An Overly Politically Correct America

This "poltical correctness is destrying" non sense is funny because since people live in societys, societies dictate what is socially acceptable. Always have always will.

Pick any civilization ANYWHERE and there will be things that aren't said out of respect or things that are said that are considered offensive.

Republicans defend the offensive saying that people being offended by offensive words are offensive themselves. So in essence they want the right to be dick heads without the stigma of being called dick heads. They want to say the N word or Redskins but they don't want people to say anything back to them for using those words.

By this logic Repubs are FOR political correctness only for themselves because they don't want to be called shit heads but want continue to act like shit heads.

You can call me a shit-head all you want, it doesnt eliminate the fact that you are butthurt over something that only a small fraction of the population finds offensive.

Call me when the "offended' or "thinks its offensive" polling hits the 80%-90% mark then you may have a point. '

Till then, man up.

Doesn't matter how many find it offensive to qualify it as being offensive. Nice deflection tho.

The number of people matters if you want someone to change it. I dont care of 1% of the people seeing something are butthurt over it. I might care if its like 90%.

I am offended by the name ClosedCaption. I want you to change it.
You can call me a shit-head all you want, it doesnt eliminate the fact that you are butthurt over something that only a small fraction of the population finds offensive.

Call me when the "offended' or "thinks its offensive" polling hits the 80%-90% mark then you may have a point. '

Till then, man up.

Doesn't matter how many find it offensive to qualify it as being offensive. Nice deflection tho.

The number of people matters if you want someone to change it. I dont care of 1% of the people seeing something are butthurt over it. I might care if its like 90%.

I am offended by the name ClosedCaption. I want you to change it.

No it doesn't its offensive either way. If I called your mother a whore would you poll Americans to determine if its offensive or would it be offensive? Would you ask me to change it?

Well I wouldn't until you showed me a poll that 80% found it offensive. Until then its not offensive according to this voodoo logic.
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If you would not call it to someone's's probably inappropriate as the name of a sporting team.

Wow. That was an awesome argument. Straight, to the point, no bullshit.

Gets right to the heart of the matter.

Then i guess the Vancouver Canucks have to change thier name as well, as SOME people find it offensive.

Considering some blacks call each other "nigga" all the damn time your argument does have some holes in it.

So you think it woul dbe okay to change their name to the "Washington *******"?
So I gather free speech isn't part of your platform? How can a team go almost 60 years before anyone even THINKS of considering their name a racial slur?

It's free speech. Deal with it. I'm a Cherokee Indian, so I have more leverage here. Deal with it.

Liberals- a never ending quest to find racism in every nook and cranny of the known universe.

80 years ago, Native Americans were restricted to reservations, and were probably just happy enough they weren't going to get genocided again.

Redskin is a racist term.

Nope. Being a Cherokee Indian, I get to decide what's racist here. I say it isn't. Deal with it. I also could be offended by the name of my Atlanta Braves, who use Indian terminology and such. But I'm not.

Get over yourself.

"Brave" nor "Chiefs" is an offensive term.
I am one quarter. I have genealogy backing up my claim. My great grandparents on my father's side were full blooded. The bloodline dilutes by one quarter per generation. They were 100, my grandmother on my father's side was roughly 75% and my father was half Cherokee. That makes me one quarter. I have Polish, Hungarian and Italian blood, too, which make up the dominant part of my genome. My Cherokee traits are recessive, save for my dark hair and green eyes and elevated cheek bones.

The point is, you would not go onto the Oneida reservation and yell, "What's up, Redskins!"

Because they'd kick your ass.

If you wouldn't say it to someone, it doesn't belong on a team mascot name.

Sure, says a pale skin. Shut the fuck up Joe. Oops. Did I call you a pale skin?

It's "Paleface" you dumbass..

And you call yourself a cherokee?
Snyder is an asshole and they need to change the name because it's racist.

Deal with it.

Conservatism- a never ending quest to justify douchebaggery.

Deal with the fact that its not, just another lwing looney blowhard piece of crap.
Doesn't matter how many find it offensive to qualify it as being offensive. Nice deflection tho.

The number of people matters if you want someone to change it. I dont care of 1% of the people seeing something are butthurt over it. I might care if its like 90%.

I am offended by the name ClosedCaption. I want you to change it.

No it doesn't its offensive either way. If I called your mother a whore would you poll Americans to determine if its offensive or would it be offensive? Would you ask me to change it?

Well I wouldn't until you showed me a poll that 80% found it offensive. Until then its not offensive according to this voodoo logic.

You are not making any sense. So what you are saying is that even if a fraction of a group of people find something offensive, then the offensive thing must be purged. If that is the case I'm offended by your avatar name, and thus you need to change it.

Why are you not changing it?
The number of people matters if you want someone to change it. I dont care of 1% of the people seeing something are butthurt over it. I might care if its like 90%.

I am offended by the name ClosedCaption. I want you to change it.

No it doesn't its offensive either way. If I called your mother a whore would you poll Americans to determine if its offensive or would it be offensive? Would you ask me to change it?

Well I wouldn't until you showed me a poll that 80% found it offensive. Until then its not offensive according to this voodoo logic.

You are not making any sense. So what you are saying is that even if a fraction of a group of people find something offensive, then the offensive thing must be purged. If that is the case I'm offended by your avatar name, and thus you need to change it.

Why are you not changing it?

Except you are offended by my name for no reason. You're forgetting about the "reason" part of your logic. No one HAS TO change it for any reason at all but you don't get to say it's not offensive to anyone because its not offensive to you.

You'd feel differently if it was the Washington Crackers or the New York Jews with a big nose smiling Jew as a mascot
Ok, let's keep the name "RedSkins".

but we must change the name of the Miami Dolphins to the "BlackSkins", the name of the 49ers to the "YellowSkins", and the Giants to the "JewNoses".

sounds fair?
No it doesn't its offensive either way. If I called your mother a whore would you poll Americans to determine if its offensive or would it be offensive? Would you ask me to change it?

Well I wouldn't until you showed me a poll that 80% found it offensive. Until then its not offensive according to this voodoo logic.

You are not making any sense. So what you are saying is that even if a fraction of a group of people find something offensive, then the offensive thing must be purged. If that is the case I'm offended by your avatar name, and thus you need to change it.

Why are you not changing it?

Except you are offended by my name for no reason. You're forgetting about the "reason" part of your logic. No one HAS TO change it for any reason at all but you don't get to say it's not offensive to anyone because its not offensive to you.

You'd feel differently if it was the Washington Crackers or the New York Jews with a big nose smiling Jew as a mascot


Well I'm Irish and this doesn't bother me, even though its a combination of multiple Irish Stereotypes. Also the name "fighting Irish" implies belligerence.

And why should reason have anything to do with it? If someone is offended, they are offended, who are you to judge WHY they are offended???

I am not saying it cannot be offensive to someone, you as usual miss the point. My point is that someone does not have to change jack squat even though it MAY be offensive to some people.
Ok, let's keep the name "RedSkins".

but we must change the name of the Miami Dolphins to the "BlackSkins", the name of the 49ers to the "YellowSkins", and the Giants to the "JewNoses".

sounds fair?

Except its not a direct comparision. The term Redskins originated from the war paint worn by the warriors of certain northeastern tribes. So a more apt comparison would be the blackskins being the "Zulus" the Yellowskins being the "Mongols"
, and the jewnoses being the "Macabees".
You are not making any sense. So what you are saying is that even if a fraction of a group of people find something offensive, then the offensive thing must be purged. If that is the case I'm offended by your avatar name, and thus you need to change it.

Why are you not changing it?

Except you are offended by my name for no reason. You're forgetting about the "reason" part of your logic. No one HAS TO change it for any reason at all but you don't get to say it's not offensive to anyone because its not offensive to you.

You'd feel differently if it was the Washington Crackers or the New York Jews with a big nose smiling Jew as a mascot


Well I'm Irish and this doesn't bother me, even though its a combination of multiple Irish Stereotypes. Also the name "fighting Irish" implies belligerence.

And why should reason have anything to do with it? If someone is offended, they are offended, who are you to judge WHY they are offended???

I am not saying it cannot be offensive to someone, you as usual miss the point. My point is that someone does not have to change jack squat even though it MAY be offensive to some people.

I already said the same thing. You're fighting a shadow or something
Except you are offended by my name for no reason. You're forgetting about the "reason" part of your logic. No one HAS TO change it for any reason at all but you don't get to say it's not offensive to anyone because its not offensive to you.

You'd feel differently if it was the Washington Crackers or the New York Jews with a big nose smiling Jew as a mascot


Well I'm Irish and this doesn't bother me, even though its a combination of multiple Irish Stereotypes. Also the name "fighting Irish" implies belligerence.

And why should reason have anything to do with it? If someone is offended, they are offended, who are you to judge WHY they are offended???

I am not saying it cannot be offensive to someone, you as usual miss the point. My point is that someone does not have to change jack squat even though it MAY be offensive to some people.

I already said the same thing. You're fighting a shadow or something

No, you didnt. You WANT him to change the name, for the reason that SOME small faction of people might be offended. Yet I am offended by your avatar and you refuse to change it.

Still not getting it, are ya?

Well I'm Irish and this doesn't bother me, even though its a combination of multiple Irish Stereotypes. Also the name "fighting Irish" implies belligerence.

And why should reason have anything to do with it? If someone is offended, they are offended, who are you to judge WHY they are offended???

I am not saying it cannot be offensive to someone, you as usual miss the point. My point is that someone does not have to change jack squat even though it MAY be offensive to some people.

I already said the same thing. You're fighting a shadow or something

No, you didnt. You WANT him to change the name, for the reason that SOME small faction of people might be offended. Yet I am offended by your avatar and you refuse to change it.

Still not getting it, are ya?

So when I said:
No one HAS TO change it for any reason at all but you don't get to say it's not offensive to anyone because its not offensive to you.

You're saying I didn't really say it?

You have no REASON to be offended by my avatar and have yet to explain HOW you are. See the difference? Indians have a reason, you don't.
As most sports fans know, there is a controversy brewing between the Oneida Indian Nation and the Washington Redskins over their usage of the term "redskin" which Indian Nation alleges to be a racial slur. The Washington Redskins have been in existence as a football club since 1932, for 81 years. The team had gone on with no major legal conflict with any Indian Nation until 1992.

That year Suzan Harjo, President of the Morning Star Institute, joined forces with other prominent Native Americans as well as the Dorsey & Whitney law firm of Minneapolis and petitioned the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. They based their lawsuit on the idea that federal trademark law states that certain trademarks are not legal if they are "disparaging, scandalous contemptuous, or disreputable." The legal battle went on for seven years and in 1999 the judges canceled the federal trademarks of the Redskin name "on the grounds that the subject marks may disparage Native Americans and may bring them into contempt or disrepute."

Ever since then there has been controversy over the team's name. The controversy has been further ignited by comments made by President Obama and Bob Costas, along with members of Congress sending a letter to the owner of the team , Dan Snyder urging him to change the name. As of now, Snyder has vehemently refused to change the name. Polls seem to back Snyder, with an AP/Gfk poll in May stating that 79 percent of respondents don't want the name changed. In the only poll available of Native Americans on the subject, done by the Annenberg Project in 2004, 91 percent of American Indians thought the name was acceptable.

The problem is this. The Redskins are a corporate entity, with all the constitutional rights that an individual has. It's name is an expression of it's own free speech, and as such I believe this overt political correctness is unduly mendacious in nature. If such name were offensive, I ask, wouldn't you need to systematically sue each sports team who uses an Indian in it's name or as a mascot? Isn't this a bit much? I am a Cherokee Indian on my father's side, and I have no qualms with the name.

This is an Overly Politically Correct America.

Ya wanna know what gives rise to the Oneidas attention grabbing? That casino in Verona, NY...But for the existence of the gambling hall and the money it represents and pays to the NYS Government, the Oneidas would be just another tribe.
The point is that money is power. Without it, nothing happens.
I was listening to an All sports talk show out of New York City.
This subject was being discussed. So I breached protocol and actually called a radio station. Something I loathe to do.
Anyway, i expressed my opinion. I said to the host and the guest( clearly on the side of being offended) if it had ever occurred to him or his guest that the use of Indian terms or names was to HONOR these people in the same manner in which thousands of cities, towns, counties and a few states?..
The host and guest first responded with the typcicl, "oh you must be one of these insensitive blah blah blahs.....I was not having any of it. I thought the host was going to do as most radio talk show hosts do when the heat gets turned up, they hang up on the caller.
To the hosts credit, he dialed down the rhetoric and gave me an entire segment( about 7 mins) to make my case. In the end the host and the guest thanked me for my views.
This indicated to me that I at least had made sense to them.
I already said the same thing. You're fighting a shadow or something

No, you didnt. You WANT him to change the name, for the reason that SOME small faction of people might be offended. Yet I am offended by your avatar and you refuse to change it.

Still not getting it, are ya?

So when I said:
No one HAS TO change it for any reason at all but you don't get to say it's not offensive to anyone because its not offensive to you.

You're saying I didn't really say it?

You have no REASON to be offended by my avatar and have yet to explain HOW you are. See the difference? Indians have a reason, you don't.

My reason is just as good as thiers. I find closedcaptioning to be insulting to blind people, and since I know blind people, I am offended.

Considering most of the "I'm offended" noise is coming from bleeding heart white liberals, my outrage is pretty much exactly the same as the bloviating over the whole redskins thing.

Your point is that since some people are offended by the Redskins name, The owner should feel obligated to change it. Isnt that the point you are trying to get across?
No, you didnt. You WANT him to change the name, for the reason that SOME small faction of people might be offended. Yet I am offended by your avatar and you refuse to change it.

Still not getting it, are ya?

So when I said:
No one HAS TO change it for any reason at all but you don't get to say it's not offensive to anyone because its not offensive to you.

You're saying I didn't really say it?

You have no REASON to be offended by my avatar and have yet to explain HOW you are. See the difference? Indians have a reason, you don't.

My reason is just as good as thiers. I find closedcaptioning to be insulting to blind people, and since I know blind people, I am offended.

Considering most of the "I'm offended" noise is coming from bleeding heart white liberals, my outrage is pretty much exactly the same as the bloviating over the whole redskins thing.

Your point is that since some people are offended by the Redskins name, The owner should feel obligated to change it. Isnt that the point you are trying to get across?

Try harder closed captioning isn't for blind people its for the deaf.

As long as you mistake Indians for bleeding heart liberals I can see how you come to that conclusion. If I called a dog a frog I'd be telling you how much I hate frog poop in my yard and make just as much sense as you are making.

No one should feel obligated to do anything cry baby. I already said that, you quoted it, denied I said it, then when I showed it to ignore it again! You are trying really hard to be the victim here. Try harder.

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