America's Poorest White Town

Provide evidence Trump is a racist please

Speaking for myself, I personally do not feel that Trump is a racist when comparing him to the actual definition of "racist", as well as the racists that I've observed here and in real life.

A very close and long time friend of mine, who promotes professional boxing matches, associated with Trump when he was in the casino business in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, and
explained it to me in these words:

"Trump is far too calculating and diabolical to be a racist.

The vast majority of true racists are flat out ignorant and stupid, because they are blinded by their emotions, and it is very clear to anyone who is paying attention that Trumps hierarchy of "emotions" revolve around his need for his fragile ego to be stroked, and it does not matter to him what race the person is who is doing the "stroking".

He has an unusually depraved and calculated generosity towards those that he feels have unconditional loyalty to him and have the potential to make money FOR HIM.

And if they reveal any sign of disloyalty to him and cannot, at some point continue to benefit him in some way, he typically discards them.

He's more of a narcissistic sociopath"
Ive been through parts of eastern Kentucky, as well as some of the urban areas in the state and felt like I needed to be disinfected afterwards.

And I am talking about the PAST as well as the PRESENT. There has always been a presence of SOME blacks in Harlan.
Why they stay makes no sense to me at all.
My moms whole family left. Some moved to Lexington, others Louisville, some to Cleveland. I saw Harlan once as a child. Won't be looking to see it again.
They burned crosses because they’re racist kkk people. Trump is a racist as well that’s why ignorant whites voted for him.
Yeah they were indeed racists. The stories my mom told me verified it.
No, they are not designed that way. Nothing about what they do, is about that. They are set up to discriminate against whites, to MAKE UP FOR the wide spread anti-black discrimination that people ASSUME is going on.

What you describe, is more a function of enforcing the anti-discrimination laws that are on the books. Which is already so harsh that, AS YOU HAVE DESCRIBED, that employers (and others) are terrified of even the appearance of anti-black discrimination, leading to AS YOU HAVE DESCRIBED, hiring/promoting/not firing blacks over whites.

So.... sure, you could probably find some isolated instances of...insanely brave or out of touch white racists, who ACTUAL dare discriminate against blacks, but...they are fools pissing against the Tide.
Previous post was brought to you by an apologist for racism and white privilege.
How did this occur and why are all the racists on this site obsessing with so called "black culture" and the alleged failings of the black community when they have their own communities with the exact same failings that they're always wanting to attribute to only the black race.

You all had how many hundreds of years of a head start and you still haven't pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and accomplished great things for the human race, yet you constantly bitch and moan about any progress black people make, to the point that your go-to strategy is to burn everything down that surpasses your accomplishment.

While I have compassion for these people, far too many of you appear to not even know that there is any such thing as poor white people living in such dire conditions and relying wholely or mostly off of government assistance. Or that there are areas where all of the criminals are white (an extremely rare occurence according to Tipsycatlover).
Why does a town need to be labeled? Racist
His constant retweeting from racist websites.

His families two times being convicted of redlining.
Parroting from some racist web sites doesn't make one a racist if the subject is not about race, and what a father does, doesn't convict the son

Give me instances on where Trump said racist things...
That's being racist?

Those are facts
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more


  1. prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse"

  1. a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
    "he has been targeted by vicious racists online"
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more


  1. prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
    "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse"

  1. a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
    "he has been targeted by vicious racists online"

These are facts Mexico is a shit hole the hoods in chicago, detroit, east st louis, Los angles, Philadelphia, New York, Memphis most parts of Africa most towns in East kentucky, West Virginia on and on are shit holes

How is that being racist ?
A lot of northern ones are too.
It’s the Republican agenda and the army of droolers that are attempting to destabilize the country so that they can take control of our government. Mitch McConnell (the fake Irishman) worked hard to get a right-wing Supreme Court: that’s the tool the far right wants to use to overturn laws and disrupt the lives of people they and issues they don’t like.

Turn black, then come talk to me about this. There have been whites who have denied that racism was a problem beginning with slavery.

Black folks in 2022 still using racism like it's a disability. 🦽 HA HA HA HA HA HA
Maybe they just got bad role models.


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