claims and then run away when asked to back them up.
How about all of the issues your ilk has with Obama...are the same issues that existed under white presidents in the past. Regan granted amnesty. Bush created spying on Americans. The list goes on...but your lk only blames Obama and weren't so vocal under any other Presidency.

Hypocrites, racists...teapers. They are destroying America and true conservatism

who are my ilk? i'm not a republican. and fyi...dems were against spying until obama expanded it...parties pull that crap all the time, against it when the other party is on office. if you think this is the first time that has happened you need to bone up on history and politics.

comparing what obama tried to do with what reagan did shows you really need to study history.

The actions taken by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — examples often cited by White House officials — were attempts to address ambiguities in an immigration law that was passed by Congress. Obama’s executive actions are different. They are a response to congressional failure to pass a law, and they affect a far greater number of immigrants currently living in the country illegally.
Obama s Actions Same as Past Presidents
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.
Can you give examples? I don't agree.
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.
Lol... your spin is interesting to say the least.
What spin..specifically, how has Obama been simply disagreeing with you. Did he choke out eric Garber. Did he shoot the thug in SC? Be specific, if you can, teaper.
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.

they are no more divisive than the left was during the latter part of bush's presidency. stop carry the democratic party's water.

btw...i notice you can't back up that it has to do with race. typical jake style, make claims and then run away when asked to back them up.

Blacks need to realize that they have crime problem. If they can't fix it...Why should we be happy about the ghetto spreading through our cities?
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.

Hey Dodo, does "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" ring a bell?

How about the Hussein administration ordering George Zimmerman be charged, when it was clear he was not guilty from the start?

Barry is all about community organizing, which is really just code for stirring shit up. Nine times out of ten, progressives like to stir up racial and class warfare stories.
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.
Lol... your spin is interesting to say the least.
What spin..specifically, how has Obama been simply disagreeing with you. Did he choke out eric Garber. Did he shoot the thug in SC? Be specific, if you can, teaper.
I wrote how he has been divisive..he and Holder both..Holder is working expressly for Obama and Sharpton. I agree with you on Eric Garner. The police officer was at fault.

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