Americans have had over 200 years to prove democracy can work, but...

America is the name of my country.

No it isn't. "The United States" is the name your county. "America" is the name of your continent. The United States of America being the full name.
The name of our country is “The United States of America.”

“The United States of America (U.S.A. or USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S. or US) or America,”
What do the economic musings of a man who died more than 200 years ago in Scotland, have to do with the 21st Century American economy.

"Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee, was a Scottish lawyer, writer, and professor. Tytler was also a historian, and for some years was Professor of Universal History, and Greek and Roman Antiquities, in the University of Edinburgh. Tytler's other titles included Senator of the College of Justice, and George Commissioner of Justiciary in Scotland. Tytler was a friend of Robert Burns, and prevailed upon him to remove lines from his poem Tam o' Shanter which were insulting to the legal and clerical profession"
A Republic Is a Foster Government

A representative government needs to make sure that its subjects never grow up and make their own decisions.
Is that supposed to be a question?
What do the mewlings of an illiterate crone from Canada have to do with the 21st Century American economy?

So, in other words, you can’t answer the question at all, and you’ve gone straight to insults.

Your concession is noted and appreciated.
Wikipedia isn’t a source.
I generally agree but there are LOTS of other sites that refer to our country as "The United States of America."

The Pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
No, you have representative democracy in your framework. Your knowledge is flawed.
No. Your knowledge is non-existent. We have a Constitutional republic. We use a version of democracy only as a tool toward that Constitutional republic form of government.

We elect our Congresscritters and now Senators. We elect folks who then elect the President IF the electors we vote for win.

We directly vote on almost no laws at all, nationally.

So you could be more wrong, but it would be very difficult.

Thankfully, we are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional republic.
Democracy is defined as a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
Democracy is a type of political regime that developed in some cities of Greece (esp. Athens) circa the fifth century BC and that consisted in all citizens gathering to discuss propose and decide policies, rules and actions in the government.
That's not what we have today.
Our "democracy" extends as far as the people elect other people who then gather to discuss, propose, and decide policies.
Republic is defined as a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
What's this describe?
The US.
Well done.

“A republic, if you can keep it.”
- Ben Franklin
I don't believe I fully get the point you're attempting to make. I hope, though, that you aren't conflating America's Republican form of government with the Marxists currently gripping the reins of power. They are clearly ignoring the Founder's intent and are circumventing the rule of law, i.e., the Constitution.

Marxism died in 1989. The USA is currently in danger authoritarian white supremacists and anti-democratic forces seeking to create a Christian Taliban government.

You're busy rewriting and re-interpreting the US Constitution, US history, and even the Bible in an effort to try to justify your right wing extremism.
Marxism died in 1989. The USA is currently in danger authoritarian white supremacists and anti-democratic forces seeking to create a Christian Taliban government.

You're busy rewriting and re-interpreting the US Constitution, US history, and even the Bible in an effort to try to justify your right wing extremism.
Nope. Marxism is alive and well at this very moment. Biden proves that almost daily.

For the record … the Founders of this nation were “right wing extremists” and Christians to boot. Just ask all of those dead, totalitarian “red coats.”
Democracy is a type of political regime that developed in some cities of Greece (esp. Athens) circa the fifth century BC and that consisted in all citizens gathering to discuss propose and decide policies, rules and actions in the government.
That's not what we have today.
Our "democracy" extends as far as the people elect other people who then gather to discuss, propose, and decide policies.

What's this describe?
The US.
Well done.

“A republic, if you can keep it.”
- Ben Franklin

That is not a current definition of democracy. You had to change the definition of democracy to refute my post. Just like your have to change the meaning of the Constitution, American History and even the Bible, to justify your stripping people of their right to self-determination, their votes, and even their personal safety.

Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

How does that differ from the definition of a Republic???

According to National Geographic, a Republic is one form of "representative democracy". That means all Republics are, by definition, democracies. Your understanding of democracy, is another form called "direct democracy".

"Rome's next government served as a representative democracy in the form of a republic. Initially, Rome's wealthiest families, the patricians, held power and only they could hold political or religious offices. Everyone else was considered plebeian, and no member of this group could hold office."

That is not a current definition of democracy.
That is THE definition of democracy -- it comes from the people who invented it.
If you have to change a definition to make your point, your point fails.
Thus, your point fails.

“A republic, if you can keep it.”
- Ben Franklin

Nope. Marxism is alive and well at this very moment. Biden proves that almost daily.

For the record … the Founders of this nation were “right wing extremists” and Christians to boot. Just ask all of those dead, totalitarian “red coats.”

You saying it doesn't make it true Jackson. The American Constitution was the most radical leftist documents in world history. Just the idea that all men were created equal and could decide who they wanted to lead the nation was a hair on fire radical concept at a time when the USA was one of two democracies in the world and every European nation was ruled by monarchs and their nobility, and class and power was determined by birth, and birth order.

The King's army were the Conservatives. The British political parties are the Conservatives and Labour. The Conservatives are the monarchists, and the nobility. The House of Lords in Great Britain is still appointed by the King.

Keep trying to make over your Founders in the mold of a 21st Century evangelical Christian extremists and you will fail every single time. They were men of their time, and the Constitution reflects their wish to create an land of opportunity, where religion and status at birth didn't foreclose your chances of improving your station. Freedom of religion was a principle because of the Spanish Inquisition, and the persecution by the Catholic Church in the Reformation. They eschewed war and conquest by having no standing army because of the toll the unending wars of succession and conquest in Europe.

The US Constitution is a document of its time, written by men of their time. This is a different time and a different world.
You saying it doesn't make it true Jackson. The American Constitution was the most radical leftist documents in world history. Just the idea that all men were created equal and could decide who they wanted to lead the nation was a hair on fire radical concept at a time when the USA was one of two democracies in the world and every European nation was ruled by monarchs and their nobility, and class and power was determined by birth, and birth order.

The King's army were the Conservatives. The British political parties are the Conservatives and Labour. The Conservatives are the monarchists, and the nobility. The House of Lords in Great Britain is still appointed by the King.

Keep trying to make over your Founders in the mold of a 21st Century evangelical Christian extremists and you will fail every single time. They were men of their time, and the Constitution reflects their wish to create an land of opportunity, where religion and status at birth didn't foreclose your chances of improving your station. Freedom of religion was a principle because of the Spanish Inquisition, and the persecution by the Catholic Church in the Reformation. They eschewed war and conquest by having no standing army because of the toll the unending wars of succession and conquest in Europe.

The US Constitution is a document of its time, written by men of their time. This is a different time and a different world.
So you (a leftist) are saying that you're all for that “leftist” Second Amendment? You're for “free speech” and opposed to YouTube, FaceBook, and Twitter censorship? You're all for the “right to life” and opposed to abortion? Really … that's what you're saying?

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