And now the Dictatorship begins

Why did the corrupt Ukrainian regime want Vindman as their SecDef?
I don't know that they did.

But if they did, it's because they wanted a good and honest man.

Lt. Col Vindmen put his life on the line for this country and was injured.

Have you ever done something so brave?
Vindman is a douchebag who thought he had the authority to determine American foriegn policy.
The President has the authority to investigate alleged instances of corruption abroad involving US persons.

We have a treaty to handle such requests and not one of the provisions in that treaty is for a public announcement of an investigation of any US citizen. Even if there was evidence, a coerced public announcement by the President of the country is not in the provision either.

Whether or not Trump used a criminal amount of "leverage" to investigate the issue, is also irrelevant.

Both parties agreed to the appropriation of the aid. The President was using that aid to attack one party. There is nothing on the books that call that action a crime but imo, it was a corrupt political act worthy of removal from office.

Did Trump commit corrupt political act? Yep.
Did Biden commit a corrupt political act? Yep.
And as Hillary would say: "What difference it make," and I'd agree with her on that one if she said it.

Politics is a dirty business, which is why Jesus Christ got crucified...Jesus was too clean of man to be a politician and survive. Impeachment isn't for sweeping away the daily dirt of political activity, it's for stopping mudslide that destroy our Federalist Republic.

If the courts decided on impeachment, every United States politician that ever lived, is living and will live, would be convicted and removed from office. That is why the courts don't decide impeachment cases. A political body does (the Senate).

The Senate requirement is 2/3, since a simple majority vote would lead to INSTABILITY since virtually every President would be impeached and removed from office.

You're advocating for the proverbial "Pandora's Box," where everyone impeaches and investigates and removes everyone from power in legalized civil war. Our system would collapse within a year and descend it a literal shooting civil war of far right and far left warlords.

Is this what you want?
You aren't helping.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
Someone in your administration and another under your command try and out you. What do you expect to happen, a promotion ? Your are a moron.

trump committed crimes. OK? Nobody tried to out him. Other presidents have had people that opposed them, so just stop trying to make excuses for trump. The motherfucker is guilty of violations and the republican party helped cover up his crimes.

Trump is guilty until proven innocent am I right. That's how it works for Republicans in this country according to left wing scum.

Tell me how innocent Sec. Clinton is.

Hillary confessed to her crimes, she claimed ignorance of the law as a defense.
You aren't helping.

I'm not here to help.

I haven't even posted on USMB for the past year.

I'm posting now because I saw a wild and reckless use of the Impeachment process.

Dems need to learn how to win at the Ballot Box to resolve political disputes.

The impeachment process is for Constitutional disputes upon which the Courts are forbidden from adjudicating, and takes a 2/3 Senate majority.
How are we now under a dictatorship? You nuts need to get a grip. You lost an election, you lost on a trial by the Senate, you lost with the court ruling and all you gave is some bat shit crazy lady tearing up a speech. You nuts are losing it.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
Are you suggesting Vladimir Putin supported Hillary Clinton?

Do you believe Vladimir Putin? When asked at Helsinki if he helped Donald Trump get elected and he answered, "Yes, yes I did".

That didn't happen, you lying piece of shit.
You aren't helping.

I'm not here to help.

I haven't even posted on USMB for the past year.

I'm posting now because I saw a wild and reckless use of the Impeachment process.

Dems need to learn how to win at the Ballot Box to resolve political disputes.

The impeachment process is for Constitutional disputes upon which the Courts are forbidden from adjudicating, and takes a 2/3 Senate majority.
You called Trump "corrupt." You're spewing Dim propaganda.
You aren't helping.

I'm not here to help.

I haven't even posted on USMB for the past year.

I'm posting now because I saw a wild and reckless use of the Impeachment process.

Dems need to learn how to win at the Ballot Box to resolve political disputes.

The impeachment process is for Constitutional disputes upon which the Courts are forbidden from adjudicating, and takes a 2/3 Senate majority.
You called Trump "corrupt." You're spewing Dim propaganda.

All politicians are corrupt, and have been since the dawn of mankind. A politician will never succeed in politics if they don't engage in corrupt deals. That's just how it is.

Our Constitution is written with mankind's inherit corruption in mind, and designed to force competing corrupt factions and special interests to compromise with each other in a peaceful and legal manner, with hardcoded restrictions and limitations and delegated/separated powers and spheres of sovereignty as prescribed by the Constitution.

Any elected individual or group that strays outside these Constitutional limits faces impeachment (judge/executive) or expulsion (congress), as well as possible criminal prosecution thereafter.

Even the cleanest politician who strives in heart to do the most good must engage in limited acts of corruption with other powers (who aren't as nice!) in order be a politician, become a candidate, get nominated and run for election.

That's the world we live in.

Once upon a time God was depressed at the situation, he sent a giant flood.
He made rainbow and eventually gave us the US Constitution.
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How are we now under a dictatorship? You nuts need to get a grip. You lost an election, you lost on a trial by the Senate, you lost with the court ruling and all you gave is some bat shit crazy lady tearing up a speech. You nuts are losing it.

Its liberal projection. Dems dream of liberal dictatorship where an elite liberal class rules with an iron fist.
You aren't helping.

I'm not here to help.

I haven't even posted on USMB for the past year.

I'm posting now because I saw a wild and reckless use of the Impeachment process.

Dems need to learn how to win at the Ballot Box to resolve political disputes.

The impeachment process is for Constitutional disputes upon which the Courts are forbidden from adjudicating, and takes a 2/3 Senate majority.
You called Trump "corrupt." You're spewing Dim propaganda.

All politicians are corrupt, and have been since the dawn of mankind. A politician will never succeed in politics if they don't engage in corrupt deals. That's just how it is.

Our Constitution is written with mankind's inherit corruption in mind, and designed to force competing corrupt factions and special interests to compromise with each other in a peaceful and legal manner, with hardcoded restrictions and limitations and delegated/separated powers and spheres of sovereignty as prescribed by the Constitution.

Any elected individual or group that strays outside these Constitutional limits faces impeachment (judge/executive) or expulsion (congress), as well as possible criminal prosecution thereafter.

Even the cleanest politician who strives in heart to do the most good must engage in limited acts of corruption with other powers (who aren't as nice!) in order be a politician, become a candidate, get nominated and run for election.

That's the world we live in.

Once upon a time God was depressed at the situation, he sent a giant flood.
He made rainbow and eventually gave us the US Constitution.
I'm not interested in your philosophical issues. No purpose is served by calling Trump corrupt. Try calling Adolph Schiffler and Nadless corrupt.
You aren't helping.

I'm not here to help.

I haven't even posted on USMB for the past year.

I'm posting now because I saw a wild and reckless use of the Impeachment process.

Dems need to learn how to win at the Ballot Box to resolve political disputes.

The impeachment process is for Constitutional disputes upon which the Courts are forbidden from adjudicating, and takes a 2/3 Senate majority.
You called Trump "corrupt." You're spewing Dim propaganda.

All politicians are corrupt, and have been since the dawn of mankind. A politician will never succeed in politics if they don't engage in corrupt deals. That's just how it is.

Our Constitution is written with mankind's inherit corruption in mind, and designed to force competing corrupt factions and special interests to compromise with each other in a peaceful and legal manner, with hardcoded restrictions and limitations and delegated/separated powers and spheres of sovereignty as prescribed by the Constitution.

Any elected individual or group that strays outside these Constitutional limits faces impeachment (judge/executive) or expulsion (congress), as well as possible criminal prosecution thereafter.

Even the cleanest politician who strives in heart to do the most good must engage in limited acts of corruption with other powers (who aren't as nice!) in order be a politician, become a candidate, get nominated and run for election.

That's the world we live in.

Once upon a time God was depressed at the situation, he sent a giant flood.
He made rainbow and eventually gave us the US Constitution.
I'm not interested in your philosophical issues. No purpose is served by calling Trump corrupt. Try calling Adolph Schiffler and Nadless corrupt.

They are corrupt, and since they misused the Impeachment Process over a trivial issue, they will suffer at Ballot Box, the mechanism by which Schiff and Nadler should be used to resolve this issue.

I voted for Trump in 2016 and I will vote for him again in 2020.

And design and purpose of our Constitution is not a "philosophical issue." It's attested to in the Federalist Papers, records of the Constitutional Convention, and other documents dating as far back to the Magna Carta.

Politics is a dirty and potentially dangerous business (the political threat of tyranny and domination by a single faction). What is the best system to curb the innate corrupt nature of mankind? The US Constitution.
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Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
Soon to be manning a weather station near the North Pole...
No its much worse. Dems near complete control of the media over the past 40 years has forced Republicans not to fight back out of fear. President Trump went to war with the liberal media

More Faux propaganda. Faux News has controlled the Republican base since Gore lost to Turd blossom's guy, GWB. Rush is the guy we should credit for the derogation of decorum in the public discourse. He is responsible for many of the terms flung at all perceived enemies of the pseudo-conservative movement by people who don't even know they are pseudo-cons.
Every station except FOX news promotes Prog agendas to some degree minus a couple of religious stations and the old TV series stations. And FOX news itself is half Prog with many of the rest moderates and a couple of conservatives. They must get rid of all the Progs first. It makes no sense.

You're ignoring El Rushbo Radio and the ties between the two. I have to admit Faux New's propaganda is a full head above all the rest on the left. Which is to be expected they are so much more draconian than liberals are.
The President has the authority to investigate alleged instances of corruption abroad involving US persons.

We have a treaty to handle such requests and not one of the provisions in that treaty is for a public announcement of an investigation of any US citizen. Even if there was evidence, a coerced public announcement by the President of the country is not in the provision either.

Whether or not Trump used a criminal amount of "leverage" to investigate the issue, is also irrelevant.

Both parties agreed to the appropriation of the aid. The President was using that aid to attack one party. There is nothing on the books that call that action a crime but imo, it was a corrupt political act worthy of removal from office.
It is time to update the books before the existing Constitution is totally meaningless.
No its much worse. Dems near complete control of the media over the past 40 years has forced Republicans not to fight back out of fear. President Trump went to war with the liberal media

More Faux propaganda. Faux News has controlled the Republican base since Gore lost to Turd blossom's guy, GWB. Rush is the guy we should credit for the derogation of decorum in the public discourse. He is responsible for many of the terms flung at all perceived enemies of the pseudo-conservative movement by people who don't even know they are pseudo-cons.

So a "Pseudocon" is someone who doesn't think like you think Cnservative should think like. Got it.

No. It's someone who pretends to be a conservative but believes in military interventionism and an intrusive federal government.
No its much worse. Dems near complete control of the media over the past 40 years has forced Republicans not to fight back out of fear. President Trump went to war with the liberal media

More Faux propaganda. Faux News has controlled the Republican base since Gore lost to Turd blossom's guy, GWB. Rush is the guy we should credit for the derogation of decorum in the public discourse. He is responsible for many of the terms flung at all perceived enemies of the pseudo-conservative movement by people who don't even know they are pseudo-cons.

So a "Pseudocon" is someone who doesn't think like you think Cnservative should think like. Got it.

No. It's someone who pretends to be a conservative but believes in military interventionism and an intrusive federal government.

Sounds like Obama to me.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
why would the administration want an ambassador representing the US policy that stands against them ?
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
Someone in your administration and another under your command try and out you. What do you expect to happen, a promotion ? Your are a moron.

trump committed crimes. OK? Nobody tried to out him. Other presidents have had people that opposed them, so just stop trying to make excuses for trump. The motherfucker is guilty of violations and the republican party helped cover up his crimes.

Trump is guilty until proven innocent am I right. That's how it works for Republicans in this country according to left wing scum.

Tell me how innocent Sec. Clinton is.

Hillary confessed to her crimes, she claimed ignorance of the law as a defense.

What court found her guilty again?

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