And The House Came Tumbling Down

That would be the house that Andrew Jackson, 7th President, Father of the Democrat Party, built.
Having veered Left since with the 32nd President, the current farrago known as the the Democrat Party is just falling apart.

1. Here is the titular head of the Democrat Party, Schumer, doing exactly what I predicted right after the election: recognizing the failure of Democrat policies, and changing course.

"Chuck Schumer just threw Hillary Clinton under the bus
"When you lose to somebody who has 40% popularity, you don't blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself," Schumer, the top ranking Democrat in the Senate, told The Washington Post over the weekend. "So what did we do wrong? People didn't know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that."
Chuck Schumer just threw Hillary Clinton under the bus -

Change....outright reversal of misguided, anti-American policies, must be jettisoned.

2. My next witness is CNN legal analyst and noted Liberal, Jonathan Turley, who calls a spade a spade, and grades the Democrat/Liberal legal leaders of the anti-Trump battalion as follows:

"Trump critics failing their own ethics tests
Trump’s critics are faring little better in their own ethical challenges. Indeed, this is a class where even the most generous curve would produce few passing grades.

a. Sally Yates: Fail

The ethical pileup was foreshadowed within days of the Trump inauguration by the actions of former acting attorney general Sally Yates, who ordered the entire Justice Department not to assist Trump in his immigration executive order restricting travelers from seven Muslim majority countries.

b. James Comey: Fail

Former FBI director James Comey has been lionized for leaking memos damaging to Trump and his obvious violation of professional and ethical standards. Comey insisted that he had the right to give the memos to a friend to leak to the news media because the memos were his personal property. The memos were clearly government documents and presumably classified at the confidential or higher levels. Media experts rushed to his side and claimed that the memos were like his personal diary, and one CNN legal analyst (and former FBI agent) Asha Rangappa insisted that the memos constitute merely “personal recollections.” The FBI has since confirmed the obvious that the memos are indeed FBI material, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein this week stated that the memos were confidential and should not have been released.

c. Robert Mueller: Incomplete

One would think that the man who was appointed special counsel to investigate this mess would be clear of even the slightest ethical or professional concerns. From the outset, Robert Mueller was a curious choice. Mueller has a long and deep history with Comey and, according to CNN, interviewed for Comey’s job after Comey was fired by Trump.

d. Rod Rosenstein: Incomplete

Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein himself has even more pressing ethical concerns over his role in the investigation. He is an obvious and important witness to both the events leading up to Comey’s firing and its aftermath. Rosenstein was cited by the White House initially as the basis for Comey’s firing — a claim that was reportedly pulled back after vehement objections from Rosenstein. What is clear is that he was consulted by both Sessions and Trump on the firing and supported that decision. It is hard to imagine any investigation into the firing that would not make Rosenstein a central witness. Yet he continues to serve as Mueller’s superior on an investigation that could examine his own decisions and role. He should have recused himself weeks ago, ..."
Trump critics failing their own ethics tests

The lame-brains who still post the out of date boilerplate propaganda that the Democrat elites are clearly abandoning are the joke of the day.
The Democrats need a higher caliber of simpleton.

Have you read “Shattered”? Not good for Hillary.
Now Donna Brazille is out with “Hacked”. She writes like a tenth grade drop-out but she knows where the bodies are buried. And she is determined to make sure the cheating, lying and hacking the Democrats did last election gets blamed on Hillarybeast
She says Bernie Sanders was shocked at Clinton’s dishonesty...but bowed to it for the good of the party.
Party Uber Alles.

No...haven't read 'Shattered.'
Reading Ed Klein's book 'All Out War,' at the moment....
I see Brazile as one of the rats leaving a sinking ship.

The Dems need this, and an epiphany, to become an American party once again.

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