Americans now need a 6 figure salary to own a home in most cities.

Thank you Biden, thank you Democrats.

What is called for is to make both nazi dems and the pimps of zoning and building codes the (political [italics]) target so that poor people can still dream and accomplish. Unlike what attracted the POSPOTUS to stingrays, the monstrosity and bulemia of the EV auto industry vs. the micro-EV approach is a good analogy: a poor person can work and earn one piece of their smaller dream at a time, even the possibility of bypassing the bank pimp.
Thank you Biden, thank you Democrats.

Like a true capitalist, the POSPOTUS is no stranger to avarice. Nazi dems will exploit race difference and class difference without discrimination.

"In taking funds sourced to a CCP-linked company that wanted to advance China's interests, Joe Biden exposed himself to future blackmail and put America's interests behind his own desire for money."
(Comer, a former bank board member)
The Socialists / Marxists have their boots on the Throats of the Middle Class
Reagan's de-industrialization agenda is working just fine; we know this because right wingers love using housing bubbles and easy loans as a substitute for real productivity. As long as Wall Street is showered with cheap money from the Fed it's all good. Democrats joined up with them in the 1970's, so everybody is on the same page now. You sniveling proles just need to tighten your belts, like Obama said when he continued Bush's bank bailouts.
DEMOCRATS shut down the economy for two years.
When did this happen?
It’s the most important issue in America right now. The cost of living. What a disaster our economy is. Much of it from the lockdowns and destruction of our economy, which never had to happen.
Do any of you have any good pork recipes?


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Better have that income 60 miles from any major population center.

I bet 40% of my neighborhood is commuting into NOtVA every morning......I'm 60 miles from DC.....Homes start at 300K+ and go up from there.
I literally lived in as hole in the ground , when the world turned it's back on me

Now those very same sorts place me @ 1/3 a mil, and are all over me extending their 'line of credit'

I'm not writing this to puff my chest out, so much as i am trying to impart that you can distance yourself from the system , and live a decent lifestyle


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