"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

absolutely brilliant...That man is not going to pull out at the last minute to make way for ANYONE. Foolish liberals only WISH that were so....They see the writing on the wall. americans are sick and tired of the same old okey doke career politicians wrecking the country.
I believe he means exactly what he says....and how refeshing THAT is....
He can say whatever he likes, free speech is a liberal value, but he doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected.
As long as you say what liberals want the way they want you to say it. :/
Nope. Bring me that hatred and racism, I love it. What you can drag into the daylight, the sun will kill. That's how it works.
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You guys should be happy, people want a better life for their children, in America...
That's nice. Why not provide their offspring with a good example from the start? Why not emigrate legally and not put a label on their children before they're even born? :dunno:
Also, what about those people who come here to pop out a little US citizen and then return to their nation of origin (can somebody say "Chinese")? Those kids really deserve to be US citizens? No, they're anchor baby savings accounts to be drawn upon at a later date.
Come all ye unwashed, poor, downtrodden. Come! The door is wide open! Just don't break in through the windows. K? :thup:
The word anchor baby is offensive because it cast judgement on the motivation of a child's birth. A presumption is made that the child was born for the purpose of gaining immigration status. That may be true in many cases, but it presupposes the motivations of religion, procreation and simple nature are not the parents motivation for procreating. It stereotypes both children and parents.
Ok seriously, this is what I do like about Trump. He doesn't go for the pc bullshit, he isn't playing the soft-pedal-it game, he does not give a shit about being pc, he tells reporters off. He's like a junior mint, quite refreshing.
The word anchor baby is offensive because it cast judgement on the motivation of a child's birth. A presumption is made that the child was born for the purpose of gaining immigration status. That may be true in many cases, but it presupposes the motivations of religion, procreation and simple nature are not the parents motivation for procreating. It stereotypes both children and parents.

Parents come here illegally (drop anchor so to speak) and have a baby who is automatically a US citizen (baby).

Anchor baby is exactly what they are. I don't give a shit about their motivation ... they're here illegally, they shouldn't get a free pass, I don't give a shit if they're offended. If they're so offended they can leave and come back the right way. Problem solved.
PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid the conversation.
Mac, how many anchor babies do you think there actually are? I'll give you a hint, it happens, but it ain't many...
Couldn't tell ya.
Well, maybe you should find out then eh? That's how the debate actually starts.
My comments here are about the behaviors of the PC Police.

I don't require your approval.
Ok seriously, this is what I do like about Trump. He doesn't go for the pc bullshit, he isn't playing the soft-pedal-it game, he does not give a shit about being pc, he tells reporters off. He's like a junior mint, quite refreshing.
Junior is exactly the right term, like the kind that you send to their rooms...
PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid the conversation.
Mac, how many anchor babies do you think there actually are? I'll give you a hint, it happens, but it ain't many...
Couldn't tell ya.
Well, maybe you should find out then eh? That's how the debate actually starts.
My comments here are about the behaviors of the PC Police.

I don't require your approval.
You said the PC was to avoid the debate? Maybe there isn't one eh? Work on that and give the constant PC refrain a rest...
The word anchor baby is offensive because it cast judgement on the motivation of a child's birth. A presumption is made that the child was born for the purpose of gaining immigration status. That may be true in many cases, but it presupposes the motivations of religion, procreation and simple nature are not the parents motivation for procreating. It stereotypes both children and parents.

^^ A pajama boy
Who cares if it's offensive?

Unless saying it is helps them avoid the conversation.
PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid the conversation.
Mac, how many anchor babies do you think there actually are? I'll give you a hint, it happens, but it ain't many...
Couldn't tell ya.
Well, maybe you should find out then eh? That's how the debate actually starts.
My comments here are about the behaviors of the PC Police.

I don't require your approval.
You said the PC was to avoid the debate? Maybe there isn't one eh? Work on that and give the constant PC refrain a rest...
Uh, no.

If you don't like my posts, too bad. Put me on ignore.

Stop whining.
Mac, how many anchor babies do you think there actually are? I'll give you a hint, it happens, but it ain't many...
Couldn't tell ya.
Well, maybe you should find out then eh? That's how the debate actually starts.
My comments here are about the behaviors of the PC Police.

I don't require your approval.
You said the PC was to avoid the debate? Maybe there isn't one eh? Work on that and give the constant PC refrain a rest...
Uh, no.

If you don't like my posts, too bad. Put me on ignore.

Stop whining.
Your posts, at this point, are spam. Keep that in mind and move onto something real, like do anchor babies actually exist and how much of a problem is it? That is the adult approach to a problem, seeing if there is one first...
Couldn't tell ya.
Well, maybe you should find out then eh? That's how the debate actually starts.
My comments here are about the behaviors of the PC Police.

I don't require your approval.
You said the PC was to avoid the debate? Maybe there isn't one eh? Work on that and give the constant PC refrain a rest...
Uh, no.

If you don't like my posts, too bad. Put me on ignore.

Stop whining.
Your posts, at this point, are spam. Keep that in mind and move onto something real, like do anchor babies actually exist and how much of a problem is it? That is the adult approach to a problem, seeing if there is one first...
Hey, fabulous, you've really convinced me of whatever it is you're saying.

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