America’s wealthiest families smash income ceiling, middle-class left far behind

Oops...I must be in the wrong topic. From the title I thought this was a thread about Pre-Revolutionary France a couple of centuries ago.

Those who do not know history are doomed....

..oh..nevermind.. I forgot this is the age of mankind where we look to youngsters to set key social policies, and self-glorifying narcissism and greed are all the rage..
OP- This is just a continuation of Reaganist tax rates and policies that have ruined the norich for 30 years-see sig-, and which the greedy idiot GOP defend to the death.

Obviously a top rate of 39.6% is just like Reagan's top rate of 28%.

You're just a little smarter than algae.
Still too low, and only for those making over 400k. And of course, their effective rate is under 20% duh.

Of course 39.6% is too low. All earnings belong to the government, after all.
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Only a welfare sucking parasite believes 39% is not enough of your income for the government to confiscate.
Idiotic hateful Pubcrappe, as always.

You want to confiscate all my money, but I'm the one who's "hateful" because I want to keep it?
You might want to think of the country, and stop hating "parasites" who are actually victims of your greedy idiot party, now mindlessly blocking a jobs/infrastructure act, training for 3 million tech jobs going begging, and passing an immigration act that would help the economy, and screwing up ACA as much as possible. If you earn less than 250k or are not a giant corp paying nothing, you are misinformed.
You want to confiscate all my money, but I'm the one who's "hateful" because I want to keep it?

I can suggest one remedy where you get to keep your money and a new social benefit to all could be ushered in to make you even more rich than you are now...

Universal healthcare.

1. It draws from a pool of taxes from tobacco, junk food and booze sales (Article I, Section 8)

2. Small co-pays at service covers actual ground costs for preventative care, with the pool amassing & backing up more critical care.

3. Without the equivalent of a second mortgage monthly outlay for premiums and deductables, the average family has that free cash to consume with each month, which they always do...

4. So their demand increases production. A need for more workers increase. More workers means more people off the dole and more who qualify to be first time home buyers.

5. With demand up and overhead down (companies no longer have to provide insurance), companies will hire more American workers.

6. With production up, trade deficits are offset, the dollar becomes stronger (feeling richer yet?)

7. A healthier more preventative health based population not stressed with debt, having homes etc. increases the overall stability of the country, reducing crime, prison populations and catastrophic healthcare costs. The American debt decreases still (feeling richer yet?)

8. This is why our neighbor to the north, Canada, has surpassed the US in the capitalism race. It provides healthcare so its businesses don't have to. It's population gets routine preventative care. And they've made laws where robots can only replace a certain percentage of human jobs. With all that their solvency is superior to the US. How embarassing that we are their "Mexico" world standing. Last time I checked, their credit rating is better than ours.

9. "Cadillac care" insurance can still be bought by the richer classes to provide for things like elective cosmetic surgery etc. where the best specialists tend to those priveleged few. Fine. They will get to choose their doctor. You can sign up for the general program and/or sign up for premium suppliments or program outright.
You might want to think of the country, and stop hating "parasites" who are actually victims of your greedy idiot party, now mindlessly blocking a jobs/infrastructure act, training for 3 million tech jobs going begging, and passing an immigration act that would help the economy, and screwing up ACA as much as possible. If you earn less than 250k or are not a giant corp paying nothing, you are misinformed.

and passing an immigration act that would help the economy

Good idea. We obviously need to import more low skilled foreigners, to compete with our own low skilled citizens.
Brilliant idea Obama!
ACA will be tinkered with forever. Simply ADD a cadillac plan for the greedy elites, sin taxes, cut profits further. Along with GROWING transparent competition, tinkering will make ACA only better. And just about the same as single payer, just like Holland and Switzerland.
You might want to think of the country, and stop hating "parasites" who are actually victims of your greedy idiot party, now mindlessly blocking a jobs/infrastructure act, training for 3 million tech jobs going begging, and passing an immigration act that would help the economy, and screwing up ACA as much as possible. If you earn less than 250k or are not a giant corp paying nothing, you are misinformed.

and passing an immigration act that would help the economy

Good idea. We obviously need to import more low skilled foreigners, to compete with our own low skilled citizens.
Brilliant idea Obama!
ACTUALLY, with a good SS ID card, it would STOP illegal immigration. But megarich Pubs fight that to the death. Today 65% of illegals pay taxes, after, many more, Pub dupe.
You might want to think of the country, and stop hating "parasites" who are actually victims of your greedy idiot party, now mindlessly blocking a jobs/infrastructure act, training for 3 million tech jobs going begging, and passing an immigration act that would help the economy, and screwing up ACA as much as possible. If you earn less than 250k or are not a giant corp paying nothing, you are misinformed.

and passing an immigration act that would help the economy

Good idea. We obviously need to import more low skilled foreigners, to compete with our own low skilled citizens.
Brilliant idea Obama!
ACTUALLY, with a good SS ID card, it would STOP illegal immigration. But megarich Pubs fight that to the death. Today 65% of illegals pay taxes, after, many more, Pub dupe.

I'm just glad Obama took the side of the illegals over our own workers. Aren't you?
OP- This is just a continuation of Reaganist tax rates and policies that have ruined the norich for 30 years-see sig-, and which the greedy idiot GOP defend to the death.

Obviously a top rate of 39.6% is just like Reagan's top rate of 28%.

You're just a little smarter than algae.
Still too low, and only for those making over 400k. And of course, their effective rate is under 20% duh.

Of course 39.6% is too low. All earnings belong to the government, after all.
Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Only a welfare sucking parasite believes 39% is not enough of your income for the government to confiscate.
If they actually paid that much lol, not under 20%...or the same as the rest of us- and getting 95% of the new wealth.

No one is giving them anything, putz. You're free to get as much of the "new wealth" as you're able to get.
You might want to think of the country, and stop hating "parasites" who are actually victims of your greedy idiot party, now mindlessly blocking a jobs/infrastructure act, training for 3 million tech jobs going begging, and passing an immigration act that would help the economy, and screwing up ACA as much as possible. If you earn less than 250k or are not a giant corp paying nothing, you are misinformed.

and passing an immigration act that would help the economy

Good idea. We obviously need to import more low skilled foreigners, to compete with our own low skilled citizens.
Brilliant idea Obama!
ACTUALLY, with a good SS ID card, it would STOP illegal immigration. But megarich Pubs fight that to the death. Today 65% of illegals pay taxes, after, many more, Pub dupe.

Simply enforcing existing immigration laws would stop all illegal immigration, but the lying scum sucking DimoRATs want no part of that.
Giving facts to brainwashed haters here has ended for today....We'll go on without you as always.
Hah hah you dug up something from May 2011 by that dude who runs the economiccollapseblog to support your ridiculous claim that half of all middle class America is living in a nightmare? I'm almost embarrassed for you, this is cringe-worthy.

You do realize that dude has been making money off of spamming non-contextual lists pointing out doom and gloom since the great recession, yet only true retards (like you apparently) still cling on his every data point?

Among the "facts" you just used to support your nonsense:

- The average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States is now up to $3.91 a gallon

- Inflation in New York City was high in 2011

- Over the past 12 months the average price of gasoline in the United States has gone up by about 30%

- Spending on energy now accounts for more than 6 percent of all consumer spending

- The average American driver will spend somewhere around $750 more for gasoline in 2011. Unfortunately, it seems likely that the price of oil is going to go up even higher

Way to use relevant current facts to prove your point man! Bravo!

My point is that the middle class has to make up for the loss, while the majority of the upper class wrote it off reducing their tax bill.

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