And republicans bought it

you're in a really foul mood today, hope everything's alright

your basic training sounds grueling, congrats making on it through

btw my dad was an Army Air Corps pilot in the WWII but feel free to blather on

you're a wannabe

Go away you little spamming troll. You bring nothing to this forum but left loon BS.

you got a toothache or something Mr 37,000 posts?

See how stupid you are? Mr? Any clue what "Lass" means you ignorant little dweeb?

One more peep out of your stupid ass towards me and off to ignore you go. Nobody has time for your infanitle BS

then put me ignore little lady lol

you'll still be reading my posts, nice try!
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
Someone drank the Koolaid, but it wasn't us.
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
Someone drank the Koolaid, but it wasn't us.
Yeah Russia didn't hack us, our elections No repub connection to russians at all ? You're drinking something a lot stronger than koolaid
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?
This is not the first time the US and Russia have faced off on different sides of a conflict. If Assad does more chemical attacks the US will strike at his military infrastructure again. It is estimated that 20 Syrian jets were destroyed in this attack. That means that Russia will have to increase its bombing to make up for the loss and Russia will have to absorbed more humiliation for not being able to stop it. The war is alreay too expensive and unpopular in Russia, so at some point Assad's losses will reach a critical mass, and it will be up to Secretary Tillerson and President Trump to make Putin an offer that will allow him to end his support for Assad without losing face. How could this happen? The US guarantees Putin the US will support Russia keeping a large naval base at Tartus, and Putin is outraged by recently discovered atrocities committed by Assad he just learned of and declares the Russian people can no longer support a government that commits such outrages.
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?
This is not the first time the US and Russia have faced off on different sides of a conflict. If Assad does more chemical attacks the US will strike at his military infrastructure again. It is estimated that 20 Syrian jets were destroyed in this attack. That means that Russia will have to increase its bombing to make up for the loss and Russia will have to absorbed more humiliation for not being able to stop it. The war is alreay too expensive and unpopular in Russia, so at some point Assad's losses will reach a critical mass, and it will be up to Secretary Tillerson and President Trump to make Putin an offer that will allow him to end his support for Assad without losing face. How could this happen? The US guarantees Putin the US will support Russia keeping a large naval base at Tartus, and Putin is outraged by recently discovered atrocities committed by Assad he just learned of and declares the Russian people can no longer support a government that commits such outrages.
I hope you're right but have great concern if trump is up to the task
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
trumps move
ISTANBUL—Just hours after the U.S. damaged a Syrian airbase linked to a chemical weapons attack, the Assad regime and its Russian ally launched three airstrikes against the very same rebel-held town where Assad was accused of using poison gas to kill more than 100 men, women, and children on Tuesday.

The attacks on Khan Sheikhoun and seven other towns appeared to be both a taunt and a warning to President Donald Trump’s administration: that cruise missiles may have damaged the Shayrat air base, but Syria has many other bases, ample munitions, and the political will backed up by Russia to continue targeting civilians.

The latest airstrikes on Khan Sheikhoun utilized small conventional rockets, and there were no reported injuries, given that much of the population had fled the town. But at least 10 people were killed in a regime or Russian airstrike against Hish, just north of Khan Sheikhoun, a few hours before the 4:00 a.m. U.S. cruise missile attack.

In Irbin, east of Damascus, a woman and two children were killed and many civilians wounded in a regime airstrike on a public market and a mosque. There were also attacks on Jisr al Shughour, west of Idlib, the city of Douma east of Damascus, Dara’a, Latamnah, and Kafr Zeta in northern Hama.

Assad, Taunting Trump, Mounts New Attacks on the Town He Gassed

same mistake made by a few previous presidents like LBJ and Boosh

airstrikes and propaganda never settle foreign civil wars, wars we wouldn't even be in if not for Bush destabilizing the entire region for no reason whatsoever, except maybe to appease his neocon bosses
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?
This is not the first time the US and Russia have faced off on different sides of a conflict. If Assad does more chemical attacks the US will strike at his military infrastructure again. It is estimated that 20 Syrian jets were destroyed in this attack. That means that Russia will have to increase its bombing to make up for the loss and Russia will have to absorbed more humiliation for not being able to stop it. The war is alreay too expensive and unpopular in Russia, so at some point Assad's losses will reach a critical mass, and it will be up to Secretary Tillerson and President Trump to make Putin an offer that will allow him to end his support for Assad without losing face. How could this happen? The US guarantees Putin the US will support Russia keeping a large naval base at Tartus, and Putin is outraged by recently discovered atrocities committed by Assad he just learned of and declares the Russian people can no longer support a government that commits such outrages.
I hope you're right but have great concern if trump is up to the task
He's a pretty smart guy and we know he wants to negotiate better US Russian relationship with Putin, and now we know he is willing to use military force to make a point, so I am optimistic.
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
trumps move
ISTANBUL—Just hours after the U.S. damaged a Syrian airbase linked to a chemical weapons attack, the Assad regime and its Russian ally launched three airstrikes against the very same rebel-held town where Assad was accused of using poison gas to kill more than 100 men, women, and children on Tuesday.

The attacks on Khan Sheikhoun and seven other towns appeared to be both a taunt and a warning to President Donald Trump’s administration: that cruise missiles may have damaged the Shayrat air base, but Syria has many other bases, ample munitions, and the political will backed up by Russia to continue targeting civilians.

The latest airstrikes on Khan Sheikhoun utilized small conventional rockets, and there were no reported injuries, given that much of the population had fled the town. But at least 10 people were killed in a regime or Russian airstrike against Hish, just north of Khan Sheikhoun, a few hours before the 4:00 a.m. U.S. cruise missile attack.

In Irbin, east of Damascus, a woman and two children were killed and many civilians wounded in a regime airstrike on a public market and a mosque. There were also attacks on Jisr al Shughour, west of Idlib, the city of Douma east of Damascus, Dara’a, Latamnah, and Kafr Zeta in northern Hama.

Assad, Taunting Trump, Mounts New Attacks on the Town He Gassed

same mistake made by a few previous presidents like LBJ and Boosh

airstrikes and propaganda never settle foreign civil wars, wars we wouldn't even be in if not for Bush destabilizing the entire region for no reason whatsoever, except maybe to appease his neocon bosses
Secretary Tillerson will be in Moscow next week for high level talks with the Russian government. I don't expect the US to put anything more on the table until after those talks.
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
Someone drank the Koolaid, but it wasn't us.
Yeah Russia didn't hack us, our elections No repub connection to russians at all ? You're drinking something a lot stronger than koolaid
You clowns set up a lie and then actually come to believe it.

No election result was changed by the Russians. There is no proof of collusion with this administration and the Russians.

Get a fucking clue or get medication I don't really care which.
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
Pictures tell different story............we are not buying your BS
russia says 23 hits out of 59 launched
Try to keep up. 59 out of 60 missiles hit the target. One misfired and fell into the ocean.
you're calling the russians liars??.....and those that hit,,,,pinpricks in the ground
It's not what the Russians said, it's what the lying democrats claim the Russians said.

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