An incredible lack of outrage...


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?

Yeah I'm not real happy with that. Why give all that away? You know the Chinese make the motherboards, right?

For what Wikileaks gave away? China has hardware embedded in your motherboard and TVs to do. :badgrin:

So it gets done twice.
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I think leaks can be very dangerous to our national security but I also appreciate gaining true information and exposing people/agencies, especially when they are lying.

So while I will not cheer and encourage leaking/hacking, I also find information that exposes dishonest actors valuable. It's a double edge sword
I'm bi-polar when it comes to Wikileaks.

Bad for the nation's security, but glad someone did it. ..... :cool:
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?


The outrage darling should be that they are hacking and spying on CITIZENS and NOT just American citizens but citizens of other nations and most of it has little to do with combatting terrorism.

This is a complete violation of peoples privacy, this is what Eric Blair warned about in "1984" and also what Aldous Huxley warned about in "Brave New World" that this is how a Future Police State would control citizenry.

That you Leftists have absolutely no problem with this says what about the Left?

You Leftists accuse the Right of being Fascist, yet it's the Left who are condoning Fascism, whilst the Right is fighting against it.
Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?

Your statement contains several fallacies. But this Obama-era CIA Shadow Government thing is clearly a danger to the personal safety of US citizens.

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Hopefully, Donald Trump will finish what JFK got killed for attempting to do: disband the CIA.
You really don't think that our CIA agents keep us safe?

I think any law enforcement must be strictly governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights when it comes to search and seizure and spying on Americans, and I don't trust the CIA to do that.
Hopefully, Donald Trump will finish what JFK got killed for attempting to do: disband the CIA.
Um, l ets not throw the baby out with the bathwater, mmk?

There are ass hats at the CIA just like any other group of people, but it does perform a critical service for our nation and they are damned good at it.

For the record, if they find the leakers, they should be tried for treason the put on their knees, if found guilty, and shot in the back of their traitorous heads.

Then dump their corpses of the South Pacific where it wont wash up on American shores.
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?


The outrage darling should be that they are hacking and spying on CITIZENS and NOT just American citizens but citizens of other nations and most of it has little to do with combatting terrorism.

This is a complete violation of peoples privacy, this is what Eric Blair warned about in "1984" and also what Aldous Huxley warned about in "Brave New World" that this is how a Future Police State would control citizenry.

That you ;Leftists have absolutely no problem with this says what about the Left?

You Leftists accuse the Right of being Fascist, yet it's the Left who are condoning Fascism, whilst the Right is fighting against it.

I'm no fan of the Patriot Act.

BUT - here's the question:
What the US does is no different than what many other countries do. That's a given.
There is no way of knowing how much or little has to do with terrorism - terrorism includes cyber attacks, espionage etc. but I agree, it likely goes much further than it needs to. I do not support big data gatherings and I strongly support court orders like FISA as a means of limiting it.

Here is the problemm though: Is it a good thing for Wikileaks to spill all the tools a spy agency uses in this manner? What if it were Austria's intelligence agencies?

The problem with this stuff is how much is acceptable for security? Where do you draw the line?
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?
I completely agree, but this many people leaking stuff suggests that there is a morale crisis at the CIA and this in turn implies that these well paid pros are being assigned tasks that they dont seem to enjoy.

I wonder why that is?
Hopefully, Donald Trump will finish what JFK got killed for attempting to do: disband the CIA.
You really don't think that our CIA agents keep us safe?

I think any law enforcement must be strictly governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights when it comes to search and seizure and spying on Americans, and I don't trust the CIA to do that.
You didn't asnwer my question. The CIA does incredible work to keep us safe from foreign threats, do you deny that? Are you willing to give that up and risk our safety?

I understand your concerns about personal privacy, but it would be catastrophic to get rid of our CIA. I don't think you've thought this one through
Hopefully, Donald Trump will finish what JFK got killed for attempting to do: disband the CIA.
That will never happen.

The CIA is the most effective anti terrorist fighting force the USA has.

Who do I want to keep me safe? Myself? Barring that the choices are police? OK next..National guard? ok.

Next up: CIA or US Army Rangers? I think I'd much rather have the Rangers watching my back.

CIA people can be duplicitous. They do not deserve that much influence.
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?
I completely agree, but this many people leaking stuff suggests that their is a morale crisis at the CIA and this in turn implies that these well paid pros are being assigned tasks that they dont seem to enjoy.

I wonder why that is?

I'm not sure...not sure what it implies to be honest.

Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?


The outrage darling should be that they are hacking and spying on CITIZENS and NOT just American citizens but citizens of other nations and most of it has little to do with combatting terrorism.

This is a complete violation of peoples privacy, this is what Eric Blair warned about in "1984" and also what Aldous Huxley warned about in "Brave New World" that this is how a Future Police State would control citizenry.

That you Leftists have absolutely no problem with this says what about the Left?

You Leftists accuse the Right of being Fascist, yet it's the Left who are condoning Fascism, whilst the Right is fighting against it.

I agree wholeheartedly. ^^^:thup:
Hopefully, Donald Trump will finish what JFK got killed for attempting to do: disband the CIA.
You really don't think that our CIA agents keep us safe?

What are you willing to sacrifice, are you willing for them to break International Law to spy on citizens across the Western world as they sit in their own living room watching the television?

Have you thought that something like the CIA isn't your friend and isn't looking to keep you safe? If you know about the history of an organisation such as the CIA then you'll know that it's always been a nest of rattlesnakes.

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