America’s global influence has dwindled under Donald Trump

Um, no. He absolutely had US interest at heart. Trump? Not so much. Oh, he bloviates like a heifer with diarrhea. But only fools listen to his snake-like charms...

So ... Are you suggesting it is in the US' best interest to keep the rest of the world happy ... :dunno:

Holy crud ... Wonder what it would be like if we stopped sending everyone foreign aid.
I mean damn ... If they don't want to be on the team ... There is no reason they should benefit from our unsurmountable debt.

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So ... Are you suggesting it is in the US' best interest to keep the rest of the world happy ... :dunno:

Holy crud ... Wonder what it would be like if we stopped sending everyone foreign aid.
I mean damn ... If they don't want to be on the team ... There is no reason they should benefit from our unsurmountable debt.


it is possible to look out for everybody to a degree.
Being that I began to feel the American Century was over at the start of the Iraq war in 2003, I wouldn't lay everything on Trump nor the Republicans.
it is possible to look out for everybody to a degree.
Problem is the globalists (Obama, Biden, Hillary, et al) see that "degree" as letting the WHOLE PENNILESS WORLD (including deranged Muslims) came and live in the US...and allowing millions to come here to burglarize our economy via remittances$$$ (currently $133 Billion/year), as well as those bringing dangerous diseases (ex. Ebola)
Problem is the globalists (Obama, Biden, Hillary, et al) see that "degree" as letting the WHOLE PENNILESS WORLD (including deranged Muslims) came and live in the US...and allowing millions to come here to burglarize our economy via remittances$$$ (currently $133 Billion/year), as well as those bringing dangerous diseases (ex. Ebola)

What a load of utter crap. Per head of population US immigration is less than most other western countries. You are a typical alarmist with little or no facts to back up your assertion.

"Oh, look, my life is shit! Hmmm, who to blame? Oh, immigrants!!!"

The US was the laughing stock of the world under the Kenyan's administration.


June 29, 2016
As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

Few overseas confident that Trump can handle foreign policy

By Richard Wike, Jacob Poushter and Hani Zainulbhai

As he nears the end of his presidency, Barack Obama continues to enjoy a broad degree of international popularity. A new Pew Research Center survey conducted in 10 European nations, four major Asia-Pacific countries, Canada and the United States finds that half or more of those polled in 15 of 16 countries express confidence in the American leader.

Although he has not been universally praised by global publics throughout his two terms in office, previous Pew Research Center surveys have found higher international ratings for Obama than for his predecessor, George W. Bush. During the Bush era, opposition to U.S. foreign policy and rising anti-Americanism were widespread in many regions of the world, but Obama’s election in November 2008 led to a significant improvement in America’s global image. The shift was especially dramatic in Western Europe, where assessments of Bush were grim, but subsequent views of Obama have been remarkably positive.



As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

The right thing for their countries, not for America.

THe world wants a weak America that is willing to be taken advantage of.

the world has learned all they have to do is show your thorgod trump a good time with some pomp & circumstance.... tickle his ample orange ass & they have him right where they want him.
oh silly you. i replied to you.... i don't 'quote' you as if i was agreeing with you. i ignored nothing. the powers that be are saying the piglet is going fwd with their nuke plans. doesn't sound like he's backing down at all.
FALSE! North Korea hasn't done a missle test in 2 months now. Big slow down. Big back down.

Why no North Korea missile tests in two months?

or they are closer than we think & are keeping mum until they ain't mum. you seriously think they aren't continuing with their plans with nuking the pacific ocean?
Our image abroad is the lowest it has been in 50 years
"Oh, look, my life is shit! Hmmm, who to blame? Oh, immigrants!!!"


I guess they should blame rich people ... Or maybe Religious people ... What about white people?
Yeah, that's right ... It's stupid when they do it when you don't like who it is they blame ... But fricken genius if it happens to suit someone else's particular desires.

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"Oh, look, my life is shit! Hmmm, who to blame? Oh, immigrants!!!"


I guess they should blame rich people ... Or maybe Religious people ... What about white people?
Yeah, that's right ... It's stupid when they do it when you don't like who it is they blame ... But fricken genius if it happens to suit someone else's particular desires.


Religious, white and rich people can take their share of the blame...

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