America’s global influence has dwindled under Donald Trump

trump is a big pussy when he's face to face with those he slams....

'mexico will pay for the wall'.... says NOTHING about it when meeting with the mexican prez.

'china is a currency manipulator & is raping us' ... talks about chocolate cake & not only is china 'our friend' but kisses ass over there.

says NOTHING about the death squads & human rights abuses going on in the philippines.... even adding an extra day to his itinerary.

& he completely bends over for putin.

he is being played... they know to give him glitz & glam & tickle his ample orange ass to get what they want.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations

And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?


Americans haven’t been “fucked” by the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans. They wanted Japan defenceless so they couldn’t make war again and that’s what they got.


Yes, we have. And it's time to stop letting them.
trump is a big pussy when he's face to face with those he slams....

'mexico will pay for the wall'.... says NOTHING about it when meeting with the mexican prez.

'china is a currency manipulator & is raping us' ... talks about chocolate cake & not only is china 'our friend' but kisses ass over there.

says NOTHING about the death squads & human rights abuses going on in the philippines.... even adding an extra day to his itinerary.

& he completely bends over for putin.

he is being played... they know to give him glitz & glam & tickle his ample orange ass to get what they want.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations

And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?


China has not fucked us over. We have had very little contact with them over the last 50 years

South Korea and Japan are some of our strongest allies in the world

China has totally fucked US, and has Japan and South Korean.

Massive and ever growing trade deficits, with no end in sight.

Time to knock that shit off.
trump is a big pussy when he's face to face with those he slams....

'mexico will pay for the wall'.... says NOTHING about it when meeting with the mexican prez.

'china is a currency manipulator & is raping us' ... talks about chocolate cake & not only is china 'our friend' but kisses ass over there.

says NOTHING about the death squads & human rights abuses going on in the philippines.... even adding an extra day to his itinerary.

& he completely bends over for putin.

he is being played... they know to give him glitz & glam & tickle his ample orange ass to get what they want.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations

And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?


China has not fucked us over. We have had very little contact with them over the last 50 years

South Korea and Japan are some of our strongest allies in the world

China has totally fucked US, and has Japan and South Korean.

Massive and ever growing trade deficits, with no end in sight.

Time to knock that shit off.

Trade deficits are a result of consumer know markets
American consumers prefer Korean and Japanese cars and electronics. They also flock to inexpensive Chinese products. Walmart has made a fortune selling them
trump is a big pussy when he's face to face with those he slams....

'mexico will pay for the wall'.... says NOTHING about it when meeting with the mexican prez.

'china is a currency manipulator & is raping us' ... talks about chocolate cake & not only is china 'our friend' but kisses ass over there.

says NOTHING about the death squads & human rights abuses going on in the philippines.... even adding an extra day to his itinerary.

& he completely bends over for putin.

he is being played... they know to give him glitz & glam & tickle his ample orange ass to get what they want.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations

And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?


China has not fucked us over. We have had very little contact with them over the last 50 years

South Korea and Japan are some of our strongest allies in the world

China has totally fucked US, and has Japan and South Korean.

Massive and ever growing trade deficits, with no end in sight.

Time to knock that shit off.

Trade deficits are a result of consumer know markets
American consumers prefer Korean and Japanese cars and electronics. They also flock to inexpensive Chinese products. Walmart has made a fortune selling them

Trade Policy is a government function, not an individual responsibility.

As you well know.
The US was the laughing stock of the world under the Kenyan's administration.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations

And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?


China has not fucked us over. We have had very little contact with them over the last 50 years

South Korea and Japan are some of our strongest allies in the world

China has totally fucked US, and has Japan and South Korean.

Massive and ever growing trade deficits, with no end in sight.

Time to knock that shit off.

Trade deficits are a result of consumer know markets
American consumers prefer Korean and Japanese cars and electronics. They also flock to inexpensive Chinese products. Walmart has made a fortune selling them

Trade Policy is a government function, not an individual responsibility.

As you well know.
The trade deficit is a result of commerce not dictated by government

Let consumers decide
The US was the laughing stock of the world under the Kenyan's administration.

According to who?
Fox News?

The image of the U.S. has fallen in the dirt upon the election of Trump
The US was the laughing stock of the world under the Kenyan's administration.


June 29, 2016
As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

Few overseas confident that Trump can handle foreign policy

By Richard Wike, Jacob Poushter and Hani Zainulbhai

As he nears the end of his presidency, Barack Obama continues to enjoy a broad degree of international popularity. A new Pew Research Center survey conducted in 10 European nations, four major Asia-Pacific countries, Canada and the United States finds that half or more of those polled in 15 of 16 countries express confidence in the American leader.

Although he has not been universally praised by global publics throughout his two terms in office, previous Pew Research Center surveys have found higher international ratings for Obama than for his predecessor, George W. Bush. During the Bush era, opposition to U.S. foreign policy and rising anti-Americanism were widespread in many regions of the world, but Obama’s election in November 2008 led to a significant improvement in America’s global image. The shift was especially dramatic in Western Europe, where assessments of Bush were grim, but subsequent views of Obama have been remarkably positive.



As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia
And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?


China has not fucked us over. We have had very little contact with them over the last 50 years

South Korea and Japan are some of our strongest allies in the world

China has totally fucked US, and has Japan and South Korean.

Massive and ever growing trade deficits, with no end in sight.

Time to knock that shit off.

Trade deficits are a result of consumer know markets
American consumers prefer Korean and Japanese cars and electronics. They also flock to inexpensive Chinese products. Walmart has made a fortune selling them

Trade Policy is a government function, not an individual responsibility.

As you well know.
The trade deficit is a result of commerce not dictated by government

Let consumers decide

An interesting claim, one I find doubtful.

It is government policy that allows Airbus to be heavily supported by it's governments and to not do anything about it.

For one example I have heard about.
The US was the laughing stock of the world under the Kenyan's administration.


June 29, 2016
As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

Few overseas confident that Trump can handle foreign policy

By Richard Wike, Jacob Poushter and Hani Zainulbhai

As he nears the end of his presidency, Barack Obama continues to enjoy a broad degree of international popularity. A new Pew Research Center survey conducted in 10 European nations, four major Asia-Pacific countries, Canada and the United States finds that half or more of those polled in 15 of 16 countries express confidence in the American leader.

Although he has not been universally praised by global publics throughout his two terms in office, previous Pew Research Center surveys have found higher international ratings for Obama than for his predecessor, George W. Bush. During the Bush era, opposition to U.S. foreign policy and rising anti-Americanism were widespread in many regions of the world, but Obama’s election in November 2008 led to a significant improvement in America’s global image. The shift was especially dramatic in Western Europe, where assessments of Bush were grim, but subsequent views of Obama have been remarkably positive.



As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

The right thing for their countries, not for America.

THe world wants a weak America that is willing to be taken advantage of.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.

OMG...this has got to be the dumbest post this month.
Unbelievable. People cannot possibly be this stupid.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.

OMG...this has got to be the dumbest post this month.
Unbelievable. People cannot possibly be this stupid.

Trump got elected. I think it is already a given that people are stupid.
Trump got elected. I think it is already a given that people are stupid.

You are thinking backwards.
Hillary did't get elected. Despite the cheating, despite the media and the DNC machine pushing hard - she lost.
Trump should not have won. Not the Rep primary, not the election. But he did.
Easy. Americans are absolutely sick and tired of the same ol same ol corruption and Washington politicians. They were willing to vote in a buffoon if it could be ANYONE who is not among the Washington elitist.
Hillary ran on an anti-Trump theme, and "more Obama"...only people didn't want four more years of the continuation of the vanishing middle class and the tremendous wealth concentration that took place after 2009.
If Biden runs...holy cow he will get buried. Buried. You can't get more Washington elitist/insider than Joe Biden.
You are thinking backwards.
Hillary did't get elected. Despite the cheating, despite the media and the DNC machine pushing hard - she lost.
Trump should not have won. Not the Rep primary, not the election. But he did.
Easy. Americans are absolutely sick and tired of the same ol same ol corruption and Washington politicians. They were willing to vote in a buffoon if it could be ANYONE who is not among the Washington elitist.
Hillary ran on an anti-Trump theme, and "more Obama"...only people didn't want four more years of the continuation of the vanishing middle class and the tremendous wealth concentration that took place after 2009.
If Biden runs...holy cow he will get buried. Buried. You can't get more Washington elitist/insider than Joe Biden.

And yet more of the American people voted for Hillary than they did for the Orange Buffoon. Notwithstanding, you do have a valid point with regard to Washington. However, Trump, is not the answer because he has no answers. Just hot air. He has literally accomplished nothing in a year. Nada. Zilch. Zero.
What does "global influence" and "a force for good" mean to the pop-culture educated modern left? They are meaningless cliches designed to make capitulation and extortion look good to emotional democrats. It's only about 65 years since a timid democrat was so negligent that he invited China into a shooting war in Korea. In less than a year in office President Trump has negotiated an agreement with China that they will enforce sanctions against their former ally in North Korea and the President has negotiated the release of Americans who were held prisoner by foreign countries while Barry Hussein bowed down to every two bit dictator on the planet apologizing for America's decadence and promising to reduce the U.S. to a 3rd world country to even the playing field. Watch out when lefties throw the term "a force for good" around, some poor innocent bastard is probably going to die.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.

Based on the comparison in how obummer and Trump were received by the Chinese I would have to say that the article is full of poo....

Based on the comparison in how obummer and Trump were received by the Chinese I would have to say that the article is full of poo....

I would be more concerned why Trump was received differently than Obama....

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