And republicans bought it

I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
Someone drank the Koolaid, but it wasn't us.
Yeah Russia didn't hack us, our elections No repub connection to russians at all ? You're drinking something a lot stronger than koolaid
You clowns set up a lie and then actually come to believe it.

No election result was changed by the Russians. There is no proof of collusion with this administration and the Russians.

Get a fucking clue or get medication I don't really care which.
then you tell that bullshit to the FBI they're still looking
Can anyone imagine the shitstorm repubs would be raining down if hillary was president and she gave her daughter and her husband the same jobs chump gave his???
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
Someone drank the Koolaid, but it wasn't us.
Yeah Russia didn't hack us, our elections No repub connection to russians at all ? You're drinking something a lot stronger than koolaid

someone hacked the DNC, What they uncovered proved corruption and lying and collusion within the DNC, the Hillary campaign, and the media. Those facts MAY have caused some people to not vote for Hillary.

Funny how people react when they know the truth, isn't it?

but you dem libs would prefer that the voters not know the truth and continue to pump lies and propaganda into their heads in order to keep your wealthy corrupt left wing elites in power.

Sorry, but the American people are not a dumb as you dems think they are.
Can anyone imagine the shitstorm repubs would be raining down if hillary was president and she gave her daughter and her husband the same jobs chump gave his???

the Clinton kids are not smart enough to do those jobs. Webb Hubbell's daughter is neither smart or attractive, and has never accomplished anything on her own.
Can anyone imagine the shitstorm repubs would be raining down if hillary was president and she gave her daughter and her husband the same jobs chump gave his???

the Clinton kids are not smart enough to do those jobs. Webb Hubbell's daughter is neither smart or attractive, and has never accomplished anything on her own.
and where would trumps daughter be without daddy? And same for Kushner and his daddy
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

trup is shitting his pants knowing what putin has on him Notice not one bad word about Putin from trump?
Can anyone imagine the shitstorm repubs would be raining down if hillary was president and she gave her daughter and her husband the same jobs chump gave his???

the Clinton kids are not smart enough to do those jobs. Webb Hubbell's daughter is neither smart or attractive, and has never accomplished anything on her own.
and where would trumps daughter be without daddy? And same for Kushner and his daddy

Uhm look at Ivanka


Now look at Chelsea


Who the hell do you think would be more successful with out their parents?

I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

trup is shitting his pants knowing what putin has on him Notice not one bad word about Putin from trump?

ain't it funny that punks like gwb and trump who avoided protecting their country love a good war with others blood being shed?
Can anyone imagine the shitstorm repubs would be raining down if hillary was president and she gave her daughter and her husband the same jobs chump gave his???

the Clinton kids are not smart enough to do those jobs. Webb Hubbell's daughter is neither smart or attractive, and has never accomplished anything on her own.
and where would trumps daughter be without daddy? And same for Kushner and his daddy

probably successful on their own.
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

trup is shitting his pants knowing what putin has on him Notice not one bad word about Putin from trump?

actually that would be Hillary shitting her depends, because Putin does have a lot on her and bubba. The uranium deal, the "reset", bosnia, Benghazi.

Just watch in the next few weeks. Trump and Putin will get together at a summit somewhere and make a deal to do away with Assad, ISIS, and the other terrorist organizations. He already has China telling North Korea to stand down.
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

Nobody would survive WWIII, but if they continue to use chemical weapons, the US will continue to strike Assad's military infrastructure forcing Russia to commit more plane and troops and material to the war or be in danger of losing its naval base, so this chemical attack and the US response probably means we are headed toward serious negotiations between the US and Russia to end the bombing, get rid of Assad and stabilize Syria.
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share

And he faked the Moon Landing and shot JFK!
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

trup is shitting his pants knowing what putin has on him Notice not one bad word about Putin from trump?
Of course not, President Trump wants to negotiate with Putin.
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

trup is shitting his pants knowing what putin has on him Notice not one bad word about Putin from trump?

actually that would be Hillary shitting her depends, because Putin does have a lot on her and bubba. The uranium deal, the "reset", bosnia, Benghazi.

Just watch in the next few weeks. Trump and Putin will get together at a summit somewhere and make a deal to do away with Assad, ISIS, and the other terrorist organizations. He already has China telling North Korea to stand down.
Telling NK to stand down THAT I gotta see Have a link?
I guess some one forgot to send you your talking points today.

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi broke with fellow Democrats who had criticized President Trump's military action against Syria to endorse the move late Thursday.

"Making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do," Schumer said in a statement released late Thursday. "I salute the professionalism and skill of our Armed Forces who took action today."

"Tonight's strike in Syria appears to be a proportional response to the the regime's use of chemical weapons," Pelosi said in a statement."

Chuck Schumer: Missile launch 'the right thing to do'
PROPORTIONATE???? a few holes in the ground makes up for those horrible deaths That's BULLSHIT
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

Nobody would survive WWIII, but if they continue to use chemical weapons, the US will continue to strike Assad's military infrastructure forcing Russia to commit more plane and troops and material to the war or be in danger of losing its naval base, so this chemical attack and the US response probably means we are headed toward serious negotiations between the US and Russia to end the bombing, get rid of Assad and stabilize Syria.

Peace through strength. It works every time.
I don't believe I'm agreeing with Schumer and Pelosi, but it was a message to Russia, not a solution, and the solution will political not military, negotiations perhaps egged on by some additional military messages.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

trup is shitting his pants knowing what putin has on him Notice not one bad word about Putin from trump?

actually that would be Hillary shitting her depends, because Putin does have a lot on her and bubba. The uranium deal, the "reset", bosnia, Benghazi.

Just watch in the next few weeks. Trump and Putin will get together at a summit somewhere and make a deal to do away with Assad, ISIS, and the other terrorist organizations. He already has China telling North Korea to stand down.
Telling NK to stand down THAT I gotta see Have a link?

have you heard anything from the fat boy in NK lately? These things do not happen in the open. But they do happen.
And if Assad kills more ? What will trump do with Russia now protecting their pal Assad?

If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

trup is shitting his pants knowing what putin has on him Notice not one bad word about Putin from trump?

actually that would be Hillary shitting her depends, because Putin does have a lot on her and bubba. The uranium deal, the "reset", bosnia, Benghazi.

Just watch in the next few weeks. Trump and Putin will get together at a summit somewhere and make a deal to do away with Assad, ISIS, and the other terrorist organizations. He already has China telling North Korea to stand down.
Telling NK to stand down THAT I gotta see Have a link?

have you heard anything from the fat boy in NK lately? These things do not happen in the open. But they do happen.
Yes now that you asked He assailed the trump attack on Syria and said that proves he was right in getting nuclear power
If Assad uses chemicals again and Putin protects Assad, it will be World War III...

Putin better think twice, Trump won't bluff.

trup is shitting his pants knowing what putin has on him Notice not one bad word about Putin from trump?

actually that would be Hillary shitting her depends, because Putin does have a lot on her and bubba. The uranium deal, the "reset", bosnia, Benghazi.

Just watch in the next few weeks. Trump and Putin will get together at a summit somewhere and make a deal to do away with Assad, ISIS, and the other terrorist organizations. He already has China telling North Korea to stand down.
Telling NK to stand down THAT I gotta see Have a link?

have you heard anything from the fat boy in NK lately? These things do not happen in the open. But they do happen.
Yes now that you asked He assailed the trump attack on Syria and said that proves he was right in getting nuclear power

rhetoric from a very scared little dictator. His masters in China will set him straight on his nuclear ambitions. watch. China does not need that little prick. They will shut his ass down very soon.

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