An incredible lack of outrage...

Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?


I have read some of the WikiLeaks Vault 7 stuff, and apart from it being very disturbing why the CIA and also in collusion with MI5/6 would want to spy on seemingly everyone for reasons that have little to do with combatting terrorism.

The most interesting part I have read is that the CIA very often left behind a trace that said it was Russia, Iran and China doing the hacking and spying and they did this deliberately to conceal that it was the CIA.

So there possibly is the "Russia hacked the American election" narrative coming from the CIA and the other Intelligence Agencies and the Democratic party and then fed to the Propaganda cheerleaders in the MSM.

It's very possibly been a Deep State Set Up.
I'm not saying everyone in the CIA is criminal, and I do think there are good people in the CIA. But I think the institution of the CIA as a whole lends itself to violating the Constitution. I also think having the NSA and the CIA is redundant. Just have the NSA for spying overseas.
They specialize in different things, though the CIA is a generic over-arching intelligence agency with all kinds of fingers in different pots.

The CIA does a very good job at what it does. They are really good at using decoys to misdirect people while hiding things in plain sight.

Wish I could explain.

My point would be: They're not necessary enough to warrant subverting the method of government fought, bled, and died for by the people that founded this country. No way, No how.

They aren't that important at this moment in time. What's important is Constitutional government.
"Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?"

Because he was outraged and disgusted at how criminal the organisation he worked for had become. I have a lot of respect for Whistleblowers, they risk everything and give up so much in order to alert everyone else to the potential dangers and also to the criminal activities of those who are very quick to DICTATE to OTHERS about remaining WITHIN the LAW whilst they circumvent and actually violate the SAME laws they are telling others to obey and respect.
Snowden was not a whistleblower. Those people remain loyal to the purpose of their government and try to correct things from the inside.

Snowden is a traitor.
What if you get in there, inside the inner workings and you realize there is no good side to be on? What do you do then?

That's why Americans elected President Trump.

No Left

No right

Just Trump!!!!!!!:clap::banana::2up:
Hopefully, Donald Trump will finish what JFK got killed for attempting to do: disband the CIA.
You really don't think that our CIA agents keep us safe?

I think any law enforcement must be strictly governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights when it comes to search and seizure and spying on Americans, and I don't trust the CIA to do that.
You didn't asnwer my question. The CIA does incredible work to keep us safe from foreign threats, do you deny that? Are you willing to give that up and risk our safety?

I understand your concerns about personal privacy, but it would be catastrophic to get rid of our CIA. I don't think you've thought this one through

Why do we need both the CIA and the NSA? The NSA can handle overseas intelligence.
And what qualifies you to make that statement. Do you have any experience working with either agency? Access to classified information to gain an idea of anything that they actually do?
This is the level of trust your superiors needed in order to get an all control of every aspect of your life government. Never question what they are doing you're too dumb to understand.
I'm not saying everyone in the CIA is criminal, and I do think there are good people in the CIA. But I think the institution of the CIA as a whole lends itself to violating the Constitution. I also think having the NSA and the CIA is redundant. Just have the NSA for spying overseas.
They specialize in different things, though the CIA is a generic over-arching intelligence agency with all kinds of fingers in different pots.

The CIA does a very good job at what it does. They are really good at using decoys to misdirect people while hiding things in plain sight.

Wish I could explain.

My point would be: They're not necessary enough to warrant subverting the method of government fought, bled, and died for by the people that founded this country. No way, No how.

They aren't that important at this moment in time. What's important is Constitutional government.

"What's important is Constitutional government."

Does the American Constitution say that American citizens can be spied on in these ways? Does the American Constitution say that American citizens can be killed by Drones on the orders of the head of their own Government?

I don't think so.
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  • #46
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?
I completely agree, but this many people leaking stuff suggests that their is a morale crisis at the CIA and this in turn implies that these well paid pros are being assigned tasks that they dont seem to enjoy.

I wonder why that is?

I'm not sure...not sure what it implies to be honest.

Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?

"Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?"

Because he was outraged and disgusted at how criminal the organisation he worked for had become. I have a lot of respect for Whistleblowers, they risk everything and give up so much in order to alert everyone else to the potential dangers and also to the criminal activities of those who are very quick to DICTATE to OTHERS about remaining WITHIN the LAW whilst they circumvent and actually violate the SAME laws they are telling others to obey and respect.

I have respect for whistleblowers IF indeed they are whistleblowers.

For example - what Snowden revealed, in many cases, led to public anger and forced much needed changes on NSA.

But is what wikileaks doing "whistleblowing" or - adding more smoke to the ongoing political fray surrounding Trump's fight with the intelligence agencies, Russia, etc. And in the process - how damaging is it to our attempts to gather intelligence that IS vital to national security?
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  • #47
I'm not sure...not sure what it implies to be honest.
Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?
I have it on good authority that Snowden wanted to work a certain way at the CIA but they would not accomodate him. He then went back to subcontracting and hated his life and blamed people at the CIA for his misfortune.

Personally I dont care why he personally did it.

He is a traitor.

But something seems amiss to me in the intel community when we have this number of people taking these kinds of risks.

I did not know that.
I'm willing to give up some of my personal freedoms for protection at the level the CIA provides. I'm also fine with more measures of accountability imposed on the CIA. It is a ridiculous and careless notion to suggest that eliminating an agency like the CIA would be a good thing.
I agree for the most part, but I am not willing to give up fundamental rights.
I agree and would fight to preserve our rights as much as possible. But I don't really have a problem with collection of metadata that can be used for investigations should there be a warrant and probable cause. This could be viewed as a violation of our rights but there are too many serious threats out there capable of doing damage.
You really don't think that our CIA agents keep us safe?

I think any law enforcement must be strictly governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights when it comes to search and seizure and spying on Americans, and I don't trust the CIA to do that.
You didn't asnwer my question. The CIA does incredible work to keep us safe from foreign threats, do you deny that? Are you willing to give that up and risk our safety?

I understand your concerns about personal privacy, but it would be catastrophic to get rid of our CIA. I don't think you've thought this one through

Why do we need both the CIA and the NSA? The NSA can handle overseas intelligence.
And what qualifies you to make that statement. Do you have any experience working with either agency? Access to classified information to gain an idea of anything that they actually do?
This is the level of trust your superiors needed in order to get an all control of every aspect of your life government. Never question what they are doing you're too dumb to understand.
When did I say never question anything?
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?
I completely agree, but this many people leaking stuff suggests that their is a morale crisis at the CIA and this in turn implies that these well paid pros are being assigned tasks that they dont seem to enjoy.

I wonder why that is?

I'm not sure...not sure what it implies to be honest.

Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?

"Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?"

Because he was outraged and disgusted at how criminal the organisation he worked for had become. I have a lot of respect for Whistleblowers, they risk everything and give up so much in order to alert everyone else to the potential dangers and also to the criminal activities of those who are very quick to DICTATE to OTHERS about remaining WITHIN the LAW whilst they circumvent and actually violate the SAME laws they are telling others to obey and respect.

I have respect for whistleblowers IF indeed they are whistleblowers.

For example - what Snowden revealed, in many cases, led to public anger and forced much needed changes on NSA.

But is what wikileaks doing "whistleblowing" or - adding more smoke to the ongoing political fray surrounding Trump's fight with the intelligence agencies, Russia, etc. And in the process - how damaging is it to our attempts to gather intelligence that IS vital to national security?

WikiLeaks isn't Whistleblowing per se, there are people within these Intelligence Agencies who are disturbed enough and fundamentally are outraged enough to have very probably risked their own lives to pass these documents to WikiLeaks.

The question should be that the majority of this spying and hacking has little to do with combatting terrorism, maybe 10% will be terrorist related, the majority is spying on ORDINARY citizens who will have zero of the criteria that fits either a potential terrorist or even a potential danger to their own community on some non-terrorist related situation.

That's the WTF question and that's why everyone who thinks that ordinary citizens have a human right to NOT have their privacy violated in such a sordid and outrageous way should be very, very angry at this crap.

That your crowd on the Left seems not to have a problem and again are just parroting and rambling about Putin and Russia like pre-programmed robots says a great deal about the Left, you are deliberately ignoring the Elephant that's in full view and crapping in the centre of the room.

Where are Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the ACLU? Oh that's right, I forgot, they are ONLY interested in supporting Muslims and Illegal Mexican immigrants and Illegal Central American immigrants :rolleyes-41:
Dems in charge will leave us with $40 trillion in debt and 32 public bathrooms at every place of business.
I'm not sure...not sure what it implies to be honest.
Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?
I have it on good authority that Snowden wanted to work a certain way at the CIA but they would not accomodate him. He then went back to subcontracting and hated his life and blamed people at the CIA for his misfortune.

Personally I dont care why he personally did it.

He is a traitor.

But something seems amiss to me in the intel community when we have this number of people taking these kinds of risks.

I did not know that.

I think many Americans think that something nefarious like this taken to the extreme cannot happen in America, I think many Americans think it cannot because you think that ALL your Government Agencies will automatically adhere to the American Constitution.

You need to understand that there are those within who don't give a crap about the American Constitution.
I agree that the CIA methods and means of electronic surveillance shouldn't be made who printed the stories and why weren't the wiki assertions ignored? What was revealed of interest to me was their program that diverts the blame for a hack onto another RUSSIA. If the CIA or NSA hacked the DNC and left breadcrumbs that is was Russia....what does that do to the leftist claims the Russians hacked our election? THUD. So if that's true, the first two months of the Trump administration have been spent countering lying liars false flagging him for no reason other than to obstruct him from fixing the country.
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I agree that the CIA methods and means of electronic surveillance shouldn't be made who printed the stories and why weren't the wiki assertions ignored? What was revealed of interest to me was their program that diverts the blame for a hack onto another RUSSIA. If the CIA or NSA hacked the DNC and left breadcrumbs that is was Russia....what does that do to the leftist claims the Russians hacked our election? THUD. So if that's true, the first two months of the Trump administration have been spent countering lying liars for no reason other than to obstruct him from fixing the country.

"What was revealed of interest to me was their program that diverts the blame for a hack onto another RUSSIA. If the CIA or NSA hacked the DNC and left breadcrumbs that is was Russia....what does that do to the leftist claims the Russians hacked our election? THUD."

Exactly Tom, what you said.
  • Thread starter
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  • #55
Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?
I completely agree, but this many people leaking stuff suggests that their is a morale crisis at the CIA and this in turn implies that these well paid pros are being assigned tasks that they dont seem to enjoy.

I wonder why that is?

I'm not sure...not sure what it implies to be honest.

Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?

"Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?"

Because he was outraged and disgusted at how criminal the organisation he worked for had become. I have a lot of respect for Whistleblowers, they risk everything and give up so much in order to alert everyone else to the potential dangers and also to the criminal activities of those who are very quick to DICTATE to OTHERS about remaining WITHIN the LAW whilst they circumvent and actually violate the SAME laws they are telling others to obey and respect.

I have respect for whistleblowers IF indeed they are whistleblowers.

For example - what Snowden revealed, in many cases, led to public anger and forced much needed changes on NSA.

But is what wikileaks doing "whistleblowing" or - adding more smoke to the ongoing political fray surrounding Trump's fight with the intelligence agencies, Russia, etc. And in the process - how damaging is it to our attempts to gather intelligence that IS vital to national security?

WikiLeaks isn't Whistleblowing per se, there are people within these Intelligence Agencies who are disturbed enough and fundamentally are outraged enough to have very probably risked their own lives to pass these documents to WikiLeaks.

The question should be that the majority of this spying and hacking has little to do with combatting terrorism, maybe 10% will be terrorist related, the majority is spying on ORDINARY citizens who will have zero of the criteria that fits either a potential terrorist or even a potential danger to their own community on some non-terrorist related situation.

That's the WTF question and that's why everyone who thinks that ordinary citizens have a human right to NOT have their privacy violated in such a sordid and outrageous way should be very, very angry at this crap.

That your crowd on the Left seems not to have a problem and again are just parroting and rambling about Putin and Russia like pre-programmed robots says a great deal about the Left, you are deliberately ignoring the Elephant that's in full view and crapping in the centre of the room.

Where are Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the ACLU? Oh that's right, I forgot, they are ONLY interested in supporting Muslims and Illegal Mexican immigrants and Illegal Central American immigrants :rolleyes-41:

What would Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have to do with any of that? It's not really their purvue. If there is a FISA order, and probable cause I don't have an issue with it. Otherwise - if it's just generic data collecting, I do. But since you're dumping on the left here - what about the Right? You have no problem with surveillance being conducted in Mosques on American citizens right?

ACLU is very much involved - they initiated many lawsuits against data collecting, forcing phone companies to release private info etc.
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  • #56
I agree that the CIA methods and means of electronic surveillance shouldn't be made who printed the stories and why weren't the wiki assertions ignored? What was revealed of interest to me was their program that diverts the blame for a hack onto another RUSSIA. If the CIA or NSA hacked the DNC and left breadcrumbs that is was Russia....what does that do to the leftist claims the Russians hacked our election? THUD. So if that's true, the first two months of the Trump administration have been spent countering lying liars for no reason other than to obstruct him from fixing the country.


But do you honestly believe that? I believe our government before I would believe Russia. And wikileaks is very Russia friendly.

But do you honestly believe that? I believe our government before I would believe Russia. And wikileaks is very Russia friendly.

As possibly the only person here who's ever dealt with CIA field agents in person, I would tell you they are smart and ruthless sociopaths who rarely blink their eyes or believe anything they hear. When a recon team is told to get specific information and then told if we didn't make it out, that was a report in and of itself, you get the picture of who they really are.
I think any law enforcement must be strictly governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights when it comes to search and seizure and spying on Americans, and I don't trust the CIA to do that.
You didn't asnwer my question. The CIA does incredible work to keep us safe from foreign threats, do you deny that? Are you willing to give that up and risk our safety?

I understand your concerns about personal privacy, but it would be catastrophic to get rid of our CIA. I don't think you've thought this one through

Why do we need both the CIA and the NSA? The NSA can handle overseas intelligence.
And what qualifies you to make that statement. Do you have any experience working with either agency? Access to classified information to gain an idea of anything that they actually do?
This is the level of trust your superiors needed in order to get an all control of every aspect of your life government. Never question what they are doing you're too dumb to understand.
When did I say never question anything?
You just questioned anyone not in the government approved agency being capable of questioning them. Are you stupid?
Perhaps the CIA should focus more on being diligent and protecting their information than seditiously, illegally leaking information obtained from Obama about Trump & his team...

...just sayin'...
The CIA is pretty pissed about their info being illegally hacked and leaked for an organization that seems to enjoy / take pride in illegally leaking info...

...just sayin'...

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