And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.

The premise of the thread is that pedophilia is being normalized.

You are posting these 5 articles about some rapes and child molestation cases that arguably were not handles appropriately. However, not all of them involved pre pubescent children which is the definition of pedophilia.

In any case, even if they were all actual cases of pedophilia, how does a few antidotal accounts like this relate to the OP?

If your point is that pedophilia is really being normalized , you have to do a better job of it than this. Name some names and organization that want to do so.

Describe the activities that they are engaged in. Explain their motives. I've asked this before of others and got nothing and do not expect much now either. It is irresponsible to imply that we are on some sort of slippery slope to pedophilia when you can't back it up.

USA began with legalized pedophilia with the marriage age set at 10. As it stands right now, we have legalized hebephilia (sex with young teens) as per AoCs which allow young teens ot have sex with one another, and other laws allowing children as young as 12 to marry adults (Massachusetts et al.)

I don't see any concerted effort to make it widely acceptable, but I am seeing some worrisome things in how it's depicted in media and entertainment. Family Guy's pedophile old man character for one, South Park's "Cartman joins NAMBLA" episode for another. And certain adult-child themes in other recent movies like the animated "Up" about the old man and young boy, and "Wreck-It Ralph" with an adult type character befriending the female charcater he refers to as a kid. On the surface innocent and unremarkable, but under scrutiny raises my eyebrows when considered as a trend "normalizing" adult-child relationships however innocent. Trying to get people okay with something involves gradual steps, if you do too much too fast your aim is easier to see, do it gradual over many years incrementally...

It's worth keeping an eye on.

No US state sets the age of consent for marriage at 10. Some states allow marriage at 16 with parental consent and a few do not set a minimum age but parental consent AND a court order is required for marriage at an age lower that what is set for that state, usually 17 or 18. Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sex between young teens has nothing to do with pedophilia. Neither is an adult. It is generally allowed as long as the age difference is not to great. In NJ it's 4 years.

There may be references to pedophilia in TV shows which is probably irresponsible but I am hard pressed to believe that there will ever be general support for relaxing the laws. It is child abuse plain and simple. Why the hell are we even talking about this? It has something to do with Obergefell, doesn't it?

Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

The premise of the thread is that pedophilia is being normalized.

You are posting these 5 articles about some rapes and child molestation cases that arguably were not handles appropriately. However, not all of them involved pre pubescent children which is the definition of pedophilia.

In any case, even if they were all actual cases of pedophilia, how does a few antidotal accounts like this relate to the OP?

If your point is that pedophilia is really being normalized , you have to do a better job of it than this. Name some names and organization that want to do so.

Describe the activities that they are engaged in. Explain their motives. I've asked this before of others and got nothing and do not expect much now either. It is irresponsible to imply that we are on some sort of slippery slope to pedophilia when you can't back it up.

USA began with legalized pedophilia with the marriage age set at 10. As it stands right now, we have legalized hebephilia (sex with young teens) as per AoCs which allow young teens ot have sex with one another, and other laws allowing children as young as 12 to marry adults (Massachusetts et al.)

I don't see any concerted effort to make it widely acceptable, but I am seeing some worrisome things in how it's depicted in media and entertainment. Family Guy's pedophile old man character for one, South Park's "Cartman joins NAMBLA" episode for another. And certain adult-child themes in other recent movies like the animated "Up" about the old man and young boy, and "Wreck-It Ralph" with an adult type character befriending the female charcater he refers to as a kid. On the surface innocent and unremarkable, but under scrutiny raises my eyebrows when considered as a trend "normalizing" adult-child relationships however innocent. Trying to get people okay with something involves gradual steps, if you do too much too fast your aim is easier to see, do it gradual over many years incrementally...

It's worth keeping an eye on.

No US state sets the age of consent for marriage at 10. Some states allow marriage at 16 with parental consent and a few do not set a minimum age but parental consent AND a court order is required for marriage at an age lower that what is set for that state, usually 17 or 18. Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sex between young teens has nothing to do with pedophilia. Neither is an adult. It is generally allowed as long as the age difference is not to great. In NJ it's 4 years.

There may be references to pedophilia in TV shows which is probably irresponsible but I am hard pressed to believe that there will ever be general support for relaxing the laws. It is child abuse plain and simple. Why the hell are we even talking about this? It has something to do with Obergefell, doesn't it?

Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

The premise of the thread is that pedophilia is being normalized.

You are posting these 5 articles about some rapes and child molestation cases that arguably were not handles appropriately. However, not all of them involved pre pubescent children which is the definition of pedophilia.

In any case, even if they were all actual cases of pedophilia, how does a few antidotal accounts like this relate to the OP?

If your point is that pedophilia is really being normalized , you have to do a better job of it than this. Name some names and organization that want to do so.

Describe the activities that they are engaged in. Explain their motives. I've asked this before of others and got nothing and do not expect much now either. It is irresponsible to imply that we are on some sort of slippery slope to pedophilia when you can't back it up.

USA began with legalized pedophilia with the marriage age set at 10. As it stands right now, we have legalized hebephilia (sex with young teens) as per AoCs which allow young teens ot have sex with one another, and other laws allowing children as young as 12 to marry adults (Massachusetts et al.)

I don't see any concerted effort to make it widely acceptable, but I am seeing some worrisome things in how it's depicted in media and entertainment. Family Guy's pedophile old man character for one, South Park's "Cartman joins NAMBLA" episode for another. And certain adult-child themes in other recent movies like the animated "Up" about the old man and young boy, and "Wreck-It Ralph" with an adult type character befriending the female charcater he refers to as a kid. On the surface innocent and unremarkable, but under scrutiny raises my eyebrows when considered as a trend "normalizing" adult-child relationships however innocent. Trying to get people okay with something involves gradual steps, if you do too much too fast your aim is easier to see, do it gradual over many years incrementally...

It's worth keeping an eye on.

No US state sets the age of consent for marriage at 10. Some states allow marriage at 16 with parental consent and a few do not set a minimum age but parental consent AND a court order is required for marriage at an age lower that what is set for that state, usually 17 or 18. Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sex between young teens has nothing to do with pedophilia. Neither is an adult. It is generally allowed as long as the age difference is not to great. In NJ it's 4 years.

There may be references to pedophilia in TV shows which is probably irresponsible but I am hard pressed to believe that there will ever be general support for relaxing the laws. It is child abuse plain and simple. Why the hell are we even talking about this? It has something to do with Obergefell, doesn't it?

Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?
The premise of the thread is that pedophilia is being normalized.

You are posting these 5 articles about some rapes and child molestation cases that arguably were not handles appropriately. However, not all of them involved pre pubescent children which is the definition of pedophilia.

In any case, even if they were all actual cases of pedophilia, how does a few antidotal accounts like this relate to the OP?

If your point is that pedophilia is really being normalized , you have to do a better job of it than this. Name some names and organization that want to do so.

Describe the activities that they are engaged in. Explain their motives. I've asked this before of others and got nothing and do not expect much now either. It is irresponsible to imply that we are on some sort of slippery slope to pedophilia when you can't back it up.

USA began with legalized pedophilia with the marriage age set at 10. As it stands right now, we have legalized hebephilia (sex with young teens) as per AoCs which allow young teens ot have sex with one another, and other laws allowing children as young as 12 to marry adults (Massachusetts et al.)

I don't see any concerted effort to make it widely acceptable, but I am seeing some worrisome things in how it's depicted in media and entertainment. Family Guy's pedophile old man character for one, South Park's "Cartman joins NAMBLA" episode for another. And certain adult-child themes in other recent movies like the animated "Up" about the old man and young boy, and "Wreck-It Ralph" with an adult type character befriending the female charcater he refers to as a kid. On the surface innocent and unremarkable, but under scrutiny raises my eyebrows when considered as a trend "normalizing" adult-child relationships however innocent. Trying to get people okay with something involves gradual steps, if you do too much too fast your aim is easier to see, do it gradual over many years incrementally...

It's worth keeping an eye on.

No US state sets the age of consent for marriage at 10. Some states allow marriage at 16 with parental consent and a few do not set a minimum age but parental consent AND a court order is required for marriage at an age lower that what is set for that state, usually 17 or 18. Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sex between young teens has nothing to do with pedophilia. Neither is an adult. It is generally allowed as long as the age difference is not to great. In NJ it's 4 years.

There may be references to pedophilia in TV shows which is probably irresponsible but I am hard pressed to believe that there will ever be general support for relaxing the laws. It is child abuse plain and simple. Why the hell are we even talking about this? It has something to do with Obergefell, doesn't it?

Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.
USA began with legalized pedophilia with the marriage age set at 10. As it stands right now, we have legalized hebephilia (sex with young teens) as per AoCs which allow young teens ot have sex with one another, and other laws allowing children as young as 12 to marry adults (Massachusetts et al.)

I don't see any concerted effort to make it widely acceptable, but I am seeing some worrisome things in how it's depicted in media and entertainment. Family Guy's pedophile old man character for one, South Park's "Cartman joins NAMBLA" episode for another. And certain adult-child themes in other recent movies like the animated "Up" about the old man and young boy, and "Wreck-It Ralph" with an adult type character befriending the female charcater he refers to as a kid. On the surface innocent and unremarkable, but under scrutiny raises my eyebrows when considered as a trend "normalizing" adult-child relationships however innocent. Trying to get people okay with something involves gradual steps, if you do too much too fast your aim is easier to see, do it gradual over many years incrementally...

It's worth keeping an eye on.

No US state sets the age of consent for marriage at 10. Some states allow marriage at 16 with parental consent and a few do not set a minimum age but parental consent AND a court order is required for marriage at an age lower that what is set for that state, usually 17 or 18. Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sex between young teens has nothing to do with pedophilia. Neither is an adult. It is generally allowed as long as the age difference is not to great. In NJ it's 4 years.

There may be references to pedophilia in TV shows which is probably irresponsible but I am hard pressed to believe that there will ever be general support for relaxing the laws. It is child abuse plain and simple. Why the hell are we even talking about this? It has something to do with Obergefell, doesn't it?

Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.
Actually, it's the other way around.

By removing it from DSM, homosexuality has been equated to heterosexuality, now they're trying to do the same with pedophilia, normalizing it so it can be view as normal, just like they did with homosexuality. Nothing to see here, it's all normal, right?

I think the question that needs to be cleared up here is do you think that homosexuals and pedophiles are the same thing?

Where have I said homosexuality and pedophilia are the same thing? Nope, I haven't, although you constantly trying to twist my words into it.

What I have said is that pedophilia is being normalized by lefties using the same methods as they did with homosexuality.
No US state sets the age of consent for marriage at 10. Some states allow marriage at 16 with parental consent and a few do not set a minimum age but parental consent AND a court order is required for marriage at an age lower that what is set for that state, usually 17 or 18. Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sex between young teens has nothing to do with pedophilia. Neither is an adult. It is generally allowed as long as the age difference is not to great. In NJ it's 4 years.

There may be references to pedophilia in TV shows which is probably irresponsible but I am hard pressed to believe that there will ever be general support for relaxing the laws. It is child abuse plain and simple. Why the hell are we even talking about this? It has something to do with Obergefell, doesn't it?

Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. In other cases, they have had adult relationships and are even married ( to a woman) but for various reason have regress into a fixation on children

They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.
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Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

A man that has sex with a prepubescent boy is both a homosexual and a pedophile. End of story.
So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

A man that has sex with a prepubescent boy is both a homosexual and a pedophile. End of story.

Is this "dumb it down Wednesday" ?
Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

I'd assume there was something in the news when he made the OP about it. As you said, linking it to gay marriage.

Reason why it's harmful unievrsally is the US is a sex-negative nation and culture. We demonize sexuality and pleasure, glorify violence and war. So long as that's the case, sex will always be seen as a negative thing. But in cultures where it's the opposite, "sex abuse" is more of a 'hold them down kicking and screaming' thing than the 'any and all sex' in a sex-negative country. Pleanty of ancient cultures had far earlier exposure of children to sexuality than nowadays with no ill effects in the related literature. Only very recently, liek within our lifetimes has it become a boogeyman of sorts. Even just ageneration ago they were making movies like "Lolita" and porn with incest-themes. Try that now they'll run you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. :)

US attitudes about sex have changed profoundly within just a few decades. Not even that, remember Britney Spears' schoolgirl music video, or heavy metal anthems like "Hot For Teacher?" Paradoxically, and despite the internet and wider availability of porn, we've become more, not less, sexually repressive than we were not 20 years ago.

Think part of the perception that extreme examples like pedophilia are a thing is simply backlash over internet porn in general. When sex is so available, and so accepted, some need something easily villified to make sexuality "bad" again. So they grab onto pedophilia.

Considering how even Holland voted against a measure to lower their AoC to 12 think it was years back, I don't think we have anything to worry about here as to lowering those ages. Like to see them become more consistent state to state and get our wiring right as to what upsets us as with sex or violence, but I'm not worried about something like pedophilia becomming legal or even socially accepted. That's never going to happen. ...Course I said no way in hell we're gonna elect a black guy with a Muslim name President too so...:)
So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

A man that has sex with a prepubescent boy is both a homosexual and a pedophile. End of story.

By and large, men diagnosed as pedophiles don't also have adult homosexual relationships, nor do they identify as homosexual. The act of sex doesn't define your sexual orientation or everyone who "experiemented" in college would be gay and lesbian. :) Nor does the act of sex with an underaged or prepubescent boy make one a pedophile. Could just be a run of the mill rapist. Grabbing the young boy because he was the easiest target. Adult woman the next time though. Many kinds of child sexual abusers, and they aren't all clinical pedophiles.
Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

A man that has sex with a prepubescent boy is both a homosexual and a pedophile. End of story.

Is this "dumb it down Wednesday" ?

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID Wednesday is more like it. Do you disagree with my statement?
So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

I'd assume there was something in the news when he made the OP about it. As you said, linking it to gay marriage.

Reason why it's harmful unievrsally is the US is a sex-negative nation and culture. We demonize sexuality and pleasure, glorify violence and war. So long as that's the case, sex will always be seen as a negative thing. But in cultures where it's the opposite, "sex abuse" is more of a 'hold them down kicking and screaming' thing than the 'any and all sex' in a sex-negative country. Pleanty of ancient cultures had far earlier exposure of children to sexuality than nowadays with no ill effects in the related literature. Only very recently, liek within our lifetimes has it become a boogeyman of sorts. Even just ageneration ago they were making movies like "Lolita" and porn with incest-themes. Try that now they'll run you up the nearest tree and set fire to it. :)

US attitudes about sex have changed profoundly within just a few decades. Not even that, remember Britney Spears' schoolgirl music video, or heavy metal anthems like "Hot For Teacher?" Paradoxically, and despite the internet and wider availability of porn, we've become more, not less, sexually repressive than we were not 20 years ago.

Think part of the perception that extreme examples like pedophilia are a thing is simply backlash over internet porn in general. When sex is so available, and so accepted, some need something easily villified to make sexuality "bad" again. So they grab onto pedophilia.

Considering how even Holland voted against a measure to lower their AoC to 12 think it was years back, I don't think we have anything to worry about here as to lowering those ages. Like to see them become more consistent state to state and get our wiring right as to what upsets us as with sex or violence, but I'm not worried about something like pedophilia becomming legal or even socially accepted. That's never going to happen. ...Course I said no way in hell we're gonna elect a black guy with a Muslim name President too so...:)

Yes of course. There is a cultural component to it. It may well be that the reaction of horror to sex with children is a damaging as the act itself. Nevertheless, it is our culture and in the context of our culture it is harmful and cannot be condoned
I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

A man that has sex with a prepubescent boy is both a homosexual and a pedophile. End of story.

Is this "dumb it down Wednesday" ?

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID Wednesday is more like it. Do you disagree with my statement?

If by that statement you are implying that the adult male who has sex with a male child is the same as the gay men who we are talking about who have fought for the right to marry and who have age appropriate relationships with other men, then yes, I most certainly disagree.

The premise of the thread is that pedophilia is being normalized.

You are posting these 5 articles about some rapes and child molestation cases that arguably were not handles appropriately. However, not all of them involved pre pubescent children which is the definition of pedophilia.

In any case, even if they were all actual cases of pedophilia, how does a few antidotal accounts like this relate to the OP?

If your point is that pedophilia is really being normalized , you have to do a better job of it than this. Name some names and organization that want to do so.

Describe the activities that they are engaged in. Explain their motives. I've asked this before of others and got nothing and do not expect much now either. It is irresponsible to imply that we are on some sort of slippery slope to pedophilia when you can't back it up.

USA began with legalized pedophilia with the marriage age set at 10. As it stands right now, we have legalized hebephilia (sex with young teens) as per AoCs which allow young teens ot have sex with one another, and other laws allowing children as young as 12 to marry adults (Massachusetts et al.)

I don't see any concerted effort to make it widely acceptable, but I am seeing some worrisome things in how it's depicted in media and entertainment. Family Guy's pedophile old man character for one, South Park's "Cartman joins NAMBLA" episode for another. And certain adult-child themes in other recent movies like the animated "Up" about the old man and young boy, and "Wreck-It Ralph" with an adult type character befriending the female charcater he refers to as a kid. On the surface innocent and unremarkable, but under scrutiny raises my eyebrows when considered as a trend "normalizing" adult-child relationships however innocent. Trying to get people okay with something involves gradual steps, if you do too much too fast your aim is easier to see, do it gradual over many years incrementally...

It's worth keeping an eye on.

It is and I agree with your entire post. Kids are naturally drawn to anything cartoon. I know I was when I was a kid. And I've found my own kids turning on the Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park. We've set strict rules about this and explained the difference between adult cartoons and children's cartoons, something that never had to be explained to me. Movies have depicted this kind of thing too, for example "Birth" which is one of Cameron Bright's creepier movies, where a child is posed as the reincarnation of a woman's deceased husband and pursues a romantic and sexual relationship with her.

What I can't fathom is how people on this thread can be so ignorant of history to think that pedophilia and it's twisted older sibling pederasty can't happen to a society such as ours when we know it became so common in Greek and Roman societies that young boys were hired to entertain guests at parties. It can happen to us and we need to get our heads out of our asses before it does.
Age was 10 when the country was founded. Can marry here in Missouri at 15 with parental consent, and younger with parental and judicial consent.

"Child Brides
In Massachusetts, under MGL c.207, s. 25, a person under eighteen cannot marry without parental consent . Massachusetts does not have a law specifying the minimum age at which a person can marry with a parent’s consent. The process requires court approval, so whether or not to authorize the marriage of a particular minor is within a judge’s discretion.

Yet if you search the web, several sites suggest either that the minimum age to marry here with parental consent is 14 for boys and 12 for girls, or that it is 16 for both. Where do these ages come from?

The notion of a minimum age of 14 for boys and 12 for girls comes from an 1854 case, Parton v. Hervey, 67 Mass. 119."
Massachusetts Law Updates January 2007

So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. In other cases, they have had adult relationships and are even married ( to a woman) but for various reason have regress into a fixation on children

They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

You don't know that. In fact, homosexual men, just like heterosexuals, have a range of attraction that quite often goes well below the age of consent. Did you see Chris Hansen's "To Catch A Predator" series? Men drove for hundreds of miles around to have sex with who they thought was a 13 year old girl. What the hell makes you think gay men are special and don't have this exact same affliction?
So what is your point with all of this? Creeping acceptance of pedophilia? Has any of this changed lately. I'll ask again, why is this coming up now?

Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. In other cases, they have had adult relationships and are even married ( to a woman) but for various reason have regress into a fixation on children

They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

You don't know that. In fact, homosexual men, just like heterosexuals, have a range of attraction that quite often goes well below the age of consent. Did you see Chris Hansen's "To Catch A Predator" series? Men drove for hundreds of miles around to have sex with who they thought was a 13 year old girl. What the hell makes you think gay men are special and don't have this exact same affliction?

I never said that they were special. The point is that they are no more likely to prey on children than straight men. Yet they are portrayed as being a special danger to children.
Dunno. Better question's why are you upset about it coming up again? Seems to me we can't talk about it enough. Harder to do stuff like this if people know about it right?

I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. In other cases, they have had adult relationships and are even married ( to a woman) but for various reason have regress into a fixation on children

They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

You don't know that. In fact, homosexual men, just like heterosexuals, have a range of attraction that quite often goes well below the age of consent. Did you see Chris Hansen's "To Catch A Predator" series? Men drove for hundreds of miles around to have sex with who they thought was a 13 year old girl. What the hell makes you think gay men are special and don't have this exact same affliction?

I never said that they were special. The point is that they are no more likely to prey on children than straight men. Yet they are portrayed as being a special danger to children.
Sure they are. Up to 40 times more.
I'm not upset in the least. I just don't see what the point is. The laws are the laws and most have been what they are for a long time. Yet the OP claims that pedophilia is now on the way to being normalized. Why, because the APA is making a distinction in terminology between those who act on their impulses and those who do not? It is alluding to greater acceptance of adults having sex with pre pubescent children and that is not the case at all. The OP being alarmist, and I believe that there is a nefarious motive given the timing , if you know what I mean.

Unless there is reason to believe that there is a push to allow or condone sex between children and adults, or that laws are changing in this area, this all seems rather useless.

While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. In other cases, they have had adult relationships and are even married ( to a woman) but for various reason have regress into a fixation on children

They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

You don't know that. In fact, homosexual men, just like heterosexuals, have a range of attraction that quite often goes well below the age of consent. Did you see Chris Hansen's "To Catch A Predator" series? Men drove for hundreds of miles around to have sex with who they thought was a 13 year old girl. What the hell makes you think gay men are special and don't have this exact same affliction?

I never said that they were special. The point is that they are no more likely to prey on children than straight men. Yet they are portrayed as being a special danger to children.
Sure they are. Up to 40 times more.

Horseshit! You need to get your information from somewhere other than the Family Research Council and other hate groups.
While I"d agree the op may have 'stayed at the fair too long' any public awareness about something threatening children is worth discussing. Can counter false facts and the like with actual facts, provide sources, etc. Do that myself often enough. But not talking about it is even worse I think.

I am not saying that it should not be discussed and that people do not need to be aware and vigilant. I worked in the child protective services field for many years. I investigated child sexual abuse and make no mistake about it, it is all sexual abuse because children and most teens do not have the mental and emotional capacity to consent to sex with an adult who always hold the power. Yet it happens and it takes a terrible toll on these kids.

What I'm questioning is why the sudden concern now? Lets face it and be honest. We both know it is because of the recent advances in gay rights. Look at the moronic things that some people are saying ( post 157 for instance) That is what this thread is really about. Fear mongering. Gay bashing. And that is just as stupid as stupid gets.

The fact is that gay men are not pedophiles. I know who the pedophiles are and it is almost always men who identify as straight but really can't have an age appropriate relationship with anyone so they turn to children. In other cases, they have had adult relationships and are even married ( to a woman) but for various reason have regress into a fixation on children

They are often not particularly concerned about the gender of the victim children, but if it is male on male sex, they are labeled as "homosexuals" thus contributing to the myth that gay men are a treat to children. The fact is that they are not the same people who we seen wanting to marry their same sex partner.

You don't know that. In fact, homosexual men, just like heterosexuals, have a range of attraction that quite often goes well below the age of consent. Did you see Chris Hansen's "To Catch A Predator" series? Men drove for hundreds of miles around to have sex with who they thought was a 13 year old girl. What the hell makes you think gay men are special and don't have this exact same affliction?

I never said that they were special. The point is that they are no more likely to prey on children than straight men. Yet they are portrayed as being a special danger to children.
Sure they are. Up to 40 times more.

Horseshit! You need to get your information from somewhere other than the Family Research Council and other hate groups.

"Hate group" meaning anyone who disagrees with you? You can't dispute the studies that data is based on so you vilify those reporting it. Loser.

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