Americans disgusted by politics

As I pointed out in my first post, this is just site that is shady, and rips off content from other places to push propaganda, and an agenda.

They aren't even ripping off news, just emotional opinion and rhetoric pieces. Otherwise, I am willing to bet, they would have gotten a take down order by now. It looks like they have been operating for several years now.



This is just plagiarized spin from the NYT. Didn't any of you see that note at the end of the article?


I have no doubt, the ruling classes know that this is going on, in fact, this is probably their idea.

How Do Americans Feel About Politics? ‘Disgust Isn’t a Strong Enough Word’​

Voters’ broad discontent with disarray in Washington transcends political parties, race, age and geography.

In researching this site? This is the one that really went viral, shared by Drudge, (And probably the one that Mac1958 should really pay attention to; )

David Brooks: What if the anti-Trumpers are the real bad guys?​

Opinion by David Brooks / The New York Times • 2m

We're seeing a demonstration of the OP play out here. The ends of the spectrum have lost the capacity to discuss anything.
The professor will now explain all to his padiwan underlings.

Meanwhile, Mac doesn't discuss anything. He accuses, without basis. Then when you get down to actual specifics to challenge his position, he just funnies you and runs away.

It's now just personal attack after personal attack, and the rest of the public sees it.
Your every post is a personal attack. Against Trump, the GOP, conservatives, MAGA, society and the world. In essence you are a 24/7 defense of the political left.
We're seeing a demonstration of the OP play out here.

The ends of the spectrum have lost the capacity to discuss anything. It's now just personal attack after personal attack, and the rest of the public sees it.

"Oh God, what now?" That's American politics today. I love that line.
I don't doubt that is said. I do doubt that it is said so often after someone on the left does something as compared to the right--the guys who just decapitated their highest ranking elected official for being too pragmatic.
Neither party is particularly popular with the public. Only about four-in-ten adults have a favorable view of the Democratic Party (37%), while about as many (36%) have a favorable impression of the Republican Party. An increasing share of Americans express negative opinions of both parties. Currently, 28% of the public has an unfavorable opinion of both the Republican and Democratic parties.

If true, it is only because the democrats have gone so far off the extreme edge to the left that this forces the right to countermeasure.
The professor will now explain all to his padiwan underlings.

Meanwhile, Mac doesn't discuss anything. He accuses, without basis. Then when you get down to actual specifics to challenge his position, he just funnies you and runs away.

Your every post is a personal attack. Against Trump, the GOP, conservatives, MAGA, society and the world. In essence you are a 24/7 defense of the political left.
Meanwhile back in reality...Mac authored a thread once claiming the "left has lost it's shit" this was before "experts" like you said "hold my beer" and tried to stage an insurrection you were first proud of, then ashamed of and now blame on the left
We're seeing a demonstration of the OP play out here.

The ends of the spectrum have lost the capacity to discuss anything. It's now just personal attack after personal attack, and the rest of the public sees it.

"Oh God, what now?" That's American politics today. I love that line.
I'm just waiting for you to circle back around to your most favoritist person in the whole wide world, bruh! :auiqs.jpg:

If this thread doesn't go that way I will be genuinely surprised.
I don't doubt that is said. I do doubt that it is said so often after someone on the left does something as compared to the right--the guys who just decapitated their highest ranking elected official for being too pragmatic.
I suspect there are many Americans who look at this stuff as a whole. Just more noise. More lies, more bullshit.

It's like having kids. One of them may be making more noise, but collectively they're driving the parent nuts.
No surprise here. Not only are the two tribes moving further and further apart due to their own ego and hubris, they're also moving apart from the rest of us.
Wrong, Mac. When hardcore leftist morons like yourself refer to anyone to the left of Chairman Mao a "right wing extremist", that's not an example of two tribes moving further and further apart.

Your ilk has gone so far left that you call the non-ideologue pragmatic centrist by any measure, Donald J. Trump, a right wing extremist.

Face it Mac, your side has gone full on totalitarian socialist like Adolpf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Kim Jong Ill and Saddam Hussein.
Yeah, wake us when the Democrats take out their own Speaker in the middle of his term.
You have no idea in your extremely limited little cheerleading myopic world how good that will be for Americans to get more

proper representation in Congress. Democrats will vote for Jim Jordan, and the House is going to be doing pretty good until

2024 at least. Democrats will get better representation in Congress with Jim Jordan.

Or Donalds, it's going to be one or the other.

Hundreds of percentages better.
I suspect there are many Americans who look at this stuff as a whole. Just more noise. More lies, more bullshit.

It's like having kids. One of them may be making more noise, but collectively they're driving the parent nuts.
And mac1958 thinks MAGAs are the bad kids while biden is the good kid
Wrong, Mac. When hardcore leftist morons like yourself refer to anyone to the left of Chairman Mao a "right wing extremist", that's not an example of two tribes moving further and further apart.
Your ilk has gone so far left that you call the non-ideologue pragmatic centrist by any measure, Donald J. Trump, a right wing extremist.
Face it Mac, your side has gone full on totalitarian socialist like Adolpf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Kim Jong Ill and Saddam Hussein.

Funny how while Mac keeps assuring us what an accurate and neutral barometer of the truth he is, sensible, balanced, dispassionate, all-seeing, no one else on the site sees him that way but him.
No surprise here. Not only are the two tribes moving further and further apart due to their own ego and hubris, they're also moving apart from the rest of us.

I've been saying it for years: It's not about Left vs. Right. It's about the wings vs the rest of the country.

My favorite line: “It was just like, Oh God, what now?” she said.

"The post How Do Americans Feel About Politics? ‘Disgust Isn’t a Strong Enough Word’ appeared first on New York Times."

Dude, you reposted a link from a ripoff site. Lemme explain what I mean by that.

They rip off entire webpages and promote them as being their own when they're not

with a teeny-tiny little disclaimer at the bottom. That's really a New York Times article, Mr. Faux Intellectual.

This is the NYT article via archive to bypass subscription blocks, and it is verbatim what your ripoffsters copied:

(and you reposted)

Funny how while Mac keeps assuring us what an accurate and neutral barometer of the truth he is, sensible, balanced, dispassionate, all-seeing, no one else on the site sees him that way but him.
There it is again. Pure fantasy. Completely made up.

Weird, but not surprising, and interesting as hell.
For a while there was a guy here posting links like that that uh, he got clicks for reposting. (money)

He was a spammer. Everything he posted went to a site of his that was a ripoff site like Mac1958 posted, but

geared for that.

The deal goes: Set up account, rip off site, they host it, you spam their hosting link.

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