An honest Republican?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Looks like we've found one!

Republican Mayor: The Stimulus Package ‘Worked,’ It’s ‘Unfair’ For House GOP To Attack It


Yesterday, the House GOP lawmakers quickly manufactured an unwieldy proposal to axe $2.5 trillion from the federal budget. In a tribute to zeal, Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) new Spending Reduction Act not only scraps 15 percent of federal jobs but also eliminates “all remaining stimulus funding.” Because, as they say, this is what the American people want.
Unfortunately for Republicans, the American people don’t live in their delusion. They live in states and cities — both of which depend on the Recovery Act and will get hosed by this repeal. Bristling under the GOP’s out-of-touch demonization of the Recovery Act, even Republican mayors like Tulsa, OK Mayor Dewey Bartlett are pointing out just how “unfair” a repeal of the Act would be. Speaking at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in DC yesterday, Bartlett”it worked“:
“I would prefer them to at least give us an opportunity to use them for another reasonably supportive project,” Bartlett said.
In Washington for the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Bartlett again made positive comments about the impact of the 2009 stimulus package, which was opposed by every Oklahoma Republican in Congress.
“It worked,” said the mayor, who is also a Republican.[...]
Bartlett conceded he did not know whether any of Tulsa’s funding would be covered by the proposal but made it clear he did not favor a repeal.
“To me, that seems a little unfair,” he said.
Bartlett pointed to specific Recovery projects — “crime, public safety, energy and environment, poverty and infrastructure projects” — and the “Inner Dispersal Loop state project to improve access to downtown Tulsa” that helped Tulsa “come out of the recession.”

Much ado about a single mayor in podunk...Oklahoma. The left must be desperate.
Over 230, not 250:

While at odds with the conservative anti-stimulus mantra, Bartlett is certainly not alone. Today, more than 230 mayors attending the Conference called for “a second wave of stimulus money.” Forced to “impose layoffs furloughs, service reductions and fee increases to deal with falling municipal revenue,” the mayors, many of whom are Republicans, said “cities are being deprived of the federal aid owed to them.” Burnsville, MN Mayor Elizabeth Kautz, also a Republican, said “We are in the middle of a ‘jobs emergency’ that demands decisive and swift action.” “We need the Senate to pass a Main Street jobs package now,” she insisted.
The stimulus has kept many cities and states alive.

although some of it was badly spent. Like cash for clunkers.

However since it did not fix everything overnight, problems that took decades to build, the right calls it a failure.

I do not recall hearing them whine over Bush's tax rebates being a failure.
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What are we talking about here? Tulsa, OK's unemploymnent was less than 3% when Obama was elected. It rose to 7% during the "stimulous'. You can't count on federal dollars to fund public safety. Paying Police and Fire personnel is an ongoing process. The dirty little secret is that the Trillion dollars we spent in "porkulous" was doled out to buy votes for democrat politicians and fund lavish union pensions. Obama's economic agenda flat out didn't work. When are you lefties going to let go of the false "hope" you bought into?
That doesn't make him honest, it just makes him a political wind sock with an (R) by his name...Which he has a reputation for being.

Dewey Bartlett the pseudo-Republican nominee for Tulsa Mayor - Tulsa freethought |
Remember all the Con governors who protested the stimulus, but not only took the money, but in the case of Jindal passed out the checks with his own name on them.

Since conservatives are paying for it, I see no reason why they shouldn't take the money. It is OUR money you're giving out. Fucking idiot.
Looks like we've found one!

Republican Mayor: The Stimulus Package ‘Worked,’ It’s ‘Unfair’ For House GOP To Attack It


Yesterday, the House GOP lawmakers quickly manufactured an unwieldy proposal to axe $2.5 trillion from the federal budget. In a tribute to zeal, Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) new Spending Reduction Act not only scraps 15 percent of federal jobs but also eliminates “all remaining stimulus funding.” Because, as they say, this is what the American people want.
Unfortunately for Republicans, the American people don’t live in their delusion. They live in states and cities — both of which depend on the Recovery Act and will get hosed by this repeal. Bristling under the GOP’s out-of-touch demonization of the Recovery Act, even Republican mayors like Tulsa, OK Mayor Dewey Bartlett are pointing out just how “unfair” a repeal of the Act would be. Speaking at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in DC yesterday, Bartlett”it worked“:
“I would prefer them to at least give us an opportunity to use them for another reasonably supportive project,” Bartlett said.
In Washington for the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Bartlett again made positive comments about the impact of the 2009 stimulus package, which was opposed by every Oklahoma Republican in Congress.
“It worked,” said the mayor, who is also a Republican.[...]
Bartlett conceded he did not know whether any of Tulsa’s funding would be covered by the proposal but made it clear he did not favor a repeal.
“To me, that seems a little unfair,” he said.
Bartlett pointed to specific Recovery projects — “crime, public safety, energy and environment, poverty and infrastructure projects” — and the “Inner Dispersal Loop state project to improve access to downtown Tulsa” that helped Tulsa “come out of the recession.”


What Bartlertt and you Obamarrhoidal Dipshits don't realize is that it was absolutely necessary to spend mebbe 1/4 to a 1/2 of a $ trillion for the "stimulus to have worked ! "

Which is ~ what Bush recommended.

What these same Dipshits don't realize that anything ABOVE THAT 1/4 - 1/2 $ trillion ........... WOULD STILL have made the "stimulus to have worked" ........ BUT IT WAS A FUCKING WASTE OF MONEY !!!
The stimulus has kept many cities and states alive.

although some of it was badly spent. Like cash for clunkers.

However since it did not fix everything overnight, problems that took decades to build, the right calls it a failure.

I do not recall hearing them whine over Bush's tax rebates being a failure.

I didn't mind Cash For Clunkers. A lot of those cars just should not have been on the road any longer.

In fact, I wish that all states instituted yearly inspections, like they did in Jersey while I was growing up.

Why should my life, or my family's life, be put in danger because someone who doesn't have their priorities straight is driving arround on bald tires? But it should be done by the states, to raise revenue while promoting safety and environmentalism.

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