Americans Buying AK47's Like They Are Going Out Of Style

I don't about you, but I have no fear of any honest citizen with an AK-47, or any other weapon of mass destruction. Now, a drugged up teenager with a machette, or a .22 target pistol, would tend to scare me.
Yeah....right....what's the worst that could happen?



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The homicide rate in the US is currently around 10 times the rate on most civilised countries....I wonder how high it would have to get before Americans would start to worry.

There have been something like three major mass murders in the US in the past fortnight - I suspect there will be more to come.

Man, that's horrible. There sure are a whole lot of evil people out there.
How about the two words "well regulated"?

It simply means "well armed." A "regulated militia" was one which had "regulation arms."

Like I said before, I am no gun control advocate....but you asked.

Now you have an answer. I call bullshit. regulated means regulated. Just like the EPA regulates dangers to the environment. Just like the SEC regulates Wall Street. I have a problem with you owning a Commie Gun? Not a bit. That's your choice. I'm more than happy with my 12 Gauge and my Super Blackhawk(.44).

You see, I don't think that my government is going to kill me. I hunt small game and Pennsylvania whitetail. I Plink. If I were to get another firearm, I'd probably get another handgun....probably a I can shoot .38 shells out of it for target.

A 1790's militia consisted of able body men of the community that on occasion might drill together. Some local militias even had cannons that they used occasionally. The only regulation the Federal Government dictated was the age ( which was ignored by the States) and the ability to call up some of each States Militia. This was true all the way until the 1890's when they National Guard was formed, at which time Guard units received training like the Military. The Guard is nothing more then the Federalized State militia. Each State is free ( and some do) to form their own State militias separate from the National Guard.
Obviously Saigon has never heard about Switzerland's gun laws. EVERY household is REQUIRED to own a weapon,they have the lowest crime rate in the world. :) Blows your little theory about more guns equals more crime out of the water.

Eh, not quite. The Swiss rely on a citizen based militia for their defense. Whereas American males are required to register for selective service when they turn 18, Swiss men are required to go through initial militia training, and continued training. The government issues weapons to each individual. Since they are a citizen based militia, these military weapons are stored in the home, instead of a military facility.

Switzerland also other laws regulating possessing, carrying, and transporting non military weapons.
Bought mine about a year ago. Wonderful firearm.

How much are they going for these days? And how do you guys know you did not get a counterfeit?

I'm not sure how one counterfeits a design that isn't patented anywhere and never has been ... :dunno:

I bought a Romanian WASR imported by Century International Arms. It's pretty much bargain basement as far as AK's go, but throwing more money at an AK isn't going to do much to improve its accuracy. It's as good as it will ever be right from the box.

I don't recall exactly what I paid for it, but it wasn't much.
How about the two words "well regulated"?

It simply means "well armed." A "regulated militia" was one which had "regulation arms."

Like I said before, I am no gun control advocate....but you asked.

Now you have an answer. I call bullshit. regulated means regulated. Just like the EPA regulates dangers to the environment. Just like the SEC regulates Wall Street.
In today's common use of the word. Not in 1791, and not in context.
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I totally agree that AK47s are not for squirrels. They are designed and bought to take human lives.

The more of them in society, the more innocent Americans that end up dead. It really is as simple as that.

You ignore the fact that there may come a time when some of those lives will become expendable. It really is as simple as that. You come to take what is mine, I WILL infringe upon your "rights".

As long as you consider American lines "expendable" we have nothing to discuss.

I consider all American lives valuable, but also that it is the primary function of government to protect the lives of all US citizens.

btw, to those questioning the figures I sourced from Wikipedia. I have checked these out from other original and very authoritive studies, and they seem to be almost identical. I get that Wiki isn't the best source, but it is fast to link to it! I'll post a link to more serious info later today.
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Violent crime rates are more affected by societal issues than the widespread availibility of guns.


Yes, I would agree with that.

But the issue is not only why crime is committed - but how it is committed.

But the difference between a guy walking into a bank with a knife and walking into a bank with an AK-47 is massive.

We've seen how many multiple shootings in the US in the past month, most committed by people who should never have been allowed to get their hands on guns.
The bigger issue is to much gun control

If you are comfortable having a gun homicide rate 245 times that of England, then say so.

If you are comfortable having a total homicide rate 5 times that of Germany, then say so.

Personally, I'd say many Americans would want to look at those countries and see how they work to preserve lives.
Yes in my country I can live with it.

And there you have it.

This is the point Americans need to decide on, and kudos to BigRed for being honest and clear about he believes.
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I totally agree that AK47s are not for squirrels. They are designed and bought to take human lives.

The more of them in society, the more innocent Americans that end up dead. It really is as simple as that.

You ignore the fact that there may come a time when some of those lives will become expendable. It really is as simple as that. You come to take what is mine, I WILL infringe upon your "rights".

As long as you consider American lines "expendable" we have nothing to discuss.

I consider all American lives valuable, but also that it is the primary function of government to protect the lives of all US citizens.

btw, to those questioning the figures I sourced from Wikipedia. I have checked these out from other original and very authoritive studies, and they seem to be almost identical. I get that Wiki isn't the best source, but it is fast to link to it! I'll post a link to more serious info later today.

Sorry, when someone, anyone, decides they have the "right" to forcibly take what is mine, they become expendable, American or otherwise. And if the time should ever come when government decides to attack me and mine, it will be obvious that government has abdicated the duty to protect me, I will ensure that as many as possible become expendable.
Violent crime rates are more affected by societal issues than the widespread availibility of guns.


Yes, I would agree with that.

But the issue is not only why crime is committed - but how it is committed.

But the difference between a guy walking into a bank with a knife and walking into a bank with an AK-47 is massive.

We've seen how many multiple shootings in the US in the past month, most committed by people who should never have been allowed to get their hands on guns.

Cite how many bank robberies or other mass murders have been committed with AK47s.
Cite how many bank robberies or other mass murders have been committed with AK47s.

What has that got to do with anything?

Do you see anyone on this thread suggesting we have some special law just for AKs?

The assault weapons ban of 94' completely disagrees with your statement... There were plenty of special laws in it which specifically targeted AK-47's... But since it's repeal, gun grabbers such as yourself somehow seem to forget that.
I think every American should have an AR-15 and AK-47. No one will want to start shit then.:badgrin:
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American civilians buy as many AK47s as the Russian military and police... and demand is surging because gun owners fear they will be banned

Americans should be buying AK-type semi-auto rifles because they’re an excellent value, efficient, and utterly reliable.

How much are they going for these days? And how do you guys know you did not get a counterfeit?
Except perhaps for the Saigas, they’re all ‘counterfeits,’ referred to as ‘clones.’

Hmmm. A quick search on the interwebs sez $700 - $900 for an AK-47.

Ouch, Make that a ‘relatively good value…’ Glad I purchased mine when I did.

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