Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style

I think every American should have an AR-15 and AK-47. No one will want to start shit then.:badgrin:

I being armed reduce the incidence of "shit", this might make sense.

The US has 15 times the guns of England, 246 times the number of gun-related deaths, and 3 times the number of homicides.

In other words, your logic does not stand up.
How about the two words "well regulated"?

It simply means "well armed." A "regulated militia" was one which had "regulation arms."

Like I said before, I am no gun control advocate....but you asked.

Now you have an answer. I call bullshit. regulated means regulated. Just like the EPA regulates dangers to the environment. Just like the SEC regulates Wall Street. I have a problem with you owning a Commie Gun? Not a bit. That's your choice. I'm more than happy with my 12 Gauge and my Super Blackhawk(.44).

You see, I don't think that my government is going to kill me. I hunt small game and Pennsylvania whitetail. I Plink. If I were to get another firearm, I'd probably get another handgun....probably a I can shoot .38 shells out of it for target.

You can call bullshit all you want, but regulate does not mean now what it meant back in 1790's, it meant to be as expected in working order.
Also the second amendment does not read as such
A Militia well regulated by congress, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It reads as
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I will add also that the second amendment is made up of two parts
Since their was a regular army small but it did exist at the time of the creation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
The states have a right too a militia
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

The People have a right too keep and bear arms
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

And supreme court rulings have stated that the only weapons protected under the second amendment are those of suitable use for the militia and must be bought the individual.
Miller vs U.S. and Lewis vs. U.S.
i think every american should have an ar-15 and ak-47. No one will want to start shit then.:badgrin:

i being armed reduce the incidence of "shit", this might make sense.

The us has 15 times the guns of england, 246 times the number of gun-related deaths, and 3 times the number of homicides.

In other words, your logic does not stand up.

it was call bullshit when you post this yesterday and it's still bullshit today.
BigReb -

They are simple, established facts and you can confirm them on any one of a dozen different sites and sources.

If the facts do not fit your politic vews, then it might be worth questioning why you hold those views.
BigReb -

They are simple, established facts and you can confirm them on any one of a dozen different sites and sources.

If the facts do not fit your politic vews, then it might be worth questioning why you hold those views.

As I said it was called bullshit yesterday and still is bullshit today.
M14 Shooter called you on it.
BigReb -

Figures don't change regardless of what anyone says about them.

I addressed two of M14 very worthwhile comments on the previous page.
Cont -

I totally agree that AK47s are not for squirrels. They are designed and bought to take human lives.

The more of them in society, the more innocent Americans that end up dead. It really is as simple as that.

One more time. How many Americans have been killed by AK47s?
Too Tall/Sniper -

I have absolutely no idea how many americans have been killed by AK47s. Do you?

Would you also mind explaining why it matters whether someone is killed with a Galil, M-16 or AK?

Why not discuss the real issue - of why so many Americans are killed in gun-related homicides?
Too Tall/Sniper -

I have absolutely no idea how many americans have been killed by AK47s. Do you?

Would you also mind explaining why it matters whether someone is killed with a Galil, M-16 or AK?

Why not discuss the real issue - of why so many Americans are killed in gun-related homicides?

If you have no idea, why is your mouth writing checks your ass cannot cash?
Sniper -

I'll respond to any comment which is relevent to the topic.

But I am aware that the stats post earlier are something some posters would rather not discuss.
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Too Tall/Sniper -

I have absolutely no idea how many americans have been killed by AK47s. Do you?

Would you also mind explaining why it matters whether someone is killed with a Galil, M-16 or AK?

Why not discuss the real issue - of why so many Americans are killed in gun-related homicides?

Not that it really makes a difference, considering you're in Finland and therefore irrelevant tot he second amendment discussion in the US, but that whopping number of of gun related homicides is incredibly low and decreasing as the population and the amount of guns in the nation increases. We have more drunk driving related deaths. More deaths from cigarette smoking by far, etc...

It's a complete nonissue to compare other nations, especially using the 240 times the amount multiplier. Considering you're talking 2-3 for every 100,000 vs. 0-1 for every 100,000.

Using math as a scare tactic. :lmao:

American civilians buy as many AK47s as the Russian military and police... and demand is surging because gun owners fear they will be banned



Therein lies the fundamental question.

Do we want people so easily scared to have a weapon of mass destruction in their custody and control?
Do you have a problem with the government?

Folks need the AK47's to collect and cash their social security checks:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) confirms that it is purchasing 174 thousand rounds of hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 locations in major cities across the U.S

t that whopping number of of gun related homicides is incredibly low

Well, only if you consider 100 times more than similar countries to be incredibly low.

Personally, I think if you found out that 100 times more people die in car accidents in the US than they do in Canada - you'd probably be recommending that the US authorities find out why that is.

btw. Around 12,000 Americans died of gun-related wounds last year. I consider that number to be extremely significant.
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t that whopping number of of gun related homicides is incredibly low

Well, only if you consider 100 times more than similar countries to be incredibly low.

Personally, I think if you found out that 100 times more people die in car accidents in the US than they do in Canada - you'd probably be recommending that the US authorities find out why that is.

We already have more car accident fatalities in the US than in canada. We also have a significantly higher population, significantly more drivers and significantly more cars.

If you have a point, it's escaping us here.

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