America's Future When the Country Turns Blue

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
They will tell you that OUR socialism will be different from all the rest. It will be just like ALL THE REST.


In China, Capitalism is Being Consolidated, Not Socialism

China has a command economy similar to those the US resorted to during WWI and WWII. It is a single party authoritarian state that will likely harness the wealth-generating ability of capitalism more effectively than any other empire in the last five hundred years, imho.

In China, Capitalism is Being Consolidated, Not Socialism

China has a command economy similar to those the US resorted to during WWI and WWII. It is a single party authoritarian state that will likely harness the wealth-generating ability of capitalism more effectively than any other empire in the last five hundred years, imho.

If Red China is as conservative as you allege, George, why pray tell is the American Left Wing supporting them so rabidly in the current trade dispute we are having with them?

Why did they play ball and give a cabal headed by Ultraliberal Scion Hunter Biden a billion and a half dollars?

In China, Capitalism is Being Consolidated, Not Socialism

China has a command economy similar to those the US resorted to during WWI and WWII. It is a single party authoritarian state that will likely harness the wealth-generating ability of capitalism more effectively than any other empire in the last five hundred years, imho.

If Red China is as conservative as you allege, George, why pray tell is the American Left Wing supporting them so rabidly in the current trade dispute we are having with them?

Why did they play ball and give a cabal headed by Ultraliberal Scion Hunter Biden a billion and a half dollars?
If Red China is as conservative as you allege, George, why pray tell is the American Left Wing supporting them so rabidly in the current trade dispute we are having with them?
Who represents the American Left Wing in your opinion?
How are they supporting China in Trump's trade war?
As I understand "free" trade, tariffs work against a majority of consumers who are not billionaires.
Since the Right clearly lacks the capacity to stop this from happening, I'd be worried too.

Talk radio platitudes, sloganeering, insulting and denial just aren't enough. They never were.

Neither is better economic results or legal equality. or full inclusion into society, or anything we do.

It is bad enough to defeat someone, mac.

Blaming them for your sides actions, after the defeat, is a good way to nurture resentment, anger, and rage.
Who represents the American Left Wing in your opinion?
How are they supporting China in Trump's trade war?
As I understand "free" trade, tariffs work against a majority of consumers who are not billionaires.

The media as well as the Democrat Party are the American Left Wing, and they have been attacking President Trump's efforts to get a trade agreement with Red China.

Tariffs don't hurt American consumers, they hurt the Red Chinese. That's why President Xi is trying to end the dispute.

If Macy's imports a million neckties from Red China, the store will display them on a table with neckties from Bangladesh, Honduras and Vietnam as well. Red China has to reduce the wholesale price of their garments to meet their competition's price. If the table has Bangladeshi ties costing $20 each, the Red Chinese ties have to be the same price so they move. China has to subsidize to stay in business.
Today's left wing socialist pinko commo ideas will be the GOP platform in a generation.
The chance of socialism ever coming here? .00000000000001 percent
We already have too much of it

When the next generation votes, and Texas turns blue, it will happen


But the current young generation will be growing up and maturing, at least I hope.

Supposedly giving 18 year olds the vote back in 1972 was going to bring in an eternal liberal regime. Didn't happen as people grow up fast.

In China, Capitalism is Being Consolidated, Not Socialism

China has a command economy similar to those the US resorted to during WWI and WWII. It is a single party authoritarian state that will likely harness the wealth-generating ability of capitalism more effectively than any other empire in the last five hundred years, imho.

China is being fed by massive trade surpluses.

Once that ends, and at some point it will, for one reason or another, their bubble will burst.

MAYBE they will have built up enough internal demand to survive.

But they are doing nothing clever. It does not take a genius to take advantage of a fool.

In China, Capitalism is Being Consolidated, Not Socialism

China has a command economy similar to those the US resorted to during WWI and WWII. It is a single party authoritarian state that will likely harness the wealth-generating ability of capitalism more effectively than any other empire in the last five hundred years, imho.

If Red China is as conservative as you allege, George, why pray tell is the American Left Wing supporting them so rabidly in the current trade dispute we are having with them?

Why did they play ball and give a cabal headed by Ultraliberal Scion Hunter Biden a billion and a half dollars?
Why did they play ball and give a cabal headed by Ultraliberal Scion Hunter Biden a billion and a half dollars?
Neither Hunter nor Joe comes close to qualifying as an "Ultraliberal."
Bernie is the closest contender to that title, and he's closer in most of his views to FDR than Chomsky (who is a genuine radical thinker)

Hunter and Joe are corrupt with the former looking like a crony capitalist and the latter a long term enabler of crony capitalists. Neither Biden nor Trump, a crony capitalist who cut out the middleman, has the moral qualifications to serve as POTUS.

"Despite his relative lack of private equity experience, Hunter landed a prominent role with the new company.

"Under the terms of the original deal, Rosemont Seneca, Hunter’s firm, shared a 30% stake in BHR with the Thornton Group, which was run by James Bulger, the son of longtime Massachusetts state Senate President Billy Bulger.

"Hunter and Bulger joined the board, along with Devon Archer, Hunter’s longtime business partner.

"Archer would also serve as vice chairman of the fund’s investment committee.

"The value of these partnerships to BHR is clear. Its own website boasts: 'BHR, with its unique mixed ownership, combines the resources and platforms of China’s largest financial institutions … and the networks and know-how of our U.S.-based investment fund and advisory firm shareholders.'"
If America turned blue that would mean the people got too lazy, misinformed and bigoted to deserve capitalism or the American Dream. And the worst part is, the people who are squealing the loudest about the injustice of capitalism will be the same people who cry the loudest over the poverty and loss of freedom that will come from socialism. Maybe college kids should consider the possibility that their professors are political ignoramuses, because the ones pushing socialism really are.

In China, Capitalism is Being Consolidated, Not Socialism

China has a command economy similar to those the US resorted to during WWI and WWII. It is a single party authoritarian state that will likely harness the wealth-generating ability of capitalism more effectively than any other empire in the last five hundred years, imho.

If Red China is as conservative as you allege, George, why pray tell is the American Left Wing supporting them so rabidly in the current trade dispute we are having with them?

Why did they play ball and give a cabal headed by Ultraliberal Scion Hunter Biden a billion and a half dollars?
Why did they play ball and give a cabal headed by Ultraliberal Scion Hunter Biden a billion and a half dollars?
Neither Hunter nor Joe comes close to qualifying as an "Ultraliberal."
Bernie is the closest contender to that title, and he's closer in most of his views to FDR than Chomsky (who is a genuine radical thinker)

Hunter and Joe are corrupt with the former looking like a crony capitalist and the latter a long term enabler of crony capitalists. Neither Biden nor Trump, a crony capitalist who cut out the middleman, has the moral qualifications to serve as POTUS.

"Despite his relative lack of private equity experience, Hunter landed a prominent role with the new company.

"Under the terms of the original deal, Rosemont Seneca, Hunter’s firm, shared a 30% stake in BHR with the Thornton Group, which was run by James Bulger, the son of longtime Massachusetts state Senate President Billy Bulger.

"Hunter and Bulger joined the board, along with Devon Archer, Hunter’s longtime business partner.

"Archer would also serve as vice chairman of the fund’s investment committee.

"The value of these partnerships to BHR is clear. Its own website boasts: 'BHR, with its unique mixed ownership, combines the resources and platforms of China’s largest financial institutions … and the networks and know-how of our U.S.-based investment fund and advisory firm shareholders.'"

Of course, Sleepy Joe is an ultraliberal. Mr. Biden slavish devotion to leftwing ideas like Gay Marriage and Abortion shows exactly where he is coming from. He spent 8 long years kissing Obama's ass, that's undisputed.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama and Biden were both senators and both were in the top 3 as far as most liberal

In China, Capitalism is Being Consolidated, Not Socialism

China has a command economy similar to those the US resorted to during WWI and WWII. It is a single party authoritarian state that will likely harness the wealth-generating ability of capitalism more effectively than any other empire in the last five hundred years, imho.

China is being fed by massive trade surpluses.

Once that ends, and at some point it will, for one reason or another, their bubble will burst.

MAYBE they will have built up enough internal demand to survive.

But they are doing nothing clever. It does not take a genius to take advantage of a fool.
For the past thirty years, China's economy has surged because of massive government spending. The government owns strategically important companies that dominate their industries. When hard times hit, the command economy the Chinese version of capitalism functions within will pivot to high priority projects just as the US did at the outset of WWII. As their cost of living rises, they will lose some of their comparative advantage, but they might respond more flexibly to those changes.

In China, Capitalism is Being Consolidated, Not Socialism

China has a command economy similar to those the US resorted to during WWI and WWII. It is a single party authoritarian state that will likely harness the wealth-generating ability of capitalism more effectively than any other empire in the last five hundred years, imho.

China is being fed by massive trade surpluses.

Once that ends, and at some point it will, for one reason or another, their bubble will burst.

MAYBE they will have built up enough internal demand to survive.

But they are doing nothing clever. It does not take a genius to take advantage of a fool.
For the past thirty years, China's economy has surged because of massive government spending. The government owns strategically important companies that dominate their industries. When hard times hit, the command economy the Chinese version of capitalism functions within will pivot to high priority projects just as the US did at the outset of WWII. As their cost of living rises, they will lose some of their comparative advantage, but they might respond more flexibly to those changes.

So, the massive flow of jobs and wealth into the nation, due to the massive, record breaking trade surpluses,

to you, that is a non factor, and it is government spending that creates wealth?
Nah...cause we aren't full of Chinese...we're full of wetbacks and *******.

Our future is closer to Johannesburg, Sao Paolo, or Mexico City.
I'll never forget the look on the face of my 18 year old nephew, who at the time was a professed radical socialist when he received his first paycheck after working for two weeks busting his ass on a construction site.
He actually went to the book keeper and demanded to know why the 'income tax' deduction was so high.
She told him: "the more you make the more the government takes from you".
He came home where I was visiting. He declared that "it not worth working so hard if the government is going to take my money!".
The left has all its bases covered. They have the schools. They have the prisons. They are replacing Americans as fast as they can with bonus points to invaders killing Americans, especially American women.

Of course the country will turn blue. And stay that way until blood flows red.

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