An incredible lack of outrage...

Is it ok for our people to do things in other peoples countries they wouldn't be allowed to do here?
What do those countries leaders think of such a thing.
Would it be ok for them to do it to us?
CIA is obsolete.

Of course they're pissed off, but for the most part there is little they can do about it. When Angela Merkel found out we were tapping her conversations, Obama told the NSA to stop doing it to our friends.
Hopefully, Donald Trump will finish what JFK got killed for attempting to do: disband the CIA.
You really don't think that our CIA agents keep us safe?

I think any law enforcement must be strictly governed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights when it comes to search and seizure and spying on Americans, and I don't trust the CIA to do that.
You didn't asnwer my question. The CIA does incredible work to keep us safe from foreign threats, do you deny that? Are you willing to give that up and risk our safety?

I understand your concerns about personal privacy, but it would be catastrophic to get rid of our CIA. I don't think you've thought this one through

Why do we need both the CIA and the NSA? The NSA can handle overseas intelligence.
Why do we need 17 known intelligence agencies and how many unknown are there?
I don't know, I'm not in the know about what each one handles... which one would you like to eliminate?

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