An entire generation of college students have been taught to hate free speech....

...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
You can't really call Republicans "students". Because the majority believe college is bad for America. And because of that, many don't go.

And they listen to the rhetoric of racists like Trump and other Republicans and don't have anything to compare it to or anyone discuss it with.


Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater is NOT "free speech".

Saying that Obama was born in Kenya is not free speech. It's slander. Why protect slander?

Saying that Trump refused to pay workers, some of whom even went bankrupt because he tricked them out of their work is not slander because he actually did that.

Posting the truth is free speech. Lying is lying. If someone is going to lie, they have the right to prove they are telling the truth. And if they aren't telling the truth. then who wants to listen to lies hiding behind the curtain of "free speech"?

My God you are stupid. Lying is protected under free speech. In fact so is slander, you can't go to jail for slander. You can win a CIVIL suit, but that is entirely outside the scope of the first amendment which merely prevents the government from limiting speech.

As for your stupid comments about uneducated Republicans well they are too stupid to even bother with except for ridicule.
Please show me some FACTS supporting the statement that students are taught to hate free speech. I went to college, never noticed that happening.
I already posted the evidence, dumbass. They rioted in Berkeley to prevent people from speaking. Conservatives aren't welcome and aren't safe on almost every college campus in America.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

You fail to comprehend exactly what rights the First Amendment protects. There is no right of "free speech" and there never has been. The right protected by the First Amendment is the right to openly criticize the government without fear of persecution or prosecution by the government. What the First Amendment does NOT DO, is to give YOU the right to say anything you want to anyone at any time. There is no such thing as "free speech" in regards to anything other than your ability to criticize the government.

Once again you prove you are the forums biggest dumbass. Allow my to quote:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It boggles my mind how fucking stupid you are. The ability to criticize the government is separate from the right of free speech.

You should try actually reading the First Amendment before you go of pontificating about it.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
You can't really call Republicans "students". Because the majority believe college is bad for America. And because of that, many don't go.

And they listen to the rhetoric of racists like Trump and other Republicans and don't have anything to compare it to or anyone discuss it with.


Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater is NOT "free speech".

Saying that Obama was born in Kenya is not free speech. It's slander. Why protect slander?

Saying that Trump refused to pay workers, some of whom even went bankrupt because he tricked them out of their work is not slander because he actually did that.

Posting the truth is free speech. Lying is lying. If someone is going to lie, they have the right to prove they are telling the truth. And if they aren't telling the truth. then who wants to listen to lies hiding behind the curtain of "free speech"?

My God you are stupid. Lying is protected under free speech. In fact so is slander, you can't go to jail for slander. You can win a CIVIL suit, but that is entirely outside the scope of the first amendment which merely prevents the government from limiting speech.

As for your stupid comments about uneducated Republicans well they are too stupid to even bother with except for ridicule.

That isn't 100% accurate, lying under oath is a crime, and lying for any sort of monetary or economic gain is fraud.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
I guess the moderators of this forum hate free speech, too!

theres one generation of college students who were taught to sue Trumps fat ass and WIN !
When I was in law school the Constitutional law professor was in favor of banning so-called "hate speech."

That's appalling.
Correct! Free speech means hearing things that you disagree with and sometimes find abhorrent! Most left turds do not know that!
That doesnt make sense. Why would you getting banned from FB mean you hate free speech?

You really can't comprehend this simple matter can you? Why is FB banning people who disagree with their view?

Because they are a private company and are allowed to do so. I got banned from here for a week for posting things that the Mods did not agree with. While I was away I found a site that is 1000 times more right than this one and got banned for saying that I did not like Trump's AG choice because he had too much establishment baggage. They allow no criticism of Trump. And they are allowed to do so.

You're stating the obvious. All social media sites are pushing limited speech. They're terrified of people speaking their mind and letting truth out.

And that is their prerogative as private companies.

Go to a Christian forum and they limit your me.

They all do it, even this site.

If you do not like what FB does, start your own FB. The internet is a big, wide open place.

Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.
Poorly worded statement.....One of my accounts on Fakebook got banned for that meme, posted in a WWII history group no less.....Seems that any and every meme with the visage of Hitler, no matter how benign, has been declared "verboten!" in Zucc's Rainbow Romper Room.

The left has not only been taught to hate free speech, they actually revel in, and carry the water for, censorship.

cool story Bro!
The 1st Amendment is irrelevant to the fact....The left detests free speech and will go to any length to quash it....Likewise, they'll stop at nothing to make excuses for those who do their dirty work for them.

You are not this dense, are you?

Free speech applies only to the government, not anyone else.

A private company cannot quash what does not apply to them.

Stop whining, if you do not like what FB does, start your own version. The internet is a big fucking place.
The 1st Amendment is irrelevant to the fact....The left detests free speech and will go to any length to quash it....Likewise, they'll stop at nothing to make excuses for those who do their dirty work for them.

You are not this dense, are you?

Free speech applies only to the government, not anyone else.

A private company cannot quash what does not apply to them.

Stop whining, if you do not like what FB does, start your own version. The internet is a big fucking place.

Free speech only applies to the government?? Is that a page out of the Liberal handbook?
No one is stopping anyone from creating their own social media site and allowing whatever speech you wish.

No one is stopping anyone from creating their own social media site and allowing only Trump ass kissers to speak.

If Facebook wants to become a site where one can extol on the virtues of Stalin's mass extermination programs while banning anyone who glorifies Hitler, that's their prerogative, and they can deal with the consequences of their decisions. They are a CORPORATION, after all. Not a government organ.
The 1st Amendment is irrelevant to the fact....The left detests free speech and will go to any length to quash it....Likewise, they'll stop at nothing to make excuses for those who do their dirty work for them.

You are not this dense, are you?

Free speech applies only to the government, not anyone else.

A private company cannot quash what does not apply to them.

Stop whining, if you do not like what FB does, start your own version. The internet is a big fucking place.

Free speech only applies to the government?? Is that a page out of the Liberal handbook?

It is what is known as a fact...those things that you partisan sheep are allergic to.

This site limits what is posted, that is not a violation of freedom of speech as this site has no obligation towards such things. The government may not infringe upon your right to free speech, private entities have no such restriction.

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