An ironic twist of the Wuhan Virus, Americans are angry (they arent alone), they want China to pay. Only Trump would ensure this if he won in 2024


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The irony of this entire pandemic, is that this virus railroaded Trumps chances in 2020, but, the response in terms of consequences to China can only satisfactorily come from Trump.

All of the families, businesses and average citizens impacted by the virus is too many to count. Just as after Pearl Harbor or 9/11, Americans rightfully want a response. Revenge. An eye for an eye.

They can't expect the U.S to unleash a virus in China, but, they can expect large tariffs, a $10T reparation order (which Trump has suggested) and multiple other consequences. Therein lies the irony, Trump can run on this, much as he run on building a wall in 2016.
I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC
I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC

What if it was found to have leaked or been created? Would that change your mind?

Certainly it would demand consequences. Whether from the Biden administration or the next one. Something has always been odd about this virus, and the risk of it being repeated, far more aggressively in the future, rests on the response and consequences imposed by the world.
I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC

What if it was found to have leaked or been created? Would that change your mind?

Certainly it would demand consequences. Whether from the Biden administration or the next one. Something has always been odd about this virus, and the risk of it being repeated, far more aggressively in the future, rests on the response and consequences imposed by the world.

"leaked" is an accident-------"created" is a fantasy
I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC

What if it was found to have leaked or been created? Would that change your mind?

Certainly it would demand consequences. Whether from the Biden administration or the next one. Something has always been odd about this virus, and the risk of it being repeated, far more aggressively in the future, rests on the response and consequences imposed by the world.

"leaked" is an accident-------"created" is a fantasy

It had to be created to be leaked. What was it created for?

Why were citizens from Wuhan banned from traveling to other provinces, but happily flown on planes to other nations?

This spread globally at a rapid rate, killing millions. This wasn't some high school science experiment gone awry, this was deadly serious and undermined from day one. Now Americas position on the global stage is in jeopardy.
I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC

What if it was found to have leaked or been created? Would that change your mind?

Certainly it would demand consequences. Whether from the Biden administration or the next one. Something has always been odd about this virus, and the risk of it being repeated, far more aggressively in the future, rests on the response and consequences imposed by the world.

"leaked" is an accident-------"created" is a fantasy

It had to be created to be leaked. What was it created for?

it has to exist in order to be leaked. It did not have to be
SYPHILIS probably first came about from a bacterium in the AMERICAS-----and got
transported by travelers to Europe and RAVAGED Europe in the fifteenth century----
should the USA PAY?
China should pay for the damages and death they caused. Good luck collecting it though.

What China should do is allow international inspectors to inspect their labs. Obviously, they are irresponsible in their management and operation in running these labs.
The irony of this entire pandemic, is that this virus railroaded Trumps chances in 2020, but, the response in terms of consequences to China can only satisfactorily come from Trump.

All of the families, businesses and average citizens impacted by the virus is too many to count. Just as after Pearl Harbor or 9/11, Americans rightfully want a response. Revenge. An eye for an eye.

They can't expect the U.S to unleash a virus in China, but, they can expect large tariffs, a $10T reparation order (which Trump has suggested) and multiple other consequences. Therein lies the irony, Trump can run on this, much as he run on building a wall in 2016.
Trump can run on this just as he ran on the wall that Mexico was going to pay for, and didn't.
His tariff war has failed and adding more tariffs would only mean higher prices for Chinese goods since the tariffs are passed on to us.
China has already made trade deals with EU countries due to Trump's bombastic rhetoric and its economy has benefited greatly.
I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC

What if it was found to have leaked or been created? Would that change your mind?

Certainly it would demand consequences. Whether from the Biden administration or the next one. Something has always been odd about this virus, and the risk of it being repeated, far more aggressively in the future, rests on the response and consequences imposed by the world.

"leaked" is an accident-------"created" is a fantasy

It had to be created to be leaked. What was it created for?

Why were citizens from Wuhan banned from traveling to other provinces, but happily flown on planes to other nations?

This spread globally at a rapid rate, killing millions. This wasn't some high school science experiment gone awry, this was deadly serious and undermined from day one. Now Americas position on the global stage is in jeopardy.
America's position on the global stage was deteriorating before the pandemic hit.
I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC

What if it was found to have leaked or been created? Would that change your mind?

Certainly it would demand consequences. Whether from the Biden administration or the next one. Something has always been odd about this virus, and the risk of it being repeated, far more aggressively in the future, rests on the response and consequences imposed by the world.
Everybody knows the virus came from China. But there is no proof that it was released deliberately. None. And until that day comes Trump should just shut his attention grabbing yap. And if God forbid that maniac is ever reelected he won't do a thing about China. Think he's going to throw Ivanka under the bus with all those Chinese trademarks she was awarded thanks to Daddy?

Btw, when's you boy going to start manufacturing his cheap suits & the rest of the garbage he peddles in the good ole U.S.A. instead of China? The hypocrite that he is. Keep falling for The Con.
The irony of this entire pandemic, is that this virus railroaded Trumps chances in 2020, but, the response in terms of consequences to China can only satisfactorily come from Trump.

All of the families, businesses and average citizens impacted by the virus is too many to count. Just as after Pearl Harbor or 9/11, Americans rightfully want a response. Revenge. An eye for an eye.

They can't expect the U.S to unleash a virus in China, but, they can expect large tariffs, a $10T reparation order (which Trump has suggested) and multiple other consequences. Therein lies the irony, Trump can run on this, much as he run on building a wall in 2016.
Trump fumbled the ball on Covid-19 and Biden picked up the ball and is running for a touchdown, sucks to be the loser I know...
I preferred it when we just blamed God for pandemics. A tariff is just another tax increase for the consumer.
I kinda agree with ass-boy. AND I do not believe that Trump would even TRY to
penalize China for the VIRUS--------sheeeeeesh that would be IDIOTIC

What if it was found to have leaked or been created? Would that change your mind?

Certainly it would demand consequences. Whether from the Biden administration or the next one. Something has always been odd about this virus, and the risk of it being repeated, far more aggressively in the future, rests on the response and consequences imposed by the world.
Everybody knows the virus came from China. But there is no proof that it was released deliberately. None. And until that day comes Trump should just shut his attention grabbing yap. And if God forbid that maniac is ever reelected he won't do a thing about China. Think he's going to throw Ivanka under the bus with all those Chinese trademarks she was awarded thanks to Daddy?

Btw, when's you boy going to start manufacturing his cheap suits & the rest of the garbage he peddles in the good ole U.S.A. instead of China? The hypocrite that he is. Keep falling for The Con.
Trump is playing mob rule with China now and I doubt he gets anything from it.
The irony of this entire pandemic, is that this virus railroaded Trumps chances in 2020, but, the response in terms of consequences to China can only satisfactorily come from Trump.

All of the families, businesses and average citizens impacted by the virus is too many to count. Just as after Pearl Harbor or 9/11, Americans rightfully want a response. Revenge. An eye for an eye.

They can't expect the U.S to unleash a virus in China, but, they can expect large tariffs, a $10T reparation order (which Trump has suggested) and multiple other consequences. Therein lies the irony, Trump can run on this, much as he run on building a wall in 2016.

Not a bad plan. BUT, his opponents will point out that he did not focus much on the wall, nor do mass deportations.

Admittedly, he had to deal with the dems RESISTING. to the point of a coup attempt and massive nationwide he does have somewhat of an excuse...

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