America’s global influence has dwindled under Donald Trump

For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.


Oh. You said so. Must be true.
Religious, white and rich people can take their share of the blame...

Well that is rather ambiguous ... I mean zero could be their share of the blame.
How about you explain what you think their share actually is ... :dunno:

Not that it would matter what you actually think ... Just that I think your blame game is entertaining.

Religious, white and rich people can take their share of the blame...

Well that is rather ambiguous ... I mean zero could be their share of the blame.
How about you explain what you think their share actually is ... :dunno:

Not that it would matter what you actually think ... Just that I think your blame game is entertaining.


You mean like blaming immigrants for all your woes? That kind of blame game?
So ... Are you suggesting it is in the US' best interest to keep the rest of the world happy ... :dunno:

Holy crud ... Wonder what it would be like if we stopped sending everyone foreign aid.
I mean damn ... If they don't want to be on the team ... There is no reason they should benefit from our unsurmountable debt.


it is possible to look out for everybody to a degree.

The massive trade deficits, the negative effects of massive immigration, the massive debt we are building as we pay for everyone else's defense,

shows that that is not what we are doing.

We are not looking out for OURSELVES nearly enough, if at all.
The US was the laughing stock of the world under the Kenyan's administration.


June 29, 2016
As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

Few overseas confident that Trump can handle foreign policy

By Richard Wike, Jacob Poushter and Hani Zainulbhai

As he nears the end of his presidency, Barack Obama continues to enjoy a broad degree of international popularity. A new Pew Research Center survey conducted in 10 European nations, four major Asia-Pacific countries, Canada and the United States finds that half or more of those polled in 15 of 16 countries express confidence in the American leader.

Although he has not been universally praised by global publics throughout his two terms in office, previous Pew Research Center surveys have found higher international ratings for Obama than for his predecessor, George W. Bush. During the Bush era, opposition to U.S. foreign policy and rising anti-Americanism were widespread in many regions of the world, but Obama’s election in November 2008 led to a significant improvement in America’s global image. The shift was especially dramatic in Western Europe, where assessments of Bush were grim, but subsequent views of Obama have been remarkably positive.



As Obama Years Draw to Close, President and U.S. Seen Favorably in Europe and Asia

The right thing for their countries, not for America.

THe world wants a weak America that is willing to be taken advantage of.

the world has learned all they have to do is show your thorgod trump a good time with some pomp & circumstance.... tickle his ample orange ass & they have him right where they want him.

If that so, then the fear leading to hate they had during the campaign should be lessening in their press.

Got any links showing a softening of fear and hate from the political elite of Europe?
Religious, white and rich people can take their share of the blame...

Well that is rather ambiguous ... I mean zero could be their share of the blame.
How about you explain what you think their share actually is ... :dunno:

Not that it would matter what you actually think ... Just that I think your blame game is entertaining.


You mean like blaming immigrants for all your woes? That kind of blame game?

Considering how much conservatives bitch about liberals, establishment republicans, big government, hollywood, the media, ect ect ect.

for you to claim that any conservatives are blaming "all their woes" on immigrants,

is very disingenuous of you.
Yet another thread that provides proof.....

There is no reasoning with traitors and imbeciles like the OP....

Our only option is to give em the boot permanently......(if they are even American to begin with)
Many aren't....just foreign parasites living off the American taxpayer through gutless wonders like Obama & Hillary etc
"Oh, look, my life is shit! Hmmm, who to blame? Oh, immigrants!!!"


I guess they should blame rich people ... Or maybe Religious people ... What about white people?
Yeah, that's right ... It's stupid when they do it when you don't like who it is they blame ... But fricken genius if it happens to suit someone else's particular desires.


Religious, white and rich people can take their share of the blame...

And the point just flies right over your head.
Religious, white and rich people can take their share of the blame...

Well that is rather ambiguous ... I mean zero could be their share of the blame.
How about you explain what you think their share actually is ... :dunno:

Not that it would matter what you actually think ... Just that I think your blame game is entertaining.


You mean like blaming immigrants for all your woes? That kind of blame game?

Considering how much conservatives bitch about liberals, establishment republicans, big government, hollywood, the media, ect ect ect.

for you to claim that any conservatives are blaming "all their woes" on immigrants,

is very disingenuous of you.
You are correct

Not just immigrants but Muslims, the poor, the media, Hollywood,unions, environmentalists, scientists

Everyone but the wealthy and Putin
You mean like blaming immigrants for all your woes? That kind of blame game?

I mean like blaming whomever your sorry butt wants to blame ... :thup:
You can blame the three legged dog down the street if it makes you feel better, snowflake.

Religious, white and rich people can take their share of the blame...

Well that is rather ambiguous ... I mean zero could be their share of the blame.
How about you explain what you think their share actually is ... :dunno:

Not that it would matter what you actually think ... Just that I think your blame game is entertaining.


You mean like blaming immigrants for all your woes? That kind of blame game?

Considering how much conservatives bitch about liberals, establishment republicans, big government, hollywood, the media, ect ect ect.

for you to claim that any conservatives are blaming "all their woes" on immigrants,

is very disingenuous of you.
You are correct

Not just immigrants but Muslims, the poor, the media, Hollywood,unions, environmentalists, scientists

Everyone but the wealthy and Putin

Jesus H Christ, RW, how often do we have to bitch about soros before you even fucking hear US?

Close your mouth and LISTEN every now and then.

But thanks for the back up. What Dr Grump said was stupid.
Jesus H Christ, RW, how often do we have to bitch about soros before you even fucking hear US?

Close your mouth and LISTEN every now and then.

But thanks for the back up. What Dr Grump said was stupid.

Hey ... o_O ... Give ole BrokenWing a break.

If there is one thing you can count on ... That goose will always dip his toe into the pool of hyperbole even if he doesn't jump all in.
He is not interested in anything other than the opportunity to challenge others on whatever it is they may post.

He really just keeps the grinder going.

You mean like blaming immigrants for all your woes? That kind of blame game?

I mean like blaming whomever your sorry butt wants to blame ... :thup:
You can blame the three legged dog down the street if it makes you feel better, snowflake.


I wasn't blaming anybody, Petal. Protectionist was. Go back and read the thread....
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.


Oh. You said so. Must be true.

Damn right it's true, butt hurt. LOL

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