America's Re-Education Camps

The NFL is a private organization. They have a standard code of conduct they expect their players to live up to. If the players don't like it they can quit. If the fans don't like it they can stop going to the games and purchasing their merchandise. I'm fairly certain neither will happen.

"Yeah, I understand the need for a Corporation or other entity to protect it's brand, but I believe that said entity needs to show real and identifiable harm before they can punish the contracted person."

Private business has the right to protect itself within the boundaries of the Constitution.

The NFL has done so.
Drama queening 101

You should tell that to the ACLU when they defended the Nazis marching in Skokie. You're such an ignorant tool.

Yes we are seeing the encroachment on to personal liberty get worse every week. Donald Sterling was caught on an illegal tape saying things that arent polite. He gets fined and disciplined. Brendon Eich contrbutes money to a cause that Obama supported just 4 years ago and gets ousted from his job. Hirsan Ali becomes the victim of idiots at Brandeis because she has written things "offensive to Islam" including how Muslims oppress women. The list goes on and on. The idea that people are entitled to their opnions, even if they are unpopular, is going away, and with it the First Amendment.

The encroachment you talk about is media and profit driven. They only got in trouble because there was a way to profit or get ratings from it. I can prove that.
Drama queening 101

You should tell that to the ACLU when they defended the Nazis marching in Skokie. You're such an ignorant tool.

Yes we are seeing the encroachment on to personal liberty get worse every week. Donald Sterling was caught on an illegal tape saying things that arent polite. He gets fined and disciplined. Brendon Eich contrbutes money to a cause that Obama supported just 4 years ago and gets ousted from his job. Hirsan Ali becomes the victim of idiots at Brandeis because she has written things "offensive to Islam" including how Muslims oppress women. The list goes on and on. The idea that people are entitled to their opnions, even if they are unpopular, is going away, and with it the First Amendment.

The encroachment you talk about is media and profit driven. They only got in trouble because there was a way to profit or get ratings from it. I can prove that.

Well, then, feel free to put your facts on the table.
Thanks to Common Core, our public schools have become the re-education camps of America.


The Right championed Common Core. Then Obama said he liked Common Core, and in true Orwellian fashion, the Right said, "We have always been at war with Common Core."

Talk about brainwashed proles!

You might be on to something here.

Obama could announce tomorrow how 'I love the 1%". Then the GOP would be for taking all their wealth and redistributing it.
It will be very easy to get them into re education camps.On Sunday morning while they are in church have buses with armed guards pull up and march them out to the buses , it will be very fast and easy . stadiums an state parks can be use as holing areas until they are move out to the Northern part of Alaska in the deep wilderness :eusa_whistle:

You think you're joking, batshit, but democrats have thrown innocent American citizens into concentration camps before. It fits their entire, shameful history.

Oh, please.

It was WWII and the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. It was a military decision.

Beg all you want, it won't change the facts. The AMERICAN CITIZENS that fucking scumbag FDR threw into his concentration camps (those were just all the rage around that time, weren't they?) didn't bomb Pearl Harbor. In fact, many young AMERICANS from those very concentration camps volunteered to fight for a country that had done such a thing to them. They became part of the most highly decorated unit in US military history. There was a group of boys from Texas who could tell you a thing or two about whether the loyalty and courage of those AMERICANS was ever deserving of doubt.

Another idiot that doesn't understand the first amendment.

Why do conservatives hates businesses? Aren't they free to make decisions that best suit them?

Ignorant motherfucker, I could write a book on the 1st Amendment.

The only books you would write would be in Crayon!

The problem is in allowing contracts like this to stand. I believe that contracts that call for you signing away your Constitutional Rights are unenforceable.

Yeah, I understand the need for a Corporation or other entity to protect it's brand, but I believe that said entity needs to show real and identifiable harm before they can punish the contracted person.

Well, no, they really don't. I worked with a lady who posted her resume on Craig's List. And because she really didn't know what she was doing, she wrote in her resume she wanted to leave because "The company was bought out and I don't feel comfortable there". In the bizarre thinking of people at the head office, this "Defamed" the company. (Although, technically, she didn't say anything that wasn't true.)

It's like getting a speeding ticket you don't deserve. It isn't worth it to fight it. Even if you win, it will cost you $5,000 to fight a $90 speeding ticket.

Well, no, not so much. either you violated a traffic law or you didn't. either he said something that was out of bounds and defamed his team or he didn't.

The context here is that the Dolphins ALREADY have a bad rep because of the bullying scandal last year.

In this case, if a NFL Player decides to fight this ridiculous portion of his contract, he loses even if he wins. This is a case of 'might makes right'. You're better off bending over and taking it up the ass than you are fighting for your rights.

What right is he fighting for? To be seen as an ignorant boob by millions?

Stupid fuck. Don't EVER think of yourself as smarter than me. I took a SHIT this morning that has a higher IQ than you do

I'll just leave that one alone. Did anyone ever tell you you've got issues?
You are a quibbling bitch.

I presented you with multiple articles on the question of signing away Constitutional Rights by Contract and all you got is schoolgirl taunts.

Ever heard of 'Due Process' -- Bitch? Stupid fuck.

Do you think the Miami Player was afforded 'Due Process'?

Ignorant fuck. THAT is what I'm talking about. And you're too stupid to see it. But..... You're a dimocrap...... The scum of the earth

As to Sam's sexual preferences? I couldn't care less. I really couldn't.

I just don't want to hear about them. I don't want to hear about yours, my neighbors, my brothers, my cousins, my kids, my friends or anybody else's.

I don't even care about Hollywood sex scandals. Nothing could be more boring to me than Hollywood sex scandals...

Which, like this put-on, aren't scandals at all. They're DESIGNED to get stupid fucks like you interested. That's it. It's all they do, it's all they're designed to do.

Sam was one of THE WORST performers at the Indianapolis Combine. He had the 6th lowest score of all 258 participants and the only people below him were 3 Quarterbacks, an FCS Lineman and a Linebacker on the worst Defense in the Big Ten.

His skills are shit. He can't play the game so he went public with his sexuality in order to guarantee his selection in the NFL Draft.

And morons like you fall for it.

But, you're a dimocrap. Which means you're stupid. And dishonest. And corrupt. And a phony.

What else is new :dunno:

You argue for the sake of arguing. You are not interested in honest give and take.

You are a dimocrap. Beyond worthless
You are a quibbling bitch.

I presented you with multiple articles on the question of signing away Constitutional Rights by Contract and all you got is schoolgirl taunts.

Ever heard of 'Due Process' -- Bitch? Stupid fuck.

Do you think the Miami Player was afforded 'Due Process'?

Ignorant fuck. THAT is what I'm talking about. And you're too stupid to see it. But..... You're a dimocrap...... The scum of the earth

As to Sam's sexual preferences? I couldn't care less. I really couldn't.

I just don't want to hear about them. I don't want to hear about yours, my neighbors, my brothers, my cousins, my kids, my friends or anybody else's.

I don't even care about Hollywood sex scandals. Nothing could be more boring to me than Hollywood sex scandals...

Which, like this put-on, aren't scandals at all. They're DESIGNED to get stupid fucks like you interested. That's it. It's all they do, it's all they're designed to do.

Sam was one of THE WORST performers at the Indianapolis Combine. He had the 6th lowest score of all 258 participants and the only people below him were 3 Quarterbacks, an FCS Lineman and a Linebacker on the worst Defense in the Big Ten.

His skills are shit. He can't play the game so he went public with his sexuality in order to guarantee his selection in the NFL Draft.

And morons like you fall for it.

But, you're a dimocrap. Which means you're stupid. And dishonest. And corrupt. And a phony.

What else is new :dunno:

You argue for the sake of arguing. You are not interested in honest give and take.

You are a dimocrap. Beyond worthless

You are a quibbling bitch
all you got is schoolgirl taunts
Bitch? Stupid fuck.
Ignorant fuck
you're too stupid
You're a dimocrap
scum of the earth
stupid fucks like you
morons like you
you're a dimocrap
you're stupid
a phony.
You are a dimocrap
Beyond worthless

And the best part.......You are not interested in honest give and take
You are a quibbling bitch.

I presented you with multiple articles on the question of signing away Constitutional Rights by Contract and all you got is schoolgirl taunts.

Ever heard of 'Due Process' -- Bitch? Stupid fuck.

Do you think the Miami Player was afforded 'Due Process'?

Ignorant fuck. THAT is what I'm talking about. And you're too stupid to see it. But..... You're a dimocrap...... The scum of the earth

As to Sam's sexual preferences? I couldn't care less. I really couldn't.

I just don't want to hear about them. I don't want to hear about yours, my neighbors, my brothers, my cousins, my kids, my friends or anybody else's.

I don't even care about Hollywood sex scandals. Nothing could be more boring to me than Hollywood sex scandals...

Which, like this put-on, aren't scandals at all. They're DESIGNED to get stupid fucks like you interested. That's it. It's all they do, it's all they're designed to do.

Sam was one of THE WORST performers at the Indianapolis Combine. He had the 6th lowest score of all 258 participants and the only people below him were 3 Quarterbacks, an FCS Lineman and a Linebacker on the worst Defense in the Big Ten.

His skills are shit. He can't play the game so he went public with his sexuality in order to guarantee his selection in the NFL Draft.

And morons like you fall for it.

But, you're a dimocrap. Which means you're stupid. And dishonest. And corrupt. And a phony.

What else is new :dunno:

You argue for the sake of arguing. You are not interested in honest give and take.

You are a dimocrap. Beyond worthless

You are a quibbling bitch
all you got is schoolgirl taunts
Bitch? Stupid fuck.
Ignorant fuck
you're too stupid
You're a dimocrap
scum of the earth
stupid fucks like you
morons like you
you're a dimocrap
you're stupid
a phony.
You are a dimocrap
Beyond worthless

And the best part.......You are not interested in honest give and take

There are hundreds of articles and dozens of Court Cases, including SCOTUS Rulings, on signing away your Constitutional Rights by Contract.

That is a legitimate debate topic. But all I get from you fucking numbskulls is a 3rd Grade lecture on the difference between criminal and civil enforcement.

Because, you weren't EVEN AWARE of the controversy surrounding these matters. So what you do is you chatter like Monkeys in a tree when a Lion approaches, complete with throwing your own feces around.

Don Jones was fined, kicked off his team and forced to go to a Re-Education Camp because he tweeted, "OMG" and later, "Horrible" after he saw the faggot Sam stick his tongue down his faggot boyfriend's throat.

Which, quite frankly, is disgusting for us Heterosexual males.

For faggots? Not so much. You? Tell us how you like it.

Do you enjoy watching faggots cuddling and hugging and slobbering all over each other?

I bet you do, don't you? Tell the truth. You do, huh?

I don't.

So Don Jones was fined for exercising his right to Free Speech under and ambiguous "Morals" clause in his contract COMPLETELY without due process.

There was no precedent for this, no language covering tweets about others in general.

IOW, he was deprived of his Constitutional Rights of Free Expression without Due Process.

And you're all for it.

THAT is why I call you those names -- Because, frankly, that is what you are.

Plus 'despicable scum'
You are a quibbling bitch.

I presented you with multiple articles on the question of signing away Constitutional Rights by Contract and all you got is schoolgirl taunts.

Ever heard of 'Due Process' -- Bitch? Stupid fuck.

Do you think the Miami Player was afforded 'Due Process'?

Ignorant fuck. THAT is what I'm talking about. And you're too stupid to see it. But..... You're a dimocrap...... The scum of the earth

As to Sam's sexual preferences? I couldn't care less. I really couldn't.

I just don't want to hear about them. I don't want to hear about yours, my neighbors, my brothers, my cousins, my kids, my friends or anybody else's.

I don't even care about Hollywood sex scandals. Nothing could be more boring to me than Hollywood sex scandals...

Which, like this put-on, aren't scandals at all. They're DESIGNED to get stupid fucks like you interested. That's it. It's all they do, it's all they're designed to do.

Sam was one of THE WORST performers at the Indianapolis Combine. He had the 6th lowest score of all 258 participants and the only people below him were 3 Quarterbacks, an FCS Lineman and a Linebacker on the worst Defense in the Big Ten.

His skills are shit. He can't play the game so he went public with his sexuality in order to guarantee his selection in the NFL Draft.

And morons like you fall for it.

But, you're a dimocrap. Which means you're stupid. And dishonest. And corrupt. And a phony.

What else is new :dunno:

You argue for the sake of arguing. You are not interested in honest give and take.

You are a dimocrap. Beyond worthless

You are a quibbling bitch
all you got is schoolgirl taunts
Bitch? Stupid fuck.
Ignorant fuck
you're too stupid
You're a dimocrap
scum of the earth
stupid fucks like you
morons like you
you're a dimocrap
you're stupid
a phony.
You are a dimocrap
Beyond worthless

And the best part.......You are not interested in honest give and take

There are hundreds of articles and dozens of Court Cases, including SCOTUS Rulings, on signing away your Constitutional Rights by Contract.

That is a legitimate debate topic. But all I get from you fucking numbskulls is a 3rd Grade lecture on the difference between criminal and civil enforcement.

Because, you weren't EVEN AWARE of the controversy surrounding these matters. So what you do is you chatter like Monkeys in a tree when a Lion approaches, complete with throwing your own feces around.

Don Jones was fined, kicked off his team and forced to go to a Re-Education Camp because he tweeted, "OMG" and later, "Horrible" after he saw the faggot Sam stick his tongue down his faggot boyfriend's throat.

Which, quite frankly, is disgusting for us Heterosexual males.

For faggots? Not so much. You? Tell us how you like it.

Do you enjoy watching faggots cuddling and hugging and slobbering all over each other?

I bet you do, don't you? Tell the truth. You do, huh?

I don't.

So Don Jones was fined for exercising his right to Free Speech under and ambiguous "Morals" clause in his contract COMPLETELY without due process.

There was no precedent for this, no language covering tweets about others in general.

IOW, he was deprived of his Constitutional Rights of Free Expression without Due Process.

And you're all for it.

THAT is why I call you those names -- Because, frankly, that is what you are.

Plus 'despicable scum'

You think you're joking, batshit, but democrats have thrown innocent American citizens into concentration camps before. It fits their entire, shameful history.

Oh, please.

It was WWII and the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. It was a military decision.

Beg all you want, it won't change the facts. The AMERICAN CITIZENS that fucking scumbag FDR threw into his concentration camps (those were just all the rage around that time, weren't they?) didn't bomb Pearl Harbor. In fact, many young AMERICANS from those very concentration camps volunteered to fight for a country that had done such a thing to them. They became part of the most highly decorated unit in US military history. There was a group of boys from Texas who could tell you a thing or two about whether the loyalty and courage of those AMERICANS was ever deserving of doubt.

Unkotare, we have been through this before with you.

We all agree that it was tragic, and the informed of us know that it was an ill-guided military strategy and sop to the whites on the West Coast.

If we all were in the same situation at that time, the choice would be made the same.
Your "I presented you with multiple articles on the question of signing away Constitutional Rights by Contract and all you got is schoolgirl taunts" is meaningless because the articles are meaningless, not rooted in political and constitutional and cultural reality.

Edge, you are a loony.
Guys - this thread has been cleaned of over 24 violative posts - that's enough for a good start on a brand new Flame Zone thread. That being said - please try to discuss the topic, not the relative (and largely imaginative) sizes of each other's naughty bits or other off topic derailments. Carry on :)
Guys - this thread has been cleaned of over 24 violative posts - that's enough for a good start on a brand new Flame Zone thread. That being said - please try to discuss the topic, not the relative (and largely imaginative) sizes of each other's naughty bits or other off topic derailments. Carry on :)

Discuss the topic of "Americas Re-Education Camps"?

How are we supposed to remain serious?
Guys - this thread has been cleaned of over 24 violative posts - that's enough for a good start on a brand new Flame Zone thread. That being said - please try to discuss the topic, not the relative (and largely imaginative) sizes of each other's naughty bits or other off topic derailments. Carry on :)

Discuss the topic of "Americas Re-Education Camps"?

How are we supposed to remain serious?

Right! Hey lets have a discussion on my paranoid delusions. Sounds great!

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