An example of why the wackadoodle left makes me sick.

Mexico offers to help Texas and their praises are sung to the heavens above.

An AMERICAN PRESIDENT gives a million of his own money and the claws come out.

In another thread we have a wackjob leftie crying the blues about the plight of Mexican children here illegally that may lose out if DACA is ended.
Yet she will defend to no end the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion.

When Obama was president everything that went wrong was Bush's fault.
Now that trumps president all problems are his alone.

If there is an issue these morons don't play both sides on depending on the political winds, I have yet to discover it.

Trump gave an empty sack of promises just like hes been doing since day one ... when he writes a million dollar check and hands it over THEN you can believe his lying ass, and not until.

you're welcome.
Just like the fraud said he donated to charity until our great free press proved he didn't.
No wonder Trump and his DEPLORABLES hate the press.
Mexico offers to help Texas and their praises are sung to the heavens above.

An AMERICAN PRESIDENT gives a million of his own money and the claws come out.

In another thread we have a wackjob leftie crying the blues about the plight of Mexican children here illegally that may lose out if DACA is ended.
Yet she will defend to no end the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion.

When Obama was president everything that went wrong was Bush's fault.
Now that trumps president all problems are his alone.

If there is an issue these morons don't play both sides on depending on the political winds, I have yet to discover it.

Trump gave an empty sack of promises just like hes been doing since day one ... when he writes a million dollar check and hands it over THEN you can believe his lying ass, and not until.

you're welcome.

Will you applaud him for doing so or will you find another reason to piss and moan?
Mexico offers to help Texas and their praises are sung to the heavens above.

An AMERICAN PRESIDENT gives a million of his own money and the claws come out.

In another thread we have a wackjob leftie crying the blues about the plight of Mexican children here illegally that may lose out if DACA is ended.
Yet she will defend to no end the systemic slaughter of millions of babies via abortion.

When Obama was president everything that went wrong was Bush's fault.
Now that trumps president all problems are his alone.

If there is an issue these morons don't play both sides on depending on the political winds, I have yet to discover it.
That's because when Obama was President all his problem were bush created. That's why jebs not president.

Trump was handed a good economy and promises he will make it better. It will take some time so if you like the economy now thank Obama unless you want to argue Trump turned it ALL around in less than a year?
The President has not given the million yet....he decided to play "reality Show" with it, where the reporters in the audience get to pick who he sends it to, if he ever does.

He's such an awkward cluck, he doesn't even know how to donate to a catastrophe and has no advisors to tell him? ...yet has to make a show about it, having his press secretary ask the reporters where the money should go on National television.... honestly, I am grateful for his donation, but I just wish he would stop putting us thru this staged reality show daily....

I never liked reality shows...not just his whitehouse one, but all of them drive me crazy!

He should have just given the money, kept his mouth shut cuz if one is giving, they are not suppose to brag about it, (if they do, it's null and void in God's eyes and it is being done for evil purposes of self interest),

And then let the press find out about it!!!! Let them have discovered what he did in silence, to help!!! That would have been a terrific and positive reality tv episode for Trump!
Maybe by "putting us through staged reality" he is promoting others to give.
The President has not given the million yet....he decided to play "reality Show" with it, where the reporters in the audience get to pick who he sends it to, if he ever does.

He's such an awkward cluck, he doesn't even know how to donate to a catastrophe and has no advisors to tell him? ...yet has to make a show about it, having his press secretary ask the reporters where the money should go on National television.... honestly, I am grateful for his donation, but I just wish he would stop putting us thru this staged reality show daily....

I never liked reality shows...not just his whitehouse one, but all of them drive me crazy!

He should have just given the money, kept his mouth shut cuz if one is giving, they are not suppose to brag about it, (if they do, it's null and void in God's eyes and it is being done for evil purposes of self interest),

And then let the press find out about it!!!! Let them have discovered what he did in silence, to help!!! That would have been a terrific and positive reality tv episode for Trump!
Maybe by "putting us through staged reality" he is promoting others to give.
yes, God works in mysterious ya never know, it's possible!

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