An incredible lack of outrage...

Just another Democrat Traitor Leaking Classified Intel.

Everyone of those punks the OP mentioned were all card carrying members of The Democrat Hatin America Party.

Obama is not a hero.
Bowe Bergdahl is not a hero.

Well who in the Fuck was encouraging Wikileaks.

And how do you know it wasn't the RUSSIANS again that gave this to Wikileaks? They didn't have any problem hacking into the Pentagon a year ago. That one was so bad, they had to shut their system down for 2 weeks to replace new hardware.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

I don't think it's some 400 lb. FAT guy sitting on his bed doing it.
Is it ok for our people to do things in other peoples countries they wouldn't be allowed to do here?
What do those countries leaders think of such a thing.
Would it be ok for them to do it to us?
CIA is obsolete.
the CIA operates primarily in foreign nations, not so much on American soil, but IF on American soil, many of those techniques would need a warrant...

We have terrorists all over the world and the only we capture or kill them is to know where they're at. You're right to spy on American citizens would require a warrant. Julian Assange did it again. He goes after Americans, and when has he ever gone after Russia.

Maybe that Ecuador Embassy in London where he's been holed up for the last 4 years will finally hand him over to the U.S. I am certain this has really pissed off the UK, our allies and M16 too.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?


Same with INFOWARS....

never ever any scrutiny of Russia, their Deep State crap, their corrupt elections, thir corrupt spying techniques...

where are these leaks for them....

pretty sad that Americans have been brainwashed by all of this Russian propaganda with their propagandists like Alex jumping at the bit to support took decades, but the Russians finally succeeded... and the Americans following them, don't even know it....sad indeed.
Julian Assange is an enemy of the state. He's just a sniveling little accused rapist coward hiding out in a foreign embassy. The CIA is a necessary evil.

Assange is publishing what he was given just like The Washington Post.
So if you are going to declare Assange an Enemy of The State you are going to have to go after The MSM for printing leaks and Fake News.

Bullshit. This is coming from Wikileaks who you were praising a few months ago. They did it to G.W. Bush in 2007 also. Yeah once it blasted all over the world via the internet the media will report on it. They could get arrested for doing it themselves, and that's why the U.S. wants Julian Assange bad--and want him extradited back to the US to face charges.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Also read V for Vendetta which covers A Fascist Police Surveillance State.

Or simply drive through Youngstown Ohio and get a traffic ticket by a robotic traffic cam.

Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?


The outrage darling should be that they are hacking and spying on CITIZENS and NOT just American citizens but citizens of other nations and most of it has little to do with combatting terrorism.

This is a complete violation of peoples privacy, this is what Eric Blair warned about in "1984" and also what Aldous Huxley warned about in "Brave New World" that this is how a Future Police State would control citizenry.

That you Leftists have absolutely no problem with this says what about the Left?

You Leftists accuse the Right of being Fascist, yet it's the Left who are condoning Fascism, whilst the Right is fighting against it.
Is it ok for our people to do things in other peoples countries they wouldn't be allowed to do here?
What do those countries leaders think of such a thing.
Would it be ok for them to do it to us?
CIA is obsolete.
Yes of course it is ok for the CIA in other countries, and hopefully they don't get caught...

And OTHER COUNTRIES are ALREADY doing 'it' you think foreign enemy spies are not?
I believe in transparency.

And nothing shown in the Wikileaks latest dump is shocking or unknown.

Only to the average moron who doesn't keep informed is this shocking.

I have known for a few years the CIA spies and then leaves markers or breadcrumbs or fingerprints of other government's to frame others for the dirty work they do themselves.

Washington Post
Published classified intel on Flynn.

Are they "The Enemy Of The State?"

Is Obama Bin Lying?

Is Hillary Rotten Clinton?

There are good arguments that they are.

Julian Assange is an enemy of the state. He's just a sniveling little accused rapist coward hiding out in a foreign embassy. The CIA is a necessary evil.

Assange is publishing what he was given just like The Washington Post.
So if you are going to declare Assange an Enemy of The State you are going to have to go after The MSM for printing leaks and Fake News.

Bullshit. This is coming from Wikileaks who you were praising a few months ago. They did it to G.W. Bush in 2007 also.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

the CIA operates primarily in foreign nations, not so much on American soil, but IF on American soil, many of those techniques would need a warrant...

We have terrorists all over the world and the only we capture or kill them is to know where they're at. You're right to spy on American citizens would require a warrant. Julian Assange did it again. He goes after Americans, and when has he ever gone after Russia.

Maybe that Ecuador Embassy in London where he's been holed up for the last 4 years will finally hand him over to the U.S. I am certain this has really pissed off the UK, our allies and M16 too.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?


Same with INFOWARS....

never ever any scrutiny of Russia, their Deep State crap, their corrupt elections, thir corrupt spying techniques...

where are these leaks for them....

pretty sad that Americans have been brainwashed by all of this Russian propaganda with their propagandists like Alex jumping at the bit to support took decades, but the Russians finally succeeded... and the Americans following them, don't even know it....sad indeed.

No kidding--they gobbled up the Russian news as quickly as they could while they were cheering it on all the way.


"Russia if that's you, could you get those 30K missing emails of Hillary Clinton?" You would be strongly rewarded by the media in this country."

Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?


The outrage darling should be that they are hacking and spying on CITIZENS and NOT just American citizens but citizens of other nations and most of it has little to do with combatting terrorism.

This is a complete violation of peoples privacy, this is what Eric Blair warned about in "1984" and also what Aldous Huxley warned about in "Brave New World" that this is how a Future Police State would control citizenry.

That you ;Leftists have absolutely no problem with this says what about the Left?

You Leftists accuse the Right of being Fascist, yet it's the Left who are condoning Fascism, whilst the Right is fighting against it.

I'm no fan of the Patriot Act.

BUT - here's the question:
What the US does is no different than what many other countries do. That's a given.
There is no way of knowing how much or little has to do with terrorism - terrorism includes cyber attacks, espionage etc. but I agree, it likely goes much further than it needs to. I do not support big data gatherings and I strongly support court orders like FISA as a means of limiting it.

Here is the problemm though: Is it a good thing for Wikileaks to spill all the tools a spy agency uses in this manner? What if it were Austria's intelligence agencies?

The problem with this stuff is how much is acceptable for security? Where do you draw the line?

"What if it were Austria's intelligence agencies?"

You know my brother works for our people, we do not spy like this inside peoples houses, I can assure you that our peoples privacy is not invaded in such ways.

Your American Deep State is out of control, you have them spying on ordinary American people and gathering information on every aspect of their lives, why is this? You don't know, you don't want to know because it's too frightening to think about.
I believe in transparency.

And nothing shown in the Wikileaks latest dump is shocking or unknown.

Only to the average moron who doesn't keep informed is this shocking.

I have known for a few years the CIA spies and then leaves markers or breadcrumbs or fingerprints of other government's to frame others for the dirty work they do themselves.

Washington Post
Published classified intel on Flynn.

Are they "The Enemy Of The State?"

Is Obama Bin Lying?

Is Hillary Rotten Clinton?

There are good arguments that they are.

Julian Assange is an enemy of the state. He's just a sniveling little accused rapist coward hiding out in a foreign embassy. The CIA is a necessary evil.

Assange is publishing what he was given just like The Washington Post.
So if you are going to declare Assange an Enemy of The State you are going to have to go after The MSM for printing leaks and Fake News.

Bullshit. This is coming from Wikileaks who you were praising a few months ago. They did it to G.W. Bush in 2007 also.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

We don't notify our enemies (ISIS--aka Terrorists) how we're spying on them, and the techniques we use to locate them and break up a terror attack before it happens dumbass. They aren't interested in YOU (unless you're connected to terrorism.) To spy on an American citizen requires a WARRANT issued by a judge showing there is criminal activity, and then and only then would they be interested in you.

One of the biggest problems we have in this country are NOT refugees coming into this country, because most of our attacks are coming from born and raised here citizens who are getting fed a lot of hate over the internet terrorist recruiting network via their computers.

And I imagine Julian Assange Wikileak founder just fucked that up. This is no 400 lb. fat guy sitting on his bed doing it either.



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oreo, you have been posting the exact same video and pictures multiple times in this thread, and in many other threads actually. Is it fair to say you have been "triggered?" :p

Wikileaks has posted a data dump on the CIA's tool chest. The fact that they have all this is mind boggling in it's implications.

The fact that people can't see beyond attempting to make POLITICAL HAY out of it - is more then mind boggling, it's damning.

Wikileaks isn't a "hero".
Assange isn't a "hero" on a quest for truth and openness.
Snowden isn't a "hero".
Manning isn't a "hero".

To defend this as "revealing the truth" for partisan purposes is indefensable. These are the tools we use to fight terrorism, now being made public.

Wikileaks is known to be a proxy for Russian espionage efforts (if you doubt it, feel free to show where Wikileaks has ever released seriously damning stuff on the Russians) - instead it selectively releases material damaging to the US.

Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?

Deviating from the 4th amendment will cause unpredictable and destabilizing things to happen....that's why we put it there....

I have thrown out my Samsung TV and am looking for a replacement for my iPhone......

The lack of respect for the 4th by leviathan will not be tolerated by we the people....
I thought this was going to be about the obama administration abandoning 4 Americans to die and then lying to the world when they said it was ALL due a video which then led to riots at American embassies around the world which then put more and more Americans lives at risk. How they told the parents of the slain that they would get to the bottom of who produced the video and that guy is still in jail.

I thought coyote may have been expressing her disgust for that. Wait, does coyote and her types still think it was ALL because of a video?

I cannot tell. Do they ever, and I mean ever, give a straight answer?

They sure are pathetic hypocritical blobs. aren't they? You know what is really funny? They still think democrats care for the poor.
Does anyone not see the irony in clamoring for a border wall and a ban on travel from certain countries in the name of "national security" while simultaneously excusing if not outright supporting what Wikileaks has done and the impact THAT might have on our national security?
Looks like you built yourself a nifty strawman to kick around. For political gain. How quaint. Please tell me what my appropriate level of outrage is supposed to be but please keep in mind I am not a liberal so I can only muster so much outrage in a given day. I have to keep something in reserve for working.
Hopefully, Donald Trump will finish what JFK got killed for attempting to do: disband the CIA.
You really don't think that our CIA agents keep us safe?

I think any law enforcement must be strictly governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights when it comes to search and seizure and spying on Americans, and I don't trust the CIA to do that.
You didn't asnwer my question. The CIA does incredible work to keep us safe from foreign threats, do you deny that? Are you willing to give that up and risk our safety?

I understand your concerns about personal privacy, but it would be catastrophic to get rid of our CIA. I don't think you've thought this one through

Why do we need both the CIA and the NSA? The NSA can handle overseas intelligence.
Why do we need 17 known intelligence agencies and how many unknown are there?
Where are Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the ACLU? Oh that's right, I forgot, they are ONLY interested in supporting Muslims and Illegal Mexican immigrants and Illegal Central American immigrants :rolleyes-41:
They are interested only in destroying the fabric of the American family consequently the American society as we have known it in the past.
I'm not sure...not sure what it implies to be honest.
Why did Snowden do what he did for instance?
I have it on good authority that Snowden wanted to work a certain way at the CIA but they would not accomodate him. He then went back to subcontracting and hated his life and blamed people at the CIA for his misfortune.

Personally I dont care why he personally did it.

He is a traitor.

But something seems amiss to me in the intel community when we have this number of people taking these kinds of risks.

I did not know that.

Well, you are getting that information fourth hand.

I would say that you still dont know it. :)

Snowden is a traitor who is wrapping himself in the cloak of whistle blowing that he does not rightfully claim. That is my sole point, but YMMV.

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