And California Wonders Why It's BILLIONS of Dollars In DEBT?

Oh, shit. There's a Mexican down the street from me. I guess my credit card will be maxed out within a week now.
California runs a budget surplus.

That happened once the Democrats got a supermajority.

Major thread fail.

^^^ Speaking of major fail, you're uninformed post. California is over $300 billion in the red on its public employee pension system, ooops!
Look you little nasty dick licker ....................

as usual you are a shit talking, ignorant , ni$$er ............. grow the fuck up

  • The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers (2010)
    +A A-
    The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers (2010)
    The full report is available in pdf format.

    Executive Summary
    This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

    Key Findings
    • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
    • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
    • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
    • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
    • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.
    With many state budgets in deficit, policymakers have an obligation to look for ways to reduce the fiscal burden of illegal migration. California, facing a budget deficit of $14.4 billion in 2010-2011, is hit with an estimated $21.8 billion in annual expenditures on illegal aliens. New York’s $6.8 billion deficit is smaller than its $9.5 billion in yearly illegal alien costs.

    The report examines the likely consequences if an amnesty for the illegal alien population were adopted similar to the one adopted in 1986. The report notes that while tax collections from the illegal alien population would likely increase only marginally, the new legal status would make them eligible for receiving Social Security retirement benefits that would further jeopardize the future of the already shaky system. An amnesty would also result in this large population of illegal aliens becoming eligible for numerous social assistance programs available for low-income populations for which they are not now eligible. The overall result would, therefore, be an accentuation of the already enormous fiscal burden.




    All studies assessing the impact of illegal aliens begin with estimates of the size of that population. We use a population of 13 million broken down by state.

    In our cost estimates we also include the minor children of illegal aliens born in the United States. That adds another 3.4 million children to the 1.3 million children who are illegal aliens themselves. We include these U.S. citizen children of illegal aliens because the fiscal outlays for them are a direct result of the illegal migration that led to their U.S. birth. We do so as well in the assumption that if the parents leave voluntarily or involuntarily they will take these children with them. The birth of these children and their subsequent medical care represent a large share of the estimated Medicaid and Child Health Insurance Program expenditures associated with illegal aliens.

    We use data collected by the federal and state governments on school expenses, Limited English Proficiency enrollment, school meal programs, university enrollment, and other public assistance programs administered at the federal and state level. Estimates of incarceration expenses are based on data collected in the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program in which state and local detention facilities seek federal compensation for the cost of detention of criminal and deportable aliens. Estimates for other administration of justice expenditures are based on data collected from the states by the U.S. Department of Justice. General government expenditures are estimated for other non-enumerated functions of government at both the federal and local level. An example would be the cost of fire departments or the cost of the legislature.

    Medical costs that amount to 10 percent of overall state and local outlays on illegal aliens derive from our estimate of the childbirths to illegal alien mothers covered by Medicaid, the subsequent medical insurance and treatment of those children and an estimate of uncompensated cost of emergency medical treatment received by illegal aliens. The latter expenditure estimate is based on state and local government studies of uncompensated medical care.

    The tax collections from illegal aliens assume eight million illegal alien workers, one-half of whom are in the underground economy. Those in the above-ground economy are assumed to have an average family income of $31,200 (60 hr. workweek @ $10/hr.) with two children.

    The report notes that today’s debate over what to do about illegal aliens places the country at a crossroads. One choice is pursuing a strategy that discourages future illegal migration and increasingly diminishes the current illegal alien population through denial of job opportunities and deportations. The other choice would repeat the unfortunate decision made in 1986 to adopt an amnesty that invited continued illegal migration.

    The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers 2010
Those damn Mexicans have run Alaska into the ground, too! They've run Alaska's per capita debt twice as high as California's! And they have pushed Alaska all the way to number 4 on the worst funded public pension list. 34 places higher than California!

Fuggin sp*cs. Not even the blessed virgin mother Sarah Palin was able to stop them.

Vote GOP!
What a dumb Ni$$er, you seem to be posting in the wrong thread!!

The state is California ................

Comprehension is the word of the day .......................
California, facing a budget deficit of $14.4 billion in 2010-2011, is hit with an estimated $21.8 billion in annual expenditures on illegal aliens.

Flat out manufactured bullshit.

You'll need to argue with FAIR about that, but I am sure you know much more than any establishment that has done research on it.

I have provided numerous links to suppoort the op and my stance, you have yet to produce any relevant links.

But keep running those dick suckers, I will keep rolling around on the floor laughing!!
What a dumb Ni$$er, you seem to be posting in the wrong thread!!
Excuse me, Nazi boi. Where did you get the impression I'm black? :badgrin:

Put down the meth.

Your thoughts and intellectual level scream, dumb ni$$er ..................
This is priceless.

Like I said. These racist topics really bring out the right wing tards. What a great advertisement for the GOP which refuses to clean up its side of the street, and thus attracts these scum like flies to shit.
What a dumb Ni$$er, you seem to be posting in the wrong thread!!
Excuse me, Nazi boi. Where did you get the impression I'm black? :badgrin:

Put down the meth.

Your thoughts and intellectual level scream, dumb ni$$er ..................
This is priceless.

Like I said. These racist topics really bring out the right wing tards. What a great advertisement for the GOP which refuses to clean up its side of the street, and thus attracts these scum like flies to shit.

It is priceless, i couldn't have made such a big fool out of you without your help ....................
GREAT going, kullyfornia... GREAT going... looks like ANOTHER PROGTARD SUCCESS STORY... they're BLEEDING THE STATE DRY supporting them in their SANCTUARY CITIES, and they're even getting SHOT IN THE FACE BY THEM, but the left coast zipper heads are too stupid to do anything about it, and now.... THEY'RE FUCKED. It'll take a WAR to get the state back...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

It apos s official Latinos now outnumber whites in California - LA Times

We are in debt only because we issued bonds for infrastructure and schools.

Other than that- we have no 'debit' and the State's budget is doing great- has been for the last 2 years.
I see an actual conversation about the facts is above yo9ur intellectual level,what will you ever do when you realize the continuous character assasination by you instead of discussing the subject is getting really old and boring,as noted in some of our forum threads,
So you keep that nasty little hate mongering going and the adults will continue to discuss this issue.
And what is it about racist conservatives that they have the vocabulary of a 12 year old on a playground without adult supervision?
GREAT going, kullyfornia... GREAT going... looks like ANOTHER PROGTARD SUCCESS STORY... they're BLEEDING THE STATE DRY supporting them in their SANCTUARY CITIES, and they're even getting SHOT IN THE FACE BY THEM, but the left coast zipper heads are too stupid to do anything about it, and now.... THEY'RE FUCKED. It'll take a WAR to get the state back...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

It apos s official Latinos now outnumber whites in California - LA Times

We are in debt only because we issued bonds for infrastructure and schools.

Other than that- we have no 'debit' and the State's budget is doing great- has been for the last 2 years.
Ya... right... and you shit moonbeams out your ass.
GREAT going, kullyfornia... GREAT going... looks like ANOTHER PROGTARD SUCCESS STORY... they're BLEEDING THE STATE DRY supporting them in their SANCTUARY CITIES, and they're even getting SHOT IN THE FACE BY THEM, but the left coast zipper heads are too stupid to do anything about it, and now.... THEY'RE FUCKED. It'll take a WAR to get the state back...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

It apos s official Latinos now outnumber whites in California - LA Times

We are in debt only because we issued bonds for infrastructure and schools.

Other than that- we have no 'debit' and the State's budget is doing great- has been for the last 2 years.

Of course no link for that bullshit statement ..............................
GREAT going, kullyfornia... GREAT going... looks like ANOTHER PROGTARD SUCCESS STORY... they're BLEEDING THE STATE DRY supporting them in their SANCTUARY CITIES, and they're even getting SHOT IN THE FACE BY THEM, but the left coast zipper heads are too stupid to do anything about it, and now.... THEY'RE FUCKED. It'll take a WAR to get the state back...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

It apos s official Latinos now outnumber whites in California - LA Times

We are in debt only because we issued bonds for infrastructure and schools.

Other than that- we have no 'debit' and the State's budget is doing great- has been for the last 2 years.
Ya... right... and you shit moonbeams out your ass.

Fascinating since you are just pulling crap out of your ass in this post.

Out of your racist, ignorant ass.
GREAT going, kullyfornia... GREAT going... looks like ANOTHER PROGTARD SUCCESS STORY... they're BLEEDING THE STATE DRY supporting them in their SANCTUARY CITIES, and they're even getting SHOT IN THE FACE BY THEM, but the left coast zipper heads are too stupid to do anything about it, and now.... THEY'RE FUCKED. It'll take a WAR to get the state back...

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

It apos s official Latinos now outnumber whites in California - LA Times

We are in debt only because we issued bonds for infrastructure and schools.

Other than that- we have no 'debit' and the State's budget is doing great- has been for the last 2 years.

Of course no link for that bullshit statement ..............................

Sigh- as if the racist idiots who believe this crap will believe links otherwise.

California s budget surplus soars to new heights schools to benefit - San Jose Mercury News

SACRAMENTO -- In the clearest sign yet that the Great California Recovery is proceeding on pace, Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins announced Tuesday that the state's revenue has climbed as much as $8 billion in the last four months.

The state's public schools will receive the bulk of that windfall under Proposition 98, and Assembly Democrats hope it's used to increase average per-pupil spending and expand access to quality child care and preschool programs, the San Diego Democrat said.

Another chunk of change must be saved for a rainy day under a proposition approved by California voters in November. But the Legislature will likely also have about a billion dollars to play around with -- a happy accident that's expected to set off fights among health, poverty and other interest groups about how to spend the extra cash.

"We know we're not going to get everything we want," Atkins said. "No one ever does."

Atkins' comments come a week before Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to release a revised draft of his $113 billion general fund spending plan for the fiscal year that begins in July.

Department of Finance spokesman H.D. Palmer wouldn't comment on Atkins' projection of increased state revenue of between $6 billion to $8 billion, but he said it's safe to assume the governor's May revision will reflect strong personal income tax receipts, driven in part by surging capital gains revenue as California's economy quickly recovers. The surplus was originally projected to be about $2 billion.

One thing is clear: California's financial outlook couldn't be more different now than it was just a few years ago in the depths of the state's fiscal crisis -- at one point the budget deficit hit $26.6 billion.
Too bad you did not bother to read the whole thread, some retarded dumbfuck has already been shot down on this ...............

Comprehension .......................

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