Americans celebrate World Cup Saying : ‘Japs haven’t seen a blast like that since Hiroshima'

Actually, that comment is factually wrong since Nagasaki also received a nuke and it was days after Hiroshima.
Ah, Mr. McGarret, displaying your incredible bigotry for all the see, once again.
My J-Waifu and I didn't watch ANY part of the Rubber Kickball Into The Net Wurl Champeenship. I'm just surprised the Sports Zombies didn't burn some city down.
I see, are you stating, Mr. Bull, that it is OK to be bigoted against the Japanese in Japan, or against non-Japanese living there? Or maybe both?
I see, are you stating, Mr. Bull, that it is OK to be bigoted against the Japanese in Japan, or against non-Japanese living there? Or maybe both?

Japanese are the worst racists on the planet....they believe white people smell bad. The only non-japanese people living in japan are their korean working peons. They murdered hundreds of thousands before and during WW2 including thousands of Americans. They won't allow our products in japan by cheating on every trade deal we've ever signed with drive your fucking Toyoda (how it's really spelled) and eat your stinkin sushi....I'll never forgive them for the shrapnel they put into my uncle on Saipan and if it were up to me, we'd nuke them again just for the hell of it.
I see, are you stating, Mr. Bull, that it is OK to be bigoted against the Japanese in Japan, or against non-Japanese living there? Or maybe both?

Japanese are the worst racists on the planet....they believe white people smell bad. The only non-japanese people living in japan are their korean working peons. They murdered hundreds of thousands before and during WW2 including thousands of Americans. They won't allow our products in japan by cheating on every trade deal we've ever signed with drive your fucking Toyoda (how it's really spelled) and eat your stinkin sushi....I'll never forgive them for the shrapnel they put into my uncle on Saipan and if it were up to me, we'd nuke them again just for the hell of it.
Great post.
Japan almost got the bomb!

They had spies in The Manhattan Project, surgically adapted to appear Jewish.

Of the two, one escaped to Germany and got gassed.

The other got caught and, one autumn morning, there was a special nip in the air!
I see, are you stating, Mr. Bull, that it is OK to be bigoted against the Japanese in Japan, or against non-Japanese living there? Or maybe both?

Japanese are the worst racists on the planet....they believe white people smell bad. The only non-japanese people living in japan are their korean working peons. They murdered hundreds of thousands before and during WW2 including thousands of Americans. They won't allow our products in japan by cheating on every trade deal we've ever signed with drive your fucking Toyoda (how it's really spelled) and eat your stinkin sushi....I'll never forgive them for the shrapnel they put into my uncle on Saipan and if it were up to me, we'd nuke them again just for the hell of it.

Yep..they're right up there with the mexicans and their hatred of blacks.
Yep..they're right up there with the mexicans and their hatred of blacks.

They sold below cost to destroy our electronics, computer, motorcycle, lawnmower, and musical instrument industries....They did everything in their power to bankrupt our car companies and they've kept their economy "in recession" for the past 15 years so they wouldn't have to live up to their trade obligations. They spend million$ in lobbying to keep our politicians off their backs while they develop their R&D in American universities....WW2 never ended for's just taking longer than they planned.
Tweets are just so powerful these days!

But they are excellent feed for racist asswipes like Steve McFuckMeInTheAss.
Yep..they're right up there with the mexicans and their hatred of blacks.

They sold below cost to destroy our electronics, computer, motorcycle, lawnmower, and musical instrument industries....They did everything in their power to bankrupt our car companies and they've kept their economy "in recession" for the past 15 years so they wouldn't have to live up to their trade obligations. They spend million$ in lobbying to keep our politicians off their backs while they develop their R&D in American universities....WW2 never ended for's just taking longer than they planned.
Don't forget, the Japs have never formally apologized for Pearl Harbor.
Don't forget, the Japs have never formally apologized for Pearl Harbor.

China and S.Korea are putting the little bastards out of business so we'll have to protect them for another 50 years while they dream up new ways to screw us.

And BTW...anybody wondering where the rain forests went need only look in the landfills outside Tokyo and other cities....they cut them down to make plywood forms for their skyscrapers.
It was a horrible thing to say. It's just a stupid (and I do mean stupid) game.

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