"Anchor baby" is offensive and hurtful?

The word anchor baby is offensive because it cast judgement on the motivation of a child's birth. A presumption is made that the child was born for the purpose of gaining immigration status. That may be true in many cases, but it presupposes the motivations of religion, procreation and simple nature are not the parents motivation for procreating. It stereotypes both children and parents.

^^ A pajama boy
Who cares if it's offensive?

Unless saying it is helps them avoid the conversation.
The best way to have a conversation about stupid *******, is not to say Hey, ******* are stupid. That offends people who might listen to you otherwise.
Well, maybe you should find out then eh? That's how the debate actually starts.
My comments here are about the behaviors of the PC Police.

I don't require your approval.
You said the PC was to avoid the debate? Maybe there isn't one eh? Work on that and give the constant PC refrain a rest...
Uh, no.

If you don't like my posts, too bad. Put me on ignore.

Stop whining.
Your posts, at this point, are spam. Keep that in mind and move onto something real, like do anchor babies actually exist and how much of a problem is it? That is the adult approach to a problem, seeing if there is one first...
Hey, fabulous, you've really convinced me of whatever it is you're saying.
This is America babe, you can be a broken record if you wish to be, but that's what you are, and just as worthy.
The word anchor baby is offensive because it cast judgement on the motivation of a child's birth. A presumption is made that the child was born for the purpose of gaining immigration status. That may be true in many cases, but it presupposes the motivations of religion, procreation and simple nature are not the parents motivation for procreating. It stereotypes both children and parents.

Parents come here illegally (drop anchor so to speak) and have a baby who is automatically a US citizen (baby).

Anchor baby is exactly what they are. I don't give a shit about their motivation ... they're here illegally, they shouldn't get a free pass, I don't give a shit if they're offended. If they're so offended they can leave and come back the right way. Problem solved.
It isn't you we are discussing. It is a guy running for President. He shows ignorance and blames it on not caring about political correctness and his flock follows him.
You show your ignorance by claiming people are here illegally. Babies are born while the mother is here on student visa's, work visa's, tourist visa's. A girl here on a "green card" that allows her to work here for two to ten years can be the mother of what are being called "anchor babies".
So, it does't matter what you think, you have no real knowledge about the topic and you aren't giving a rational or even intelligent idea of how to solve the problem.
The word anchor baby is offensive because it cast judgement on the motivation of a child's birth. A presumption is made that the child was born for the purpose of gaining immigration status. That may be true in many cases, but it presupposes the motivations of religion, procreation and simple nature are not the parents motivation for procreating. It stereotypes both children and parents.

^^ A pajama boy
Who cares if it's offensive?

Unless saying it is helps them avoid the conversation.
The best way to have a conversation about stupid *******, is not to say Hey, ******* are stupid. That offends people who might listen to you otherwise.

once they're all gone you won't have to worry anymore about being offended by hearing the words "anchor baby".
You show your ignorance by claiming people are here illegally. Babies are born while the mother is here on student visa's, work visa's, tourist visa's. A girl here on a "green card" that allows her to work here for two to ten years can be the mother of what are being called "anchor babies".

they aren't american citizens...green cards and student visas don't grant citizenship.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
What aren't these liberal pansies offended by? Geeze, it's a wonder they haven't all offed themselves.
The word anchor baby is offensive because it cast judgement on the motivation of a child's birth. A presumption is made that the child was born for the purpose of gaining immigration status. That may be true in many cases, but it presupposes the motivations of religion, procreation and simple nature are not the parents motivation for procreating. It stereotypes both children and parents.

^^ A pajama boy
Who cares if it's offensive?

Unless saying it is helps them avoid the conversation.
The best way to have a conversation about stupid *******, is not to say Hey, ******* are stupid. That offends people who might listen to you otherwise.

once they're all gone you won't have to worry anymore about being offended by hearing the words "anchor baby".
Yeah, not gonna happen. If Reagan couldn't make it work Hitler-lite doesn't have a chance, nor can he get elected to even try.

And remember, these are American citizens you are planning to deport. Good luck with that since the nations you want to send them to don't want them, and probably won't take them...
PC: Strategic hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and avoid the conversation.
Mac, how many anchor babies do you think there actually are? I'll give you a hint, it happens, but it ain't many...
Couldn't tell ya.
Well, maybe you should find out then eh? That's how the debate actually starts.
My comments here are about the behaviors of the PC Police.

I don't require your approval.
Couldn't tell ya.
Well, maybe you should find out then eh? That's how the debate actually starts.
My comments here are about the behaviors of the PC Police.

I don't require your approval.
You said the PC was to avoid the debate? Maybe there isn't one eh? Work on that and give the constant PC refrain a rest...
Uh, no.

If you don't like my posts, too bad. Put me on ignore.

Stop whining.
Your posts, at this point, are spam. Keep that in mind and move onto something real, like do anchor babies actually exist and how much of a problem is it? That is the adult approach to a problem, seeing if there is one first...

He's been this one-note hornblower for at least 3 years.
The word anchor baby is offensive because it cast judgement on the motivation of a child's birth. A presumption is made that the child was born for the purpose of gaining immigration status. That may be true in many cases, but it presupposes the motivations of religion, procreation and simple nature are not the parents motivation for procreating. It stereotypes both children and parents.

Parents come here illegally (drop anchor so to speak) and have a baby who is automatically a US citizen (baby).

Anchor baby is exactly what they are. I don't give a shit about their motivation ... they're here illegally, they shouldn't get a free pass, I don't give a shit if they're offended. If they're so offended they can leave and come back the right way. Problem solved.
It isn't you we are discussing. It is a guy running for President. He shows ignorance and blames it on not caring about political correctness and his flock follows him.
You show your ignorance by claiming people are here illegally. Babies are born while the mother is here on student visa's, work visa's, tourist visa's. A girl here on a "green card" that allows her to work here for two to ten years can be the mother of what are being called "anchor babies".
So, it does't matter what you think, you have no real knowledge about the topic and you aren't giving a rational or even intelligent idea of how to solve the problem.

If they're here on visas, have a green card, etc. then they're not here illegally.


Anchor babies refer to those born to people who are here illegally.
What aren't these liberal pansies offended by? Geeze, it's a wonder they haven't all offed themselves.
They're not offended. They're doing what they always do: They're taking advantage of the opportunity to feign offense so that they can put their targets on the defensive and change the subject. They don't give a shit about the term, it's just leverage for them, that's it.
You show your ignorance by claiming people are here illegally. Babies are born while the mother is here on student visa's, work visa's, tourist visa's. A girl here on a "green card" that allows her to work here for two to ten years can be the mother of what are being called "anchor babies".

they aren't american citizens...green cards and student visas don't grant citizenship.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.

No, they're not citizens but if they have a valid visa, green card, etc they also are not here illegally. Unless it is expired.
The term "Anchor Baby" is offensive?


I am offended that Illegal Aliens come here to pop-out babies that anchor them to American soil.

When they stop offending me, I will stop offending them.

But they offended first.

So that must stop offending, first.

Next slide, please.
What aren't these liberal pansies offended by? Geeze, it's a wonder they haven't all offed themselves.
They're not offended. They're doing what they always do: They're taking advantage of the opportunity to feign offense so that they can put their targets on the defensive and change the subject. They don't give a shit about the term, it's just leverage for them, that's it.

Then since it's common knowledge that Trump thrives on this sort of criticism,

that reinforces my theory that the reporter is a confederate, not an adversary.

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