America's Re-Education Camps

And what kind of special retard compares the Soviet Gulag to a football team disciplining a bigot? And this special retard thinks he knows a thing or two about the Soviet Gulag? :lol:

Why, that retard would be Edgaytho, the terminally angry Edgaytho.

He takes disciplinary action against one single athlete (which is the real intent of his OP) to mean that we are being stuck in re-education camps.

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Just look at all the USMB posters who have been banned and sent to re-education camps

We are not even allowed to talk about them. But they lead fruitfull lives weaving baskets and selling collector plates on ebay. They even have Bingo on Tuesday nights

That's not quite right, [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION]: they do underwater basket-weaving. And they love to work with looms. Lots of looms. They loom really cool license plates out of yarn!!
Now you know.

What happens to people who refuse to attend sensitivity training? Do they get fired? Have their homes taken? Have their children become wards of the state? What's the penalty for refusing to have your brain washed?

Yes, to start

But it gets worse. They make you watch "The View" and Ellen Degeneres until you get your mind right

You forgot Glee!
Drama queening 101

You should tell that to the ACLU when they defended the Nazis marching in Skokie. You're such an ignorant tool.

Yes we are seeing the encroachment on to personal liberty get worse every week. Donald Sterling was caught on an illegal tape saying things that arent polite. He gets fined and disciplined. Brendon Eich contrbutes money to a cause that Obama supported just 4 years ago and gets ousted from his job. Hirsan Ali becomes the victim of idiots at Brandeis because she has written things "offensive to Islam" including how Muslims oppress women. The list goes on and on. The idea that people are entitled to their opnions, even if they are unpopular, is going away, and with it the First Amendment.

Oh, they can have their opinions, but I get to laugh at them, too!!!

Scorn and derision are also covered under the 1st amendment.
Another idiot that doesn't understand the first amendment.

Why do conservatives hates businesses? Aren't they free to make decisions that best suit them?

Why do liberals hate freedom? Are people entitled to their opinions, as long as they dont mind jail terms for expressing them?

Nobody is in jail for expressing their opinion. Why do you feel the need to lie?

Because, well, because, because, because... BENGHAZI!!!!!
The 1st Amendment? FUCK the First Amendment. As far as libturds are concerned, you either get in line or you go to sensitivity training or you get shunned and humiliated.

Another idiot that doesn't understand the first amendment.

Why do conservatives hates businesses? Aren't they free to make decisions that best suit them?

Ignorant motherfucker, I could write a book on the 1st Amendment.

The problem is in allowing contracts like this to stand. I believe that contracts that call for you signing away your Constitutional Rights are unenforceable.

Yeah, I understand the need for a Corporation or other entity to protect it's brand, but I believe that said entity needs to show real and identifiable harm before they can punish the contracted person.

It's like getting a speeding ticket you don't deserve. It isn't worth it to fight it. Even if you win, it will cost you $5,000 to fight a $90 speeding ticket.

In this case, if a NFL Player decides to fight this ridiculous portion of his contract, he loses even if he wins. This is a case of 'might makes right'. You're better off bending over and taking it up the ass than you are fighting for your rights.

Stupid fuck. Don't EVER think of yourself as smarter than me. I took a SHIT this morning that has a higher IQ than you do

Then by all means, write that book and see how many buy it!!!
Ignorant motherfucker, I could write a book on the 1st Amendment.

The problem is in allowing contracts like this to stand. I believe that contracts that call for you signing away your Constitutional Rights are unenforceable.

Yeah, I understand the need for a Corporation or other entity to protect it's brand, but I believe that said entity needs to show real and identifiable harm before they can punish the contracted person.

It's like getting a speeding ticket you don't deserve. It isn't worth it to fight it. Even if you win, it will cost you $5,000 to fight a $90 speeding ticket.

In this case, if a NFL Player decides to fight this ridiculous portion of his contract, he loses even if he wins. This is a case of 'might makes right'. You're better off bending over and taking it up the ass than you are fighting for your rights.

Stupid fuck. Don't EVER think of yourself as smarter than me. I took a SHIT this morning that has a higher IQ than you do

You still don't get it, the First Amendment applies to the government taking away rights. It has nothing to do with private enterprises and contracts.

I know you are now embarrassed for having created such a failure of a thread but there is no need to take it out on me. You're welcome for the lesson on the First Amendment, your book probably wouldn't sell too well if you did decide to write it.

I know what you're getting at. I thought of it and wrote on it before you discovered your penis.

There is now, and has been for many decades, a serious dispute on what rights, what Natural and Constitutional Rights, you can sign away by Contract.

Here's an article on it

Signing Away Your Constitutional Rights -- Without

Here's another one

Opinion: Signing away constitutional rights - Susan Saladoff -

Even the liberal scumbag rag MoJo understands what I'm talking about

Have You Signed Away Your Right to Sue? | Mother Jones

One more for good measure

Getting a job should not require giving up an important constitutional right ? CELA VOICE

Imagine if a private individual, paid by the wealthier or well-connected party in a dispute, got to decide if the government had the right to curtail your free speech, or if an employer could terminate you because of your religious beliefs, or if the police had the right to abuse your fellow citizens, would you want this system of justice? Of course not — the deck would be stacked against you at the start.

I'm talking about signing away your rights contractually, through an employer.

Once you get over your case of the stupids, you can apologize. I won't accept your apology, of course, because you're too stupid for me to care about.

Just put it on your list of things you've learned from someone with double your IQ.... Me.

Which has fuck all to do with the First Amendment as you mentioned in the OP. You really should get to the doctor to get your blood pressure checked before you stroke out.
A bigoted dipshit violated his job's work ethics and he is being disciplined for it. How amusing so called conservatives are opposed to an employer deciding how to punish an employee! The atmosphere is rich in irony and hypocrisy.

The only re-education needed here is for the morons who don't know what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to the Constitution.

They want NANNY STATE for employers!! They want (gasp) SOCIALISM!!!

A bigoted dipshit violated his job's work ethics and he is being disciplined for it. How amusing so called conservatives are opposed to an employer deciding how to punish an employee! The atmosphere is rich in irony and hypocrisy.

The only re-education needed here is for the morons who don't know what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to the Constitution.

Football players need to learn that Twitter is not their friend

"Football players need to learn that Twitter is not their friend"

-Confucius, 2187, at the signing of the treaty of Algeron.

Good quote.
The NFL is a private organization. They have a standard code of conduct they expect their players to live up to. If the players don't like it they can quit. If the fans don't like it they can stop going to the games and purchasing their merchandise. I'm fairly certain neither will happen.
The NFL is a private organization. They have a standard code of conduct they expect their players to live up to. If the players don't like it they can quit. If the fans don't like it they can stop going to the games and purchasing their merchandise. I'm fairly certain neither will happen.

There ya go. Yet another one with some sense in his head.

Score another one for the sane guys!!!

Edgetho, you need to put down your Ken Dolls and listen to this dude, he's telling it like it is.
Anybody that knows anything about communism and communists, which I suspect is about 5% of you -- Tops, knows about their re-education camps.

Not really concentration camps, not a gulag or a prison or even a penal establishment of any kind.

They really were re-education camps. Camps intended to brainwash and 'teach' right-think.

I got news for you, people.

We have them here.

Just that here, we call it 'Sensitivity Training'

The 1st Amendment? FUCK the First Amendment. As far as libturds are concerned, you either get in line or you go to sensitivity training or you get shunned and humiliated.


NFL Draft 2014: Don Jones fined, suspended by the Dolphins in wake of tweets critical of Michael Sam |

Miami Dolphins defensive back Don Jones was fined an undisclosed amound and suspended form team activities in the wake of two tweets Jones sent out that were critical of Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend

Jones -- who has since made his Twitter account private -- will be allowed to rejoin the team once he completes "educational training."

People, this is just wrong. It is everything we Conservatives hate and despise about dimocraps.

It is just simply wrong to punish a man for his personal opinions.

Welcome to Amerika. Land of the Re-Education Camps.

I enjoyed watching the draft for a couple hours last week. Kinda fun.

Know why?

Because Sports is one of the few places, one of the few safe harbors, one of the last parts of American life that has been overtaken and corrupted by politics.

Baseball.... Well, let me tell you about baseball... My two favorite days of the year are my birthday and the last day of baseball season. It's like watching paint dry. Water boil. Less interesting than taking a shit.

Basketball just got hit with that Sterling debacle (they knew about Sterling all along) and has been the crookedest sport on earth since that thieving fucking lawyer Stern arrived anyway. Boring as FUCK. Like watch a pick-up game in the 'hood anymore.

But Football was the last bastion, the last place I could go and hide from the insanities of political correctness and dimocrap lies.

Now they've taken that away from us.

I watched (untill I couldn't anymore) the NFL Network for a little bit yesterday and they talked about that faggot motherfucker, Sam, more than they did ANY other player in the draft.

Like he's some kind of hero.

He's not. He's a faggot that had little to no chance of being drafted until he came out.

And the reason he came out was two fold.... Intertwining....

If he didn't get drafted, he could (and would) sue the NFL, claiming bias.

So, in order to keep from being sued, Goodell turned to his butt-buddy Jeff Fisher (which I TOTALLY predicted) and got him to draft him. Then Rich Eisen and the rest of the crew at NFL Network wouldn't shut about it for the next two days. And probably still haven't.


And FUCK Re-Education Camps.

So your last bastion of freedom is a league that has a strong union, salary caps, and revenue sharing? Classic!!!
sigh the title was a let down..I was hoping for something more than some retard crying about some guy twitting and a private company taking steps to correct said issue..
It will be very easy to get them into re education camps.On Sunday morning while they are in church have buses with armed guards pull up and march them out to the buses , it will be very fast and easy . stadiums an state parks can be use as holing areas until they are move out to the Northern part of Alaska in the deep wilderness :eusa_whistle:

You think you're joking, batshit, but democrats have thrown innocent American citizens into concentration camps before. It fits their entire, shameful history.
Anybody that knows anything about communism and communists, which I suspect is about 5% of you -- Tops, knows about their re-education camps.

Not really concentration camps, not a gulag or a prison or even a penal establishment of any kind.

They really were re-education camps. Camps intended to brainwash and 'teach' right-think.

I got news for you, people.

We have them here.

Just that here, we call it 'Sensitivity Training'

The 1st Amendment? FUCK the First Amendment. As far as libturds are concerned, you either get in line or you go to sensitivity training or you get shunned and humiliated.


NFL Draft 2014: Don Jones fined, suspended by the Dolphins in wake of tweets critical of Michael Sam |

Miami Dolphins defensive back Don Jones was fined an undisclosed amound and suspended form team activities in the wake of two tweets Jones sent out that were critical of Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend

Jones -- who has since made his Twitter account private -- will be allowed to rejoin the team once he completes "educational training."

People, this is just wrong. It is everything we Conservatives hate and despise about dimocraps.

It is just simply wrong to punish a man for his personal opinions.

Welcome to Amerika. Land of the Re-Education Camps.

I enjoyed watching the draft for a couple hours last week. Kinda fun.

Know why?

Because Sports is one of the few places, one of the few safe harbors, one of the last parts of American life that has been overtaken and corrupted by politics.

Baseball.... Well, let me tell you about baseball... My two favorite days of the year are my birthday and the last day of baseball season. It's like watching paint dry. Water boil. Less interesting than taking a shit.

Basketball just got hit with that Sterling debacle (they knew about Sterling all along) and has been the crookedest sport on earth since that thieving fucking lawyer Stern arrived anyway. Boring as FUCK. Like watch a pick-up game in the 'hood anymore.

But Football was the last bastion, the last place I could go and hide from the insanities of political correctness and dimocrap lies.

Now they've taken that away from us.

I watched (untill I couldn't anymore) the NFL Network for a little bit yesterday and they talked about that faggot motherfucker, Sam, more than they did ANY other player in the draft.

Like he's some kind of hero.

He's not. He's a faggot that had little to no chance of being drafted until he came out.

And the reason he came out was two fold.... Intertwining....

If he didn't get drafted, he could (and would) sue the NFL, claiming bias.

So, in order to keep from being sued, Goodell turned to his butt-buddy Jeff Fisher (which I TOTALLY predicted) and got him to draft him. Then Rich Eisen and the rest of the crew at NFL Network wouldn't shut about it for the next two days. And probably still haven't.


And FUCK Re-Education Camps.

So your last bastion of freedom is a league that has a strong union, salary caps, and revenue sharing? Classic!!!

The NFL players' union is a toothless joke and always has been.
It will be very easy to get them into re education camps.On Sunday morning while they are in church have buses with armed guards pull up and march them out to the buses , it will be very fast and easy . stadiums an state parks can be use as holing areas until they are move out to the Northern part of Alaska in the deep wilderness :eusa_whistle:

You think you're joking, batshit, but democrats have thrown innocent American citizens into concentration camps before. It fits their entire, shameful history.

Oh, please.

It was WWII and the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. It was a military decision.
Nobody who isn't sleeping with Michael Sam is affected by his sexual choices unless you choose to involve yourself which is perverse in oh so many ways. Must be more of that "live and let live" republicanism???

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