America’s wealthiest families smash income ceiling, middle-class left far behind

Divided by what, numskull? It's a scam. How is the effective tax rate calculated for a corporation that had a net taxable income of minus $10 billion?

The only scam is YOU. Go away Canadian!

Effective Tax Rate Definition Investopedia

Thanks for the link!!!

For corporations, the effective tax rate is computed by dividing total tax expenses by the firm's earnings before taxes.

Berkshire's 2013 effective tax rate was 31.08%.
When you said it was low single digits, were you lying, or just stupid?

That's because effective tax is 'figured' differently for corporations vs. individuals. Can you tell us why?

That's because effective tax is 'figured' differently for corporations vs. individuals.

What does that have to do with your huge error? Or was it a lie?
You don't think that the middle class lost $20 trillion in investments due to the 2008 economic crash?
Not relevant, because any number without context is pointless in trying to prove your point, which is that the middle class in America is currently living in a nightmare. How much did they gain back? What percentage of Americans suffered a significant loss in savings to where it affects their day to day existence today? Your 20 trillion is as simpleton as if I tried to prove everyone is happy by pointing out how much people have gained in the stock market. I couldn't, because that would be stupid.

Like I said, it doesn't surprise you dig a braindead source like economiccollapseblog meant for the bottom feeders of the internet, you sound exactly like it.
The fact that I've made more money in 2014 than you'll make in your entire life scare you a bit?
See this is where you fail. I've made it clear several times that I don't believe this low self-esteem prop up fantasy life you try desperately to portray of being some rich successful businessman. You are far too stupid and I've seen too many people who actually know business expose you, you don't fool anyone.

Therefore your constant attempts to trump every argument you're losing (which is pretty much all of them) by falling back on the "I'm rich so I'm right" like you did in above post cannot work. It would first require me believing your Walter Mitty tales, which I do not.

I'd be surprised if you've moved out of your parents house.

Nice opinion with no substance.
You don't think that the middle class lost $20 trillion in investments due to the 2008 economic crash?
Not relevant, because any number without context is pointless in trying to prove your point, which is that the middle class in America is currently living in a nightmare. How much did they gain back? What percentage of Americans suffered a significant loss in savings to where it affects their day to day existence today? Your 20 trillion is as simpleton as if I tried to prove everyone is happy by pointing out how much people have gained in the stock market. I couldn't, because that would be stupid.

Like I said, it doesn't surprise you dig a braindead source like economiccollapseblog meant for the bottom feeders of the internet, you sound exactly like it.

Without context? You haven't been reading the paper over the last 5 years?
I didn't make an error.

You don't know enough to make an error. You post ignorance that is best ignored. When you claim that "1+1 = green," there is little point in debating the issue with you.

You are a fraudulent buffoon with zero grasp of finance or economics. You've never seen a P&L, and certainly couldn't read it if one were presented to you.
Republican agenda only helps the 1%, otherwise they'd have raised the minimum wage.

You mindlessly chant a mantra, as is the way of you OWS shitters - but you lack the intellect to grasp the implications of your claims.

The great progressive Obama, has caused the greatest decline in middle class wealth in American history. The OP did not intend to demonstrate this, but through clumsy ignorance did precisely that.
Nice opinion with no substance.
My opinion that you are full of shit with your constant boasting of wealth requires no more substance than your idiotic posts.

Without context? You haven't been reading the paper over the last 5 years?
Yes, without context. Just stating a big scary number provides zero proof to an absolute claim you made about middle class living a nightmare today, and more than me stating a big positive cheerful number proves the opposite.

Like I said you are perfect for someone who subscribes to the scary one liners at economiccollapseblog, so it is no surprise you'd use it as a source. Truly meant for the bottom intellectual bottom feeders.
I didn't make an error.

You don't know enough to make an error. You post ignorance that is best ignored. When you claim that "1+1 = green," there is little point in debating the issue with you.

You are a fraudulent buffoon with zero grasp of finance or economics. You've never seen a P&L, and certainly couldn't read it if one were presented to you.

You don't have the education to debate me.
Republican agenda only helps the 1%, otherwise they'd have raised the minimum wage.

You mindlessly chant a mantra, as is the way of you OWS shitters - but you lack the intellect to grasp the implications of your claims.

The great progressive Obama, has caused the greatest decline in middle class wealth in American history. The OP did not intend to demonstrate this, but through clumsy ignorance did precisely that.

Nixon, Reagan, Daddy Bush, and Baby Bush have screwed the middle class.
Nice opinion with no substance.
My opinion that you are full of shit with your constant boasting of wealth requires no more substance than your idiotic posts.

Without context? You haven't been reading the paper over the last 5 years?
Yes, without context. Just stating a big scary number provides zero proof to an absolute claim you made about middle class living a nightmare today, and more than me stating a big positive cheerful number proves the opposite.

Like I said you are perfect for someone who subscribes to the scary one liners at economiccollapseblog, so it is no surprise you'd use it as a source. Truly meant for the bottom intellectual bottom feeders.

Like I said, you haven't been reading the paper for five years. The wealthy and corporate America are making more money than ever, and thanks to Republicans and corporate America the middle class are getting screwed.
Nice opinion with no substance.
My opinion that you are full of shit with your constant boasting of wealth requires no more substance than your idiotic posts.

Without context? You haven't been reading the paper over the last 5 years?
Yes, without context. Just stating a big scary number provides zero proof to an absolute claim you made about middle class living a nightmare today, and more than me stating a big positive cheerful number proves the opposite.

Like I said you are perfect for someone who subscribes to the scary one liners at economiccollapseblog, so it is no surprise you'd use it as a source. Truly meant for the bottom intellectual bottom feeders.

Like I said, you haven't been reading the paper for five years. The wealthy and corporate America are making more money than ever, and thanks to Republicans and corporate America the middle class are getting screwed.

How is that thanks to Republicans when Democrats have been in charge for the last 6 years?
I didn't make an error.

You don't know enough to make an error. You post ignorance that is best ignored. When you claim that "1+1 = green," there is little point in debating the issue with you.

You are a fraudulent buffoon with zero grasp of finance or economics. You've never seen a P&L, and certainly couldn't read it if one were presented to you.

You don't have the education to debate me.

You don't have the education to debate me.

That's funny, since you thought Berkshire's effective tax rate was in the low single digits.
Like I said, you haven't been reading the paper for five years.
I certainly have, get WSJ and AZR on my doorstep every morning, and read plenty of online sources.

Reading the newspapers is not the same as swallowing your puddle deep logic and ill-sourced conclusions.

The wealthy and corporate America are making more money than ever, and thanks to Republicans and corporate America the middle class are getting screwed.
I understand the wealthy are making more money than ever.

Where you off the rails is your ridiculous attempts to prove the American middle class is living in a nightmare. I'm not convinced it is a zero sum game where wealthy increasing means others are decreasing, the middle class seems fairly stagnant to me.

So far you've tried to back up this assertion a few ways:
  • A link to economiccollapseblog post from 2011 bemoaning the high price of gas
  • Pointing to whatever slice of the population sold alll their retirement assets at bottom of market
  • Throwing around big scary noncontextual number of 20 trillion
  • Falling back on your hilarious "I'm so much wealthier than you" bullshit that nobody believes
Obviously none of these have convinced me of anything more than that you're a fool.
How is that thanks to Republicans when Democrats have been in charge for the last 6 years?

Because you pussy Republicans couldn't stop the evil Democrats, it is all on you. Why is it that you champions of the middle class aka Republicans, couldn't or wouldn't make any effort to stop those evil Democrats from decimating the middle class?

Who the hell would vote for a party that stood buy and did nothing while the Democrats waged war on the middle class? Not me.

Thanks a lot Republicans and their supporters like the posters on this message board. You all fucked up royally.
Such weak people that you couldn't stop those evil Democrats. What good are Republicans?

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