America’s global influence has dwindled under Donald Trump

Amen to all the initial responses.

The only reason why the World dislikes Trump is he's making
them kiss our ass again, rather than the other way around like that p.o.s.

er... no.. they think he's a dangerous, unhinged, loon.

And with his hand on the button of 7,000+ Nukes, he's the best one to send to the negotiating table. They believe he has bite behind his bark. When he speaks they listen. You negotiate from a position of strength and the negotiations will always turn out better when the folks you are negotiating
with fear you.

They think he’s a lunatic with no morals. They may be right.

The Trans Pacific Partnership was signed while Trump did his promo tour of Asia having the Chinese and Japanese sign a bunch of Memorandums of cooperation which he said were “trade deals” worth billions. They weren’t. TheY were agreements to discuss areas of mutual interest in trade and development.

No American jobs to speak of. No patent protection for American corporations doing business in Asia. Sweet fuck all for Americans.
Amen to all the initial responses.

The only reason why the World dislikes Trump is he's making
them kiss our ass again, rather than the other way around like that p.o.s.

er... no.. they think he's a dangerous, unhinged, loon.

And with his hand on the button of 7,000+ Nukes, he's the best one to send to the negotiating table. They believe he has bite behind his bark. When he speaks they listen. You negotiate from a position of strength and the negotiations will always turn out better when the folks you are negotiating
with fear you.

no one wants an insane lunatic to have his hands on the nukes.

and don't think his generals are going to allow anyone to follow whatever insane order he may give
Nobody will accept the leadership of Donald Trump

He is not respected or trusted
The few leaders that have interacted.....are being polite. Why the Queen of England seemed pleased to have Obama visit, but has no time for Trump, well......
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
This is winning for Trump. If for goods become more expensive for us ... it's just more wining for Trump.
If for goods become more expensive for us ... it's just more wining for Trump.

Trump invests in foreign wives, angry about that? Still, Trump may improve with support, constant nit-picking will not help this nation.

His gutting of the State Department being one of many examples of his accomplishments. The Obama-Hillary state dept was a disaster for everyone in America, except for some jihadists (like Huma Abedin)

Trump's foreign policy is a huge success and is, right now, fixing the horrible Asian outsourcing mess created previously. One of these successes is making North Korean president, Kim Jong Un back down, as he has done, due to Trump's tough stance.

Yeah, get rid of all the experienced staff that make a place tick. You have no idea of the capabilities of the people he got rid of and the total lack of experience of those that have taken over. It's troubling times.
If you have a State Department laundering money, taking bribes, and Millions of dollars of State Department funds mysteriously missing, and you are also violating numerous FOIA requests...........

Don't you think you should get rid of some people?

You must be one of those guys though who farts in a jar and keeps the jar on his desk, so he can take a whiff of his own corrupt shit because you like the smell so much.

Obama to replace U.S. Attorneys

Trump's Firing of Cabinet Official Rare but Not Unprecedented

You Deplorables and your conspiracy theories. And no, I'm not talking about your leaks, i'm talking about your bribery allegations. Proof please.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
This is winning for Trump. If for goods become more expensive for us ... it's just more wining for Trump.

Trump speak - Yeah, you have a bomb a village and kill everybody in it, in order to save the village.
Global influence of our country has diminished

America first means America last
The time has passed where we could be isolationist (if we ever could) the large corps have gone global long ago, our offer now to strip mine middle Americans of there cash to temp them back to the nest is failing. other country's are reaching out to each other to form trade deals that go around us.
there may be things I am missing, so far things are being done that make me cringe, true no war & the spiral down is a trickle so far. waiting for the new year to unfold before rendering a final judgment.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.

If Europe wants an America not "turned inwards" maybe they should have been working to have more balanced trade with US, instead of fucking us, as much as they can, and paying more for their own defense.

Hell, really, they should be paying ALL of their defense, and working with US on global issues.

Otherwise, they are just spoiled children whining at the people the make their little welfare paradises possible. For now.
If Europe wants an America not "turned inwards" maybe they should have been working to have more balanced trade with US, instead of fucking us, as much as they can, and paying more for their own defense.

Hell, really, they should be paying ALL of their defense, and working with US on global issues.

Otherwise, they are just spoiled children whining at the people the make their little welfare paradises possible. For now.

I agree. Same with Japan. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they have made their 'little welfare paradises' possible. UK and France have nukes, and in the case of the UK, a strong navy for the size of the country. I think once you have nukes, your defence is pretty much guaranteed. As for the welfare aspect, Germany, the UK and France have welfare systems that work for them. The real welfare parasites are the Greeks. They want to retire at 45. A German has to work to 67 so a Greek can retire early. That is why Europe told the Greeks to go fuck themselves with regard to austerity. It's one of many reasons there was a Brexit.
i quoted you? ummm no..... & the little NK piglet hasn't backed down from nothing. remember when president dotard called him a smart cookie? remember when he said NK was starting to respect us & then went right ahead with their nuke plans?

i do. trump is a joke.
You shouldn't be posting here when you are so ignorant.

ummm yeah.......You quoted my Post # 54, in your Post # 61. :rolleyes:

Rocket boy backed down from his threat to attack Guam with missles (in a few days). That was about 2 month ago. Still no attack on Guam..

Then after backpedaling on that, Rocket boy said he was going to drop a few missles in the waters near Guam. He backed down from that too, after Trump warned him that attacks on Guam would be met with "Fire & Fury"

Trump showed Kim to be a paper tiger.

YOU are the "joke" (and Kim too)

oh silly you. i replied to you.... i don't 'quote' you as if i was agreeing with you. i ignored nothing. the powers that be are saying the piglet is going fwd with their nuke plans. doesn't sound like he's backing down at all.
trump is a big pussy when he's face to face with those he slams....

'mexico will pay for the wall'.... says NOTHING about it when meeting with the mexican prez.

'china is a currency manipulator & is raping us' ... talks about chocolate cake & not only is china 'our friend' but kisses ass over there.

says NOTHING about the death squads & human rights abuses going on in the philippines.... even adding an extra day to his itinerary.

& he completely bends over for putin.

he is being played... they know to give him glitz & glam & tickle his ample orange ass to get what they want.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations
trump is a big pussy when he's face to face with those he slams....

'mexico will pay for the wall'.... says NOTHING about it when meeting with the mexican prez.

'china is a currency manipulator & is raping us' ... talks about chocolate cake & not only is china 'our friend' but kisses ass over there.

says NOTHING about the death squads & human rights abuses going on in the philippines.... even adding an extra day to his itinerary.

& he completely bends over for putin.

he is being played... they know to give him glitz & glam & tickle his ample orange ass to get what they want.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations

And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?

trump is a big pussy when he's face to face with those he slams....

'mexico will pay for the wall'.... says NOTHING about it when meeting with the mexican prez.

'china is a currency manipulator & is raping us' ... talks about chocolate cake & not only is china 'our friend' but kisses ass over there.

says NOTHING about the death squads & human rights abuses going on in the philippines.... even adding an extra day to his itinerary.

& he completely bends over for putin.

he is being played... they know to give him glitz & glam & tickle his ample orange ass to get what they want.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations

And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?


Americans haven’t been “fucked” by the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans. They wanted Japan defenceless so they couldn’t make war again and that’s what they got.

They intervened in every communist war in the region - Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia. They propped up dictators in the Phillipines and Indonesia. In most circumstances, the USA has been the fucker not the fuckee.

The US built their war machine for WWII and kept it going, outspending ever nation on earth in military hardware and technologies, and putting your nation deeply in debt.

The US became the world’s policeman because you wanted the job. Now people at home complain about the cost and the deficit but no one is suggesting cutting military spending. They’re increasing that budget.

Americans fucked themselves on trade by off-shoring. Profit over people. Always. The average citizen screws themselves every time they choose a cheap import over goods that are “Made in America”.

Large standing armies and world conquest bankrupted the Romans. Armies are expensive and you don’t get to loot and plunder the conquered territory when you’re done these days.

The Romans conquered new lands for the money. Paying off the troops with the spoils of war. Taxing the puppet state to pay Rome’s bills. It still bankrupted them. There are a lot of parallels between Ancient Rome and modern America. You should read history.
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trump is a big pussy when he's face to face with those he slams....

'mexico will pay for the wall'.... says NOTHING about it when meeting with the mexican prez.

'china is a currency manipulator & is raping us' ... talks about chocolate cake & not only is china 'our friend' but kisses ass over there.

says NOTHING about the death squads & human rights abuses going on in the philippines.... even adding an extra day to his itinerary.

& he completely bends over for putin.

he is being played... they know to give him glitz & glam & tickle his ample orange ass to get what they want.
Trump knows he is in over his head

He has no clue on how to handle international relations

And the fools that have allowed China and Japan and South Korean to fuck US for the last 50 years did?


China has not fucked us over. We have had very little contact with them over the last 50 years

South Korea and Japan are some of our strongest allies in the world
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.

No doubt.

But it declined under Obama as well.

Actually didn't... Bush took away a lot of US credibility and goodwill with Iraq... Obama restore a lot but not all...

Trump is an unmitigated disaster... Leaders of other nations in Europe have to defend why they are talking to Trump... He is toxic... Theresa May is the only one who tried to take him seriously and she won't last another 6 months in her job... The French lad was just pulling the piss...

I will put it this way... If US went to war with Iran tomorrow who would back them? Australia have been in every war US has been since WW2 and I don't see them going...

Trump has no influence and how could he... He buddies up with Putin, a creep of war criminal...

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