America’s global influence has dwindled under Donald Trump

So some said.

Others say different.

Regardless, another year and it will be almost as if had he never been.

Nope. Universally liked around the world. In another year most Americans will be looking back on his presidency as the good old days. Currently, The Orange Buffoon keeps on inventing new ways of fucking things up. I thought he was going to be bad president, but I didn't predict the total train wreck he has become.
So some said.

Others say different.

Regardless, another year and it will be almost as if had he never been.

Nope. Universally liked around the world. In another year most Americans will be looking back on his presidency as the good old days. Currently, The Orange Buffoon keeps on inventing new ways of fucking things up. I thought he was going to be bad president, but I didn't predict the total train wreck he has become.
Trump isn't a buffoon. he is quite effectively carrying his pro-elite wealth agenda. Just like the democrats carry out when they are in power. This isn't a Trump issue. Making it so is completely misunderstanding how the country works.

Both parties support the rich and both parties have their seperate methods of distraction. I'll grant the democrats are less heartless in their reverse robin hood behavior.

But in foreign policy, they are are both imperialist scumbags.
This article is childish. The Economist should be ashamed of themselves.

Why? Which part is incorrect?
It's an opinion piece, very short on anything other than the author's personal outlook, and that was rather wanting.

I just get tired of reading articles that say things like "undermining the deal with Iran". Without mentioning that there is a plethora folks out there pointing to flaws in the agreement. There are serious issues with trade deals like NAFTA, many worried TPP would be a repeat. This article speaks as if the wonders of such agreements are self evident.

I'm not even remotely a Trump fan but pieces like this just seem to ramble on without substance.

I particularly find the author's take on "soft power" puzzling. It's as if they missed the last 8 years. "emboldens autocrats to behave worse". As compared to the last 8 years? As far as I'm concerned, I don't know if US "soft power" has ever been lower. Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, what's changed?

Again I'm not a big Trump fan, I just find articles like this to be worthless and simplistic. The biggest takeaway I get is the author doesn't like Trump, no substance included.
It's an opinion piece, very short on anything other than the author's personal outlook, and that was rather wanting.

I just get tired of reading articles that say things like "undermining the deal with Iran". Without mentioning that there is a plethora folks out there pointing to flaws in the agreement. There are serious issues with trade deals like NAFTA, many worried TPP would be a repeat. This article speaks as if the wonders of such agreements are self evident.

I'm not even remotely a Trump fan but pieces like this just seem to ramble on without substance.

I particularly find the author's take on "soft power" puzzling. It's as if they missed the last 8 years. "emboldens autocrats to behave worse". As compared to the last 8 years? As far as I'm concerned, I don't know if US "soft power" has ever been lower. Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, what's changed?

Again I'm not a big Trump fan, I just find articles like this to be worthless and simplistic. The biggest takeaway I get is the author doesn't like Trump, no substance included.

Totally disagree. As I said, plenty of facts in the article.

· Mr Trump had suggested that he would scrap trade deals, ditch allies, put a figurative bomb under the rules-based global order and drop literal ones willy-nilly.

· NATO was “obsolete”, he said;

· NAFTA was “the worst trade deal maybe ever”;

· and America was far too nice to foreigners.

· he has pulled America out of the Paris accord, making it harder to curb climate change,

· abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership

· He has not started any wars.

· He has stepped up America’s defence of Afghanistan’s beleaguered government, and helped Iraq recapture cities from IS.

· He has not started a needless row with China over Taiwan’s ambiguous status, as he once threatened to do.

· He warms to strongmen, such as Mr Putin and Xi Jinping.

· He has gutted the State Department

· He undermines and contradicts his officials without warning, and makes reckless threats against Kim Jong Un, whose paranoia needs no stoking.

· Trump has yet to be tested by a crisis.

· He remains wedded to a zero-sum view of the world, in which exporters “win” and importers “lose”.

· Trump has made clear that he favours bilateral deals over multilateral ones

· He openly scorns the notion that America should stand up for universal values such as democracy and human rights.

· Not only does he admire dictators; he explicitly praises thuggishness, such as the mass murder of criminal suspects in the Philippines. He does so not out of diplomatic tact, but apparently out of conviction.

· In Saudi Arabia this week, where the crown prince’s dramatic political purges met with Mr Trump’s blessing (
It's an opinion piece, very short on anything other than the author's personal outlook, and that was rather wanting.

I just get tired of reading articles that say things like "undermining the deal with Iran". Without mentioning that there is a plethora folks out there pointing to flaws in the agreement. There are serious issues with trade deals like NAFTA, many worried TPP would be a repeat. This article speaks as if the wonders of such agreements are self evident.

I'm not even remotely a Trump fan but pieces like this just seem to ramble on without substance.

I particularly find the author's take on "soft power" puzzling. It's as if they missed the last 8 years. "emboldens autocrats to behave worse". As compared to the last 8 years? As far as I'm concerned, I don't know if US "soft power" has ever been lower. Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, what's changed?

Again I'm not a big Trump fan, I just find articles like this to be worthless and simplistic. The biggest takeaway I get is the author doesn't like Trump, no substance included.

Totally disagree. As I said, plenty of facts in the article.

· Mr Trump had suggested that he would scrap trade deals, ditch allies, put a figurative bomb under the rules-based global order and drop literal ones willy-nilly.

· NATO was “obsolete”, he said;

· NAFTA was “the worst trade deal maybe ever”;

· and America was far too nice to foreigners.

· he has pulled America out of the Paris accord, making it harder to curb climate change,

· abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership

· He has not started any wars.

· He has stepped up America’s defence of Afghanistan’s beleaguered government, and helped Iraq recapture cities from IS.

· He has not started a needless row with China over Taiwan’s ambiguous status, as he once threatened to do.

· He warms to strongmen, such as Mr Putin and Xi Jinping.

· He has gutted the State Department

· He undermines and contradicts his officials without warning, and makes reckless threats against Kim Jong Un, whose paranoia needs no stoking.

· Trump has yet to be tested by a crisis.

· He remains wedded to a zero-sum view of the world, in which exporters “win” and importers “lose”.

· Trump has made clear that he favours bilateral deals over multilateral ones

· He openly scorns the notion that America should stand up for universal values such as democracy and human rights.

· Not only does he admire dictators; he explicitly praises thuggishness, such as the mass murder of criminal suspects in the Philippines. He does so not out of diplomatic tact, but apparently out of conviction.

· In Saudi Arabia this week, where the crown prince’s dramatic political purges met with Mr Trump’s blessing (
Well, go through the list.

NATO - He's not alone in that assessment, including many in Europe.
NAFTA - Has serious problems which have never been addressed and likely never will.
Being to nice to foreigners, I don't know what that means or what it was in reference to, but what has it led to? Last I checked foreigners are visiting all the time and most seem to like us.
Paris Accords probably aren't worth the paper they're printed on.
TPP had serious flaws.
Putin and Xi Jinping, other than occasional rhetoric, I'm not aware of any concrete "warming up to".
The state dept probably needed gutting after Hillary.
The import/export issue is the perfect example of what I don't like about this article. Has his attitude led to concrete anything? I mean our trade imbalance is difficult to list as a positive.
Openly scorns democracy and human rights? That's a new one on me. I know he cut assistance for democracy building by like .7b, of course the Obama adm cut it by 1.6b before reinstating .8b 5 years later. I find it difficult to accept that authoritarian govts are going to make a comeback worldwide because Trump cut .7b from a state dept budget line item.
I'll agree with the Philippines criticism but Saudi Arabia is joke.The Saudis have had a dismal human rights record forever and have been coddled by every US adm in my lifetime. Not to mention the UN electing the Saudis to head the human rights commision.

My overall point is that this article just throws talking points and half facts around like they are indisputable facts that somehow prove that Trump is in fact the next Hitler. It's not helpful.
My overall point is that this article just throws talking points and half facts around like they are indisputable facts that somehow prove that Trump is in fact the next Hitler. It's not helpful.

They are not saying Trump is the next Hitler. And my only point was there were facts in there. Things he said. Things he has done. You're not refuting them, you just giving your opinion on why Trump either did those thing, or said those things. That's fine, but when all is said and done, those things are just your opinion. The Economist - as it generally does do - was giving facts.
My overall point is that this article just throws talking points and half facts around like they are indisputable facts that somehow prove that Trump is in fact the next Hitler. It's not helpful.

They are not saying Trump is the next Hitler. And my only point was there were facts in there. Things he said. Things he has done. You're not refuting them, you just giving your opinion on why Trump either did those thing, or said those things. That's fine, but when all is said and done, those things are just your opinion. The Economist - as it generally does do - was giving facts.
The Economist is citing those "facts" as evidence of "America's dwindling influence" due to Trump. Sorry I just don't see it. Not to mention that this list has a lot of opinion in it. Being nice to foreigners, putin & jinping, zero sum game, scorn for human rights, opinion. Nafta, NATO, TPP, Paris Accords, none of those is inherently incorrect.

I think you could just as easily say the rest of the world doesn't like having someone in the WH that puts America's interest first as opposed to rubber stamping whatever the international community decides for us.

Again, I'm not necessarily defending Trump, but the article does nothing to support the claim made in the title. Not to mention glossing over some fairly contentious issues. It strikes me as a political rant more than an honest evaluation.
What a steaming pile of Liberal horse shit. Completely, utterly WRONG.

Which part is wrong? Take your time.

That aside, I get no joy from this. The world needs a strong America. I think it is has reached its apex. It'll be downhill for a while....just hope it isn't terminal.
All of it is nothing but regurgitated leftist sewage. And.....flush.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
For all your flaws, you have long been the greatest force for Evil on THE USMB.

And WTF is "The Liberal Order?" Does that mean to lube up your ass and bend over & take Putin's Cock up your ass while you take his bribes and sell him 20% of our strategic Uranium like Obama Jizz Lips did?

Fuck, you are an awful liar as well. Go get bent, and by that, I don't mean doing something you enjoy with other men.
Trump is a foreign policy disaster.

His gutting of the State Department being one of many examples.

His gutting of the State Department being one of many examples of his accomplishments. The Obama-Hillary state dept was a disaster for everyone in America, except for some jihadists (like Huma Abedin)

Trump's foreign policy is a huge success and is, right now, fixing the horrible Asian outsourcing mess created previously. One of these successes is making North Korean president, Kim Jong Un back down, as he has done, due to Trump's tough stance.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
For all your flaws, you have long been the greatest force for Evil on THE USMB.

And WTF is "The Liberal Order?" Does that mean to lube up your ass and bend over & take Putin's Cock up your ass while you take his bribes and sell him 20% of our strategic Uranium like Obama Jizz Lips did?

Fuck, you are an awful liar as well. Go get bent, and by that, I don't mean doing something you enjoy with other men.

The truth Donald Trump's Asia trip confirms: Asia is sidestepping his clown act

His gutting of the State Department being one of many examples of his accomplishments. The Obama-Hillary state dept was a disaster for everyone in America, except for some jihadists (like Huma Abedin)

Trump's foreign policy is a huge success and is, right now, fixing the horrible Asian outsourcing mess created previously. One of these successes is making North Korean president, Kim Jong Un back down, as he has done, due to Trump's tough stance.

Yeah, get rid of all the experienced staff that make a place tick. You have no idea of the capabilities of the people he got rid of and the total lack of experience of those that have taken over. It's troubling times.

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