An Overly Politically Correct America

So I gather free speech isn't part of your platform? How can a team go almost 60 years before anyone even THINKS of considering their name a racial slur?

It's free speech. Deal with it. I'm a Cherokee Indian, so I have more leverage here. Deal with it.

Liberals- a never ending quest to find racism in every nook and cranny of the known universe.

80 years ago, Native Americans were restricted to reservations, and were probably just happy enough they weren't going to get genocided again.

Redskin is a racist term.

Nope. Being a Cherokee Indian, I get to decide what's racist here. I say it isn't. Deal with it. I also could be offended by the name of my Atlanta Braves, who use Indian terminology and such. But I'm not.

Get over yourself.

I'm part Cherokee as well... and I'm offended.

Well, not really. Point is, enough people have asked him to change the name, that he probably should, because it is pretty offensive.
If you would not call it to someone's's probably inappropriate as the name of a sporting team.

Hey guess what, nobody's ever walked up to me and said, "hey you're a redskin!" Please. I have you and all of your liberal PC Police Brigade trumped on this matter.
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He didn't have a point. Just because HE isn't offended, doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people who are, and rightfully so.

Wytch had it down perfectly, if you wouldn't randomly call someone that to their face, you probably should use it as a sports team name.

So our entire society has to base its language on the people who are the most easily offended? Bullshit.

I'm offended by Dr Who pictures. Take down your Avatar NOW or you are being insensitive.

Yeah, I'm sure the Daleks are howling RACIST right now. :lol:

Nah, they just howl, "Ex-Ter-Min-Ate!"
If you would not call it to someone's's probably inappropriate as the name of a sporting team.

Hey guess what, nobody's ever walked up to me and say, "hey you're a redskin!" Please. I have you and all of your liberal PC Police Brigade trumped on this matter.

Exactly her point.

Now, honestly, I doubt you look all that native american, but the main reason people don't walk up to you and say that is because it's OFFENSIVE. That's the point she was trying to make.
80 years ago, Native Americans were restricted to reservations, and were probably just happy enough they weren't going to get genocided again.

Redskin is a racist term.

Nope. Being a Cherokee Indian, I get to decide what's racist here. I say it isn't. Deal with it. I also could be offended by the name of my Atlanta Braves, who use Indian terminology and such. But I'm not.

Get over yourself.

I'm part Cherokee as well... and I'm offended.

Well, not really. Point is, enough people have asked him to change the name, that he probably should, because it is pretty offensive.

Says you. There are hundreds of Indian Nations in the United States. The Oneida are JUST ONE of them. A plurality of my people have no qualms with it. So, what's your argument? Shouldn't we be able to determine what offends us?
So our entire society has to base its language on the people who are the most easily offended? Bullshit.

I'm offended by Dr Who pictures. Take down your Avatar NOW or you are being insensitive.

Yeah, I'm sure the Daleks are howling RACIST right now. :lol:

Nah, they just howl, "Ex-Ter-Min-Ate!"

I was agreeing with marty. Making fun of you. You have no right to tell me what is offensive to my people. The Oneida do not speak for all of us.
He didn't have a point. Just because HE isn't offended, doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people who are, and rightfully so.

Wytch had it down perfectly, if you wouldn't randomly call someone that to their face, you probably should use it as a sports team name.

So our entire society has to base its language on the people who are the most easily offended? Bullshit.

I'm offended by Dr Who pictures. Take down your Avatar NOW or you are being insensitive.

Because you know you'll never be that cool?

You know what's hilarious. It's the reaction of you and Bi-Polar Boy that a rich person might have to actually do something he doesn't want to do because the little people demand it.

You mean the whiny professionally offended people?

Your Avatar Offends me, take it down.
If you would not call it to someone's's probably inappropriate as the name of a sporting team.

Hey guess what, nobody's ever walked up to me and say, "hey you're a redskin!" Please. I have you and all of your liberal PC Police Brigade trumped on this matter.

Exactly her point.

Now, honestly, I doubt you look all that native american, but the main reason people don't walk up to you and say that is because it's OFFENSIVE. That's the point she was trying to make.

I am one quarter. I have genealogy backing up my claim. My great grandparents on my father's side were full blooded. The bloodline dilutes by one quarter per generation. They were 100, my grandmother on my father's side was roughly 75% and my father was half Cherokee. That makes me one quarter. I have Polish, Hungarian and Italian blood, too, which make up the dominant part of my genome. My Cherokee traits are recessive, save for my dark hair, green eyes and elevated cheek bones.
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Hey guess what, nobody's ever walked up to me and say, "hey you're a redskin!" Please. I have you and all of your liberal PC Police Brigade trumped on this matter.

Exactly her point.

Now, honestly, I doubt you look all that native american, but the main reason people don't walk up to you and say that is because it's OFFENSIVE. That's the point she was trying to make.

I am one quarter. I have genealogy backing up my claim. My great grandparents on my father's side were full blooded. The bloodline dilutes by one quarter per generation. They were 100, my grandmother on my father's side was roughly 75% and my father was half Cherokee. That makes me one quarter. I have Polish, Hungarian and Italian blood, too, which make up the dominant part of my genome. My Cherokee traits are recessive, save for my dark hair and green eyes and elevated cheek bones.

The point is, you would not go onto the Oneida reservation and yell, "What's up, Redskins!"

Because they'd kick your ass.

If you wouldn't say it to someone, it doesn't belong on a team mascot name.
So our entire society has to base its language on the people who are the most easily offended? Bullshit.

I'm offended by Dr Who pictures. Take down your Avatar NOW or you are being insensitive.

Because you know you'll never be that cool?

You know what's hilarious. It's the reaction of you and Bi-Polar Boy that a rich person might have to actually do something he doesn't want to do because the little people demand it.

You mean the whiny professionally offended people?

Your Avatar Offends me, take it down.

I just have to ask, why does it offend you that a rich person might have to change the name of his team?

I mean, seriously, Conservatism is like Stockholm Syndrome. you are sympathizing with your abusers.
Exactly her point.

Now, honestly, I doubt you look all that native american, but the main reason people don't walk up to you and say that is because it's OFFENSIVE. That's the point she was trying to make.

I am one quarter. I have genealogy backing up my claim. My great grandparents on my father's side were full blooded. The bloodline dilutes by one quarter per generation. They were 100, my grandmother on my father's side was roughly 75% and my father was half Cherokee. That makes me one quarter. I have Polish, Hungarian and Italian blood, too, which make up the dominant part of my genome. My Cherokee traits are recessive, save for my dark hair and green eyes and elevated cheek bones.

The point is, you would not go onto the Oneida reservation and yell, "What's up, Redskins!"

Because they'd kick your ass.

If you wouldn't say it to someone, it doesn't belong on a team mascot name.

Sure, says a pale skin. Shut the fuck up Joe. Oops. Did I call you a pale skin?
Because you know you'll never be that cool?

You know what's hilarious. It's the reaction of you and Bi-Polar Boy that a rich person might have to actually do something he doesn't want to do because the little people demand it.

You mean the whiny professionally offended people?

Your Avatar Offends me, take it down.

I just have to ask, why does it offend you that a rich person might have to change the name of his team?

I mean, seriously, Conservatism is like Stockholm Syndrome. you are sympathizing with your abusers.

Typical covetous progressive bullshit. The Owner of the Redskins is oppressing no one, save asshat progressives who hate anyone with more money than them.

What offends me is people beinging butthurt over something that has zero impact on anyone except those too weak in charcater. Being offended by something like this makes you a weak no backbone asshole, especially if its due to white guilt as opposed to actually being a member of the "oppressed"
I am one quarter. I have genealogy backing up my claim. My great grandparents on my father's side were full blooded. The bloodline dilutes by one quarter per generation. They were 100, my grandmother on my father's side was roughly 75% and my father was half Cherokee. That makes me one quarter. I have Polish, Hungarian and Italian blood, too, which make up the dominant part of my genome. My Cherokee traits are recessive, save for my dark hair and green eyes and elevated cheek bones.

The point is, you would not go onto the Oneida reservation and yell, "What's up, Redskins!"

Because they'd kick your ass.

If you wouldn't say it to someone, it doesn't belong on a team mascot name.

Sure, says a pale skin. Shut the fuck up Joe. Oops. Did I call you a pale skin?

I thought it was "Paleface".


"I think we're in trouble, Tonto!"

"What do you mean, 'we', Paleface!"

Anyway, if there was a team called the Salt Lake City Crackers, you might have a point.
You mean the whiny professionally offended people?

Your Avatar Offends me, take it down.

I just have to ask, why does it offend you that a rich person might have to change the name of his team?

I mean, seriously, Conservatism is like Stockholm Syndrome. you are sympathizing with your abusers.

Typical covetous progressive bullshit. The Owner of the Redskins is oppressing no one, save asshat progressives who hate anyone with more money than them.

What offends me is people beinging butthurt over something that has zero impact on anyone except those too weak in charcater. Being offended by something like this makes you a weak no backbone asshole, especially if its due to white guilt as opposed to actually being a member of the "oppressed"

Or we just recognize that frankly, we should feel bad.

The Europeans exterminated entire civilizations. Oh, some of it was by accident through the introduction of plagues, but a lot of it was intentional. And by calling them things like "Injuns" and "Redskins", we kind of made it okay.

Now we live in a time where we realize that sort of thing is wrong, and the least we can do is stop using racist names flippantly.
I just have to ask, why does it offend you that a rich person might have to change the name of his team?

I mean, seriously, Conservatism is like Stockholm Syndrome. you are sympathizing with your abusers.

Typical covetous progressive bullshit. The Owner of the Redskins is oppressing no one, save asshat progressives who hate anyone with more money than them.

What offends me is people beinging butthurt over something that has zero impact on anyone except those too weak in charcater. Being offended by something like this makes you a weak no backbone asshole, especially if its due to white guilt as opposed to actually being a member of the "oppressed"

Or we just recognize that frankly, we should feel bad.

The Europeans exterminated entire civilizations. Oh, some of it was by accident through the introduction of plagues, but a lot of it was intentional. And by calling them things like "Injuns" and "Redskins", we kind of made it okay.

Now we live in a time where we realize that sort of thing is wrong, and the least we can do is stop using racist names flippantly.

All cultures that had technological or organizational advantages have wiped out other less advanced cultures, or at least exploited them. Just because your own pussy-ass liberal guilt forces you to be butthurt over it doesnt make it any worse than any other similar interaction throughout history.

Native american tribes routinely wiped each other out. I guess that makes them racist, or something.

We live in a time where assholes like you get to dictate how others live thier lives because maybe your feeewings get hurt.

Man Up.
Snyder is an asshole and they need to change the name because it's racist.

Deal with it.

Conservatism- a never ending quest to justify douchebaggery.

So I gather free speech isn't part of your platform? How can a team go almost 60 years before anyone even THINKS of considering their name a racial slur?

It's free speech. Deal with it. I'm a Cherokee Indian, so I have more leverage here. Deal with it.

Liberals- a never ending quest to find racism in every nook and cranny of the known universe.

The length of the racism has nothing to do with whether its ok or not. That's an excuse.
This "poltical correctness is destrying" non sense is funny because since people live in societys, societies dictate what is socially acceptable. Always have always will.

Pick any civilization ANYWHERE and there will be things that aren't said out of respect or things that are said that are considered offensive.

Republicans defend the offensive saying that people being offended by offensive words are offensive themselves. So in essence they want the right to be dick heads without the stigma of being called dick heads. They want to say the N word or Redskins but they don't want people to say anything back to them for using those words.

By this logic Repubs are FOR political correctness only for themselves because they don't want to be called shit heads but want continue to act like shit heads.
The Redskins have a right to use an offensive nickname

Others, including President Obama and Bob Costas wave a right to say they think the name should be changed

Eventually, the Redskins will lose
This "poltical correctness is destrying" non sense is funny because since people live in societys, societies dictate what is socially acceptable. Always have always will.

Pick any civilization ANYWHERE and there will be things that aren't said out of respect or things that are said that are considered offensive.

Republicans defend the offensive saying that people being offended by offensive words are offensive themselves. So in essence they want the right to be dick heads without the stigma of being called dick heads. They want to say the N word or Redskins but they don't want people to say anything back to them for using those words.

By this logic Repubs are FOR political correctness only for themselves because they don't want to be called shit heads but want continue to act like shit heads.

You can call me a shit-head all you want, it doesnt eliminate the fact that you are butthurt over something that only a small fraction of the population finds offensive.

Call me when the "offended' or "thinks its offensive" polling hits the 80%-90% mark then you may have a point. '

Till then, man up.
This "poltical correctness is destrying" non sense is funny because since people live in societys, societies dictate what is socially acceptable. Always have always will.

Pick any civilization ANYWHERE and there will be things that aren't said out of respect or things that are said that are considered offensive.

Republicans defend the offensive saying that people being offended by offensive words are offensive themselves. So in essence they want the right to be dick heads without the stigma of being called dick heads. They want to say the N word or Redskins but they don't want people to say anything back to them for using those words.

By this logic Repubs are FOR political correctness only for themselves because they don't want to be called shit heads but want continue to act like shit heads.

You can call me a shit-head all you want, it doesnt eliminate the fact that you are butthurt over something that only a small fraction of the population finds offensive.

Call me when the "offended' or "thinks its offensive" polling hits the 80%-90% mark then you may have a point. '

Till then, man up.

Doesn't matter how many find it offensive to qualify it as being offensive. Nice deflection tho.

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