Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style

Not the best home security weapon. I like shotgun !

Unless you use slugs, even moderate body armor will stop a shotgun.

Try a .30-06; cuts through Kevlar like butter.

C'mon....body armor? I'd be willing to bet that 99.8% of any self defense scenario body armor isn't even remotely in the equation. Home defense and personal protection is one thing....unbridled fear and paranoia is quite another.....of course, I'm probably talking to a person who is waiting for the next Civil War with baited breath.
"Assault weapons" are the -very best- example of sort of firearm protected by the 2nd.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"
The 2nd protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, regardless of that individual's association with any militia, and so your post is meaningless.

Now, back to what I said:

Various SCotUS rulings have established that for a weapon to be protected under the 2nd amendment, it must be appropriate for service in the militia, in common use at the time, part of the ordinary military equipment. and suitable for any of the traditional legal uses for a firearm.

There is, quite possibly, no better specific example of this weapon than the AR-15 with 20/30rd USGI magazines, and no better general example than 'assault weapons' as a class.

I look forward to your reasoned argument to the contrary.

How about the two words "well regulated"?

Like I said before, I am no gun control advocate....but you asked.
The homicide rate in the US is currently around 10 times the rate on most civilised countries....I wonder how high it would have to get before Americans would start to worry.

There have been something like three major mass murders in the US in the past fortnight - I suspect there will be more to come.

How many AK47s have been used? I have one of these, ammo is still relatively inexpensive and they take a lickin' and keep on tickin' the M14 used to before they were priced off the market. AK47 is not only an decent hunting rifle, it is definitely good for home defense! Oh, yeah, mine still has both bayonet lug AND bayonet, just in case I run out of ammo...
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I totally agree that AK47s are not for squirrels. They are designed and bought to take human lives.

The more of them in society, the more innocent Americans that end up dead. It really is as simple as that.

You ignore the fact that there may come a time when some of those lives will become expendable. It really is as simple as that. You come to take what is mine, I WILL infringe upon your "rights".
A 10/22 reuger with some simple modifications and practice is the overall best survival/defensive piece of hardware out there. versatile, tons of them for parts/replacements, cheap ammo, effective and a variety of range (depending on skill) and reliable.

But for any gun fan, the M2 is probably something I would choose for assault intent.
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You do not live in Nazi Germany.

It is a simple statistical fact that the more guns in society, the greater the number of resulting deaths.

There are more homicides in homes with guns, more accidental deaths, and even more suicides.

The US currently has 10 times the number of homicides of any other developed nation.

Personally, I think the starting point for gun policy should be on sustaining life.

It is a simple statistical fact that the more automobiles in society, the greater the number of resulting deaths.

There are more deaths with automobiles, more accidental deaths....

The US currently has thousands of deaths due to automobiles any other developed nation.

Personally, I think the starting point for automobile control policy should be on sustaining life..,"

Yeah, right, see how that works?
Automobiles cause more deaths nationwide than firearms...let's outlaw cars, huh?
this lame argument has already been addressed. Are cars designed to kill? No...they are designed to transport people from point A to B. It's a strawman.

Guns, on the other hand ARE designed to kill. Because of that designation, I think that before one would be able to own one, a thorough psychological screening should take place. Starting with some of the posters on this forum.

Body armor? The awaited battle with government? Some of you fuckers shouldn't have a BB gun.

I'll chalk some of it up to false bravado on an anonymous message board...but fuck...if taken at face value, I'd think that some of you are hanging on by a very thin thread.
Obviously Saigon has never heard about Switzerland's gun laws. EVERY household is REQUIRED to own a weapon,they have the lowest crime rate in the world. :) Blows your little theory about more guns equals more crime out of the water.

Actually, no, it doesn't, not in the slightest.

Switzerland is a unique situation in that most of the guns there are not in active use. They are handed out to off-duty soldiers, most of whom safely lock them away and never use them. They are also owned by people well trained.

What you need to remember with Switzerland is:
- the guns were not purchased (i.e. it is not like people actually wanted them)
- the owners were all trained by the state
- the owners were all psyche tested as part of their army call-up.

And no, not all houses are required to own a weapon.

Well, duh-uh, bonehead...most of the firearms owned in this country are not in "active use" and are usually locked away, unless the owners are at the range maintaining proficiency. Imagine what the crime rate would be in this country if the only people who had guns were the criminals?
...I think that before one would be able to own one, a thorough psychological screening should take place.

And who gets to make that determination? You? A nanny state bureaucrat? Yea...pass.

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you get?

C'mon....body armor? I'd be willing to bet that 99.8% of any self defense scenario body armor isn't even remotely in the equation. Home defense and personal protection is one thing....unbridled fear and paranoia is quite another.....of course, I'm probably talking to a person who is waiting for the next Civil War with baited breath.

The need for serious weapons will virtually always be against someone wearing body armor.

My Glock-17 is fine for home defense. And the first two in the mag are rubber pellets.

But an AR-15 or AK47 would only be needed in response to incursions by those up to serious mischief.

I think Obama would love to start a civil war, as an excuse to suspend the constitution - permanently. I think much of the demagoguery that he spews is toward that aim. I don't think it will happen, and I hope it doesn't.

Oh, and the term is "bated breath." I'm not a fish.
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I totally agree that AK47s are not for squirrels. They are designed and bought to take human lives.

The more of them in society, the more innocent Americans that end up dead. It really is as simple as that.

I think you need to buy me a new AK. Guns kill people and mine apparently are defective.....

Guns don't kill people..but some Freepers have been known to.
A 10/22 reuger with some simple modifications and practice is the overall best survival/defensive piece of hardware out there. versatile, tons of them for parts/replacements, cheap ammo, effective and a variety of range (depending on skill) and reliable.

But for any gun fan, the M2 is probably something I would choose for assault intent.

The 10/22 is certainly one of the most accurate weapons around. I can shoot the balls off of a gnat at 50 yards with mine. The beauty of a .22 is that you don't have significant drop for about 200 yards.
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I totally agree that AK47s are not for squirrels. They are designed and bought to take human lives.

The more of them in society, the more innocent Americans that end up dead. It really is as simple as that.

I think you need to buy me a new AK. Guns kill people and mine apparently are defective.....

Guns don't kill people..but some Freepers have been known to.

What's a freeper?
It's amazing that after decades of the liberals taking our guns away people can still stock up on the ol' Kalishnakov...for when the liberals take our guns away.


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