Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"
The 2nd protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, regardless of that individual's association with any militia, and so your post is meaningless.

Now, back to what I said:

Various SCotUS rulings have established that for a weapon to be protected under the 2nd amendment, it must be appropriate for service in the militia, in common use at the time, part of the ordinary military equipment. and suitable for any of the traditional legal uses for a firearm.

There is, quite possibly, no better specific example of this weapon than the AR-15 with 20/30rd USGI magazines, and no better general example than 'assault weapons' as a class.

I look forward to your reasoned argument to the contrary.

How about the two words "well regulated"?

Like I said before, I am no gun control advocate....but you asked.

the Squeeze Berry Militia is well regulated
It's amazing that after decades of the liberals taking our guns away people can still stock up on the ol' Kalishnakov...for when the liberals take our guns away.


Leftists have been losing the battle against liberty for a good 20 years.
Guns don't kill people..but some Freepers have been known to.

Really? Which ones?

Oh,,, you were just lying, because you're a demagogue with an IQ of less than 60...

Carry on, Shortbus.

James von Brunn ring a bell?

You know...I set you up again and'd think you'd have learned by now that when I lay a comment out like that, I've already got the proof in my hip pocket ready to go.

But you fall for it every single time. You OWN the short bus. :lol::lol::lol:
James von Brunn ring a bell?

You know...I set you up again and'd think you'd have learned by now that when I lay a comment out like that, I've already got the proof in my hip pocket ready to go.

But you fall for it every single time. You OWN the short bus. :lol::lol::lol:

Evidence that this guy had anything to do with "Free Republic?"

Hmm, search for James Von Brunn Free Republic returns;

{Wrong. Let’s not forget that Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, both antisemitic and neither considered spokesmen for the right.

But after some research it appears the shooter, James Von Brunn is in fact - despite the protestations of the Kos Kids - a registered democrat from Maryland. }

Geez Shortbus, you're stupid as a fucking lamp post.

{For example, he unleashed his hatred of both Presidents Bush and other “neo-conservatives” in online essays. As even some “progressives” such as the influential Adbusters magazine publicly admit, “neoconservative” is often used as a derogatory code word for “Jews”. As well, even a cursory glance at “white supremacist” writings reveals a hatred of, say, big corporations that is virtually indistinguishable from that of anti-globalization activists.}

  James Von Brunn, Like Most Holocaust Deniers are From the Left not the Right by Macsmind – Politics, Culture and Breaking News and the 2012 Presidential Election!

Gee you're dumb, Shortbus.
Americans normally get whacko paranoia come election time. No one is taking their guns.

The beauty of a .22 is that you don't have significant drop for about 200 yards.

Huh? At 200 yards you've already dropped over half a foot.

Fair enough, looks like they do well to about 100 yards then start to drop fast.

Rifle Trajectory Table

That's true. A 22lr is great out to about 100 yards. For the really long shots, I like a 22-250 with a 40 grain bullet. The darn thing is still CLIMBING at 200 yards! Fast as heck, a real barrel burner, but nothing better on varmints.
Americans normally get whacko paranoia come election time. No one is taking their guns.

The beauty of a .22 is that you don't have significant drop for about 200 yards.

Huh? At 200 yards you've already dropped over half a foot.

Fair enough, looks like they do well to about 100 yards then start to drop fast.

Rifle Trajectory Table

so instead of being shot in the chest you are shot in the groin.
what you forgot to add us that Switzerland has cradle to grave government support that makes life a hell of a lot less stressful for the average Joe...
Violent crime rates are more affected by societal issues than the widespread availibility of guns.


that's exactly what I am saying. I've never been an advocate of gun control. What I am in favor of is reducing our societal issues.
Groovy. There are other topoics to discuss howe to best take care of this.
James von Brunn ring a bell?

You know...I set you up again and'd think you'd have learned by now that when I lay a comment out like that, I've already got the proof in my hip pocket ready to go.

But you fall for it every single time. You OWN the short bus. :lol::lol::lol:

Evidence that this guy had anything to do with "Free Republic?"

Hmm, search for James Von Brunn Free Republic returns;

{Wrong. Let’s not forget that Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, both antisemitic and neither considered spokesmen for the right.

But after some research it appears the shooter, James Von Brunn is in fact - despite the protestations of the Kos Kids - a registered democrat from Maryland. }

Geez Shortbus, you're stupid as a fucking lamp post.

{For example, he unleashed his hatred of both Presidents Bush and other “neo-conservatives” in online essays. As even some “progressives” such as the influential Adbusters magazine publicly admit, “neoconservative” is often used as a derogatory code word for “Jews”. As well, even a cursory glance at “white supremacist” writings reveals a hatred of, say, big corporations that is virtually indistinguishable from that of anti-globalization activists.}

* James Von Brunn, Like Most Holocaust Deniers are From the Left not the Right*by*Macsmind – Politics, Culture and Breaking News and the 2012 Presidential Election!

Gee you're dumb, Shortbus.


I did it to you again!


It was all ready to go....waiting for you to fall for it again. *chuckle
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"
The 2nd protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, regardless of that individual's association with any militia, and so your post is meaningless.

Now, back to what I said:

Various SCotUS rulings have established that for a weapon to be protected under the 2nd amendment, it must be appropriate for service in the militia, in common use at the time, part of the ordinary military equipment. and suitable for any of the traditional legal uses for a firearm.

There is, quite possibly, no better specific example of this weapon than the AR-15 with 20/30rd USGI magazines, and no better general example than 'assault weapons' as a class.

I look forward to your reasoned argument to the contrary.

How about the two words "well regulated"?
It refers to the militia. What about it, and how does it address what I said?
That depends on modification, accuracy and climate. But yeah, if you're trying to throw a trajectory a ways, this isn't the one for it.

American civilians buy as many AK47s as the Russian military and police... and demand is surging because gun owners fear they will be banned



Therein lies the fundamental question.

Do we want people so easily scared to have a weapon of mass destruction in their custody and control?

I don't about you, but I have no fear of any honest citizen with an AK-47, or any other weapon of mass destruction. Now, a drugged up teenager with a machette, or a .22 target pistol, would tend to scare me.
How about the two words "well regulated"?

It simply means "well armed." A "regulated militia" was one which had "regulation arms."

Like I said before, I am no gun control advocate....but you asked.

Now you have an answer. I call bullshit. regulated means regulated. Just like the EPA regulates dangers to the environment. Just like the SEC regulates Wall Street. I have a problem with you owning a Commie Gun? Not a bit. That's your choice. I'm more than happy with my 12 Gauge and my Super Blackhawk(.44).

You see, I don't think that my government is going to kill me. I hunt small game and Pennsylvania whitetail. I Plink. If I were to get another firearm, I'd probably get another handgun....probably a I can shoot .38 shells out of it for target.
Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style
It's merely the traditional, Pre-Election "LIBS WANT TO TAKE YOUR GUNS" Sale.

I'm guessin' the NRA gets a kick-back, from gun-shops (nationwide), from this Sale.


You'd expect the patrons would spend a "little" (more) on dental-work, between elections.​
Last edited: I call bullshit. regulated means regulated. Just like the EPA regulates dangers to the environment. Just like the SEC regulates Wall Street.

Actually, it does not. It's means "armed and trained". You know who says so? The Supreme Court...not to mention the Federalist Papers.
Cont -

I totally agree that AK47s are not for squirrels. They are designed and bought to take human lives.

The more of them in society, the more innocent Americans that end up dead. It really is as simple as that.

Do you have a list of Americans that have been killed by AK47s? Just a number will satisfy my curiosity.

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