Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem

Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.

they are no more divisive than the left was during the latter part of bush's presidency. stop carry the democratic party's water.

btw...i notice you can't back up that it has to do with race. typical jake style, make claims and then run away when asked to back them up.
How about all of the issues your ilk has with Obama...are the same issues that existed under white presidents in the past. Regan granted amnesty. Bush created spying on Americans. The list goes on...but your lk only blames Obama and weren't so vocal under any other Presidency.

Hypocrites, racists...teapers. They are destroying America and true conservatism

who are my ilk? i'm not a republican. and fyi...dems were against spying until obama expanded it...parties pull that crap all the time, against it when the other party is on office. if you think this is the first time that has happened you need to bone up on history and politics.
Your ilk are the racist teapers you support. As for the spying on Americans...I am talking more about the NSA and the Patriot Act. But yeah...Nixon was pretty good at spying too!
comparing what obama tried to do with what reagan did shows you really need to study history.
No, I am smply pointing out that Reagan granted amnesty to the threats of a civil or race war was there.
The actions taken by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — examples often cited by White House officials — were attempts to address ambiguities in an immigration law that was passed by Congress. Obama’s executive actions are different. They are a response to congressional failure to pass a law, and they affect a far greater number of immigrants currently living in the country illegally.
Obama s Actions Same as Past Presidents

Teaper justification is funny. (You may not be a teaper, but you sure act like one sometimes).

Truth is truth...where was the outrage under those Presidents? Oh, it didn't exist because they weren't a POTUS of a darker hue.
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.

Hey Dodo, does "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" ring a bell?

How about the Hussein administration ordering George Zimmerman be charged, when it was clear he was not guilty from the start?

Barry is all about community organizing, which is really just code for stirring shit up. Nine times out of ten, progressives like to stir up racial and class warfare stories.
Still...not really an example...just you being an upset teaper that Obama is a negro.
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.
Lol... your spin is interesting to say the least.
What spin..specifically, how has Obama been simply disagreeing with you. Did he choke out eric Garber. Did he shoot the thug in SC? Be specific, if you can, teaper.
I wrote how he has been divisive..he and Holder both..Holder is working expressly for Obama and Sharpton. I agree with you on Eric Garner. The police officer was at fault.
No, you haven' wrote how you disagree with Obama. You have yet to make any concrete connection...but hate will blind the best of me...especially low info teapers looking for a reason to criticze a n1gger.
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.

they are no more divisive than the left was during the latter part of bush's presidency. stop carry the democratic party's water.

btw...i notice you can't back up that it has to do with race. typical jake style, make claims and then run away when asked to back them up.
How about all of the issues your ilk has with Obama...are the same issues that existed under white presidents in the past. Regan granted amnesty. Bush created spying on Americans. The list goes on...but your lk only blames Obama and weren't so vocal under any other Presidency.

Hypocrites, racists...teapers. They are destroying America and true conservatism

who are my ilk? i'm not a republican. and fyi...dems were against spying until obama expanded it...parties pull that crap all the time, against it when the other party is on office. if you think this is the first time that has happened you need to bone up on history and politics.
Your ilk are the racist teapers you support. As for the spying on Americans...I am talking more about the NSA and the Patriot Act. But yeah...Nixon was pretty good at spying too!
comparing what obama tried to do with what reagan did shows you really need to study history.
No, I am smply pointing out that Reagan granted amnesty to the threats of a civil or race war was there.
The actions taken by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — examples often cited by White House officials — were attempts to address ambiguities in an immigration law that was passed by Congress. Obama’s executive actions are different. They are a response to congressional failure to pass a law, and they affect a far greater number of immigrants currently living in the country illegally.
Obama s Actions Same as Past Presidents

Teaper justification is funny. (You may not be a teaper, but you sure act like one sometimes).

Truth is truth...where was the outrage under those Presidents? Oh, it didn't exist because they weren't a POTUS of a darker hue.

which racist teapers do i support. link up.

and again, you're an idiot for claiming it didn't exist. what about the vast right wing conspiracy? i would say the level of animosity was far greater against clinton than obama, hands down.
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.

Hey Dodo, does "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" ring a bell?

How about the Hussein administration ordering George Zimmerman be charged, when it was clear he was not guilty from the start?

Barry is all about community organizing, which is really just code for stirring shit up. Nine times out of ten, progressives like to stir up racial and class warfare stories.
Still...not really an example...just you being an upset teaper that Obama is a negro.

They are perfect examples of him siding with "the black guy" when the facts show him to be in the wrong. You just don't like it.

And now all you can do is call me a racist for answering your question.
btw...where are all these racist teapers? fakey and nutter talk about them, but they can't seem to find a link to them. my guess is they represent the same amount of racists in the dem party.
Yes, Dems have racists, but their party is not nearly as sick as our GOP.

Our far right haters have created the most divisive opposition in 150 years, and the millennials and minorities are going to bang us electorally if we don't reach out to women and minorities.

they are no more divisive than the left was during the latter part of bush's presidency. stop carry the democratic party's water.

btw...i notice you can't back up that it has to do with race. typical jake style, make claims and then run away when asked to back them up.
How about all of the issues your ilk has with Obama...are the same issues that existed under white presidents in the past. Regan granted amnesty. Bush created spying on Americans. The list goes on...but your lk only blames Obama and weren't so vocal under any other Presidency.

Hypocrites, racists...teapers. They are destroying America and true conservatism

who are my ilk? i'm not a republican. and fyi...dems were against spying until obama expanded it...parties pull that crap all the time, against it when the other party is on office. if you think this is the first time that has happened you need to bone up on history and politics.
Your ilk are the racist teapers you support. As for the spying on Americans...I am talking more about the NSA and the Patriot Act. But yeah...Nixon was pretty good at spying too!
comparing what obama tried to do with what reagan did shows you really need to study history.
No, I am smply pointing out that Reagan granted amnesty to the threats of a civil or race war was there.
The actions taken by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — examples often cited by White House officials — were attempts to address ambiguities in an immigration law that was passed by Congress. Obama’s executive actions are different. They are a response to congressional failure to pass a law, and they affect a far greater number of immigrants currently living in the country illegally.
Obama s Actions Same as Past Presidents

Teaper justification is funny. (You may not be a teaper, but you sure act like one sometimes).

Truth is truth...where was the outrage under those Presidents? Oh, it didn't exist because they weren't a POTUS of a darker hue.

which racist teapers do i support. link up.

and again, you're an idiot for claiming it didn't exist. what about the vast right wing conspiracy? i would say the level of animosity was far greater against clinton than obama, hands down.
What is it?

I can almost agree with you about the Clinton v Obama thing...but he is a pedophile and a con-artist. He deserved everything he got.

As fort what teaper you support...which teapers have you condemned, Yurt?

(I like you Yurt...just end this now. You know I am right).

And what about the vast left wing conspiracy???? We hear about it everyday from your teaper ilk!
btw...where are all these racist teapers? fakey and nutter talk about them, but they can't seem to find a link to them. my guess is they represent the same amount of racists in the dem party.
:lol: Just peruse USMB, the premier hate site on the inter-web.

As for the dems...sure, PLENTY of racists. But that doesn't justify teaper hate, now does it?
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.

Hey Dodo, does "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" ring a bell?

How about the Hussein administration ordering George Zimmerman be charged, when it was clear he was not guilty from the start?

Barry is all about community organizing, which is really just code for stirring shit up. Nine times out of ten, progressives like to stir up racial and class warfare stories.
Still...not really an example...just you being an upset teaper that Obama is a negro.

They are perfect examples of him siding with "the black guy" when the facts show him to be in the wrong. You just don't like it.

And now all you can do is call me a racist for answering your question.
You can think that...but you are talking about cases that simply weren't cut and dry. All of those cases could have gone either way...depending on the Jury, the Prosecutor and whether or not a female is on her period.
Dems are more of practical racists while Reps don't like minorities but they don't actively persecute them. Dems actively attempt to keep minorities in poverty through handouts and poor educations while Reps want to teach them to help themselves and be just like every other race. See the difference?
Race was not the problem we see now before Obama and Holder were on the scene. They created a divisiveness that wasn't there earlier. Before Obama there was no:

Black Panther case of being ignored by the DOJ

Office of African American Education (they are the only race that needs the special help?)

The civil rights of thugs being carefully watched at the expense of the police officer that had a contract out on him for doing his job

Cases when the president gets involved in local cases such as professor breaking into his own house and creating a disturbance to make a racial statement when the professor was a personal friend

Looters and arsonists "given space to destroy a city" in America.

What has happened to America? We used to live together and respect one another. Can we get those days back? no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.

Hey Dodo, does "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" ring a bell?

How about the Hussein administration ordering George Zimmerman be charged, when it was clear he was not guilty from the start?

Barry is all about community organizing, which is really just code for stirring shit up. Nine times out of ten, progressives like to stir up racial and class warfare stories.
Still...not really an example...just you being an upset teaper that Obama is a negro.

They are perfect examples of him siding with "the black guy" when the facts show him to be in the wrong. You just don't like it.

And now all you can do is call me a racist for answering your question.
You can think that...but you are talking about cases that simply weren't cut and dry. All of those cases could have gone either way...depending on the Jury, the Prosecutor and whether or not a female is on her period.

Yet, in all those cases Obama and the left were wrong, and the Teapers you hate so much were right. no concrete examples of how Obama s a race baiter...just you disagreeing with how he handled certain situations.

Hey Dodo, does "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" ring a bell?

How about the Hussein administration ordering George Zimmerman be charged, when it was clear he was not guilty from the start?

Barry is all about community organizing, which is really just code for stirring shit up. Nine times out of ten, progressives like to stir up racial and class warfare stories.
Still...not really an example...just you being an upset teaper that Obama is a negro.

They are perfect examples of him siding with "the black guy" when the facts show him to be in the wrong. You just don't like it.

And now all you can do is call me a racist for answering your question.
You can think that...but you are talking about cases that simply weren't cut and dry. All of those cases could have gone either way...depending on the Jury, the Prosecutor and whether or not a female is on her period.

Yet, in all those cases Obama and the left were wrong, and the Teapers you hate so much were right.
well, when systematic racism is hard to be wrong. A black guy is assaulted, murdered or abused by police...the police will always win because the system is rigged. But that is okay...the tme will come when teapers start their race war and get the same treatment. The roads are going to run red with teaper and cop blood as they fight each other.

Dems are more of practical racists while Reps don't like minorities but they don't actively persecute them. Dems actively attempt to keep minorities in poverty through handouts and poor educations while Reps want to teach them to help themselves and be just like every other race. See the difference?
Dumbass...I agree with that still doesn't excuse teaper hate.
What Obama's election revealed is that so many Americans, left and right, have unresolved issues with race. So good for Obama.

The far right racial haters, though, have created the most divisive political opposition in the last 150 years because of Obama, not so much because of his politics, but because a black man is in charge.

Get over it, losers. He won twice. If we in the GOP do not reach out more to women and minorities, we are going to have another term with your favorite girl.

Get over your hate, before it is too late.

Americans Are Finally Admitting We Have a Race Problem - Yahoo News

That he won twice is what makes them go into rages.
btw...where are all these racist teapers? fakey and nutter talk about them, but they can't seem to find a link to them. my guess is they represent the same amount of racists in the dem party.
:lol: Just peruse USMB, the premier hate site on the inter-web.

As for the dems...sure, PLENTY of racists. But that doesn't justify teaper hate, now does it?
when do you criticize dems?

as for teapers, i don't know any racist teapers. didn't think you could supply any link one...

calling clinton a pedophile? really? wth?
btw...where are all these racist teapers? fakey and nutter talk about them, but they can't seem to find a link to them. my guess is they represent the same amount of racists in the dem party.
:lol: Just peruse USMB, the premier hate site on the inter-web.

As for the dems...sure, PLENTY of racists. But that doesn't justify teaper hate, now does it?
when do you criticize dems?

as for teapers, i don't know any racist teapers. didn't think you could supply any link one...

calling clinton a pedophile? really? wth?
Yeah...he is a pedophile. If I were Lewinsky's father...I would have castrated the pervert. And we won't even get into his relationship with the owner of pedophile island.

As for you not seeing any teaper racism....get the fuck out with that BS. I thought, at the very least, Yurt....that you were an honest guy.
As for criticizing dems...why should I ? They aren't destroying true conservatism like the teaper ilk.
btw...where are all these racist teapers? fakey and nutter talk about them, but they can't seem to find a link to them. my guess is they represent the same amount of racists in the dem party.
:lol: Just peruse USMB, the premier hate site on the inter-web.

As for the dems...sure, PLENTY of racists. But that doesn't justify teaper hate, now does it?
when do you criticize dems?

as for teapers, i don't know any racist teapers. didn't think you could supply any link one...

calling clinton a pedophile? really? wth?
Yeah...he is a pedophile. If I were Lewinsky's father...I would have castrated the pervert. And we won't even get into his relationship with the owner of pedophile island.

As for you not seeing any teaper racism....get the fuck out with that BS. I thought, at the very least, Yurt....that you were an honest guy.

he is not a pedophile. look up the word.

are you talking elected teapers or just the teapers that get posted no the interwebs? you guys always claimed the tea party were racist yet never once did i see proof of it. ever.
btw...where are all these racist teapers? fakey and nutter talk about them, but they can't seem to find a link to them. my guess is they represent the same amount of racists in the dem party.
:lol: Just peruse USMB, the premier hate site on the inter-web.

As for the dems...sure, PLENTY of racists. But that doesn't justify teaper hate, now does it?
when do you criticize dems?

as for teapers, i don't know any racist teapers. didn't think you could supply any link one...

calling clinton a pedophile? really? wth?
Yeah...he is a pedophile. If I were Lewinsky's father...I would have castrated the pervert. And we won't even get into his relationship with the owner of pedophile island.

As for you not seeing any teaper racism....get the fuck out with that BS. I thought, at the very least, Yurt....that you were an honest guy.

he is not a pedophile. look up the word.

are you talking elected teapers or just the teapers that get posted no the interwebs? you guys always claimed the tea party were racist yet never once did i see proof of it. ever.
I could provide with you with hundreds of examples...but you would deny it like a Jew denyng Jesus Christ as the son of God.

Why do you denyt Christ?

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