And The Truth Finally Comes Out: Dems Vow To Push Russia Story Through 2018 Elections


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The thing I probably love the most about the NEW desperate, careless, speak-without-thinking Democrats is that despite what they are covertly trying to do they can't help but broadcast their lying / deceptive plans to the world before / as they do it...

Top Elected Snowflake Schumer publicly declared to the world that Democrats are 100% committed to the failure of the United States government, to obstruct anything and everything Congress (the GOP and President) seek to pass, no matter how good it might be for the country and American people, because they HATE Donald Trump that much and they only want what is best for the Democratic Party - Screw the country and the American people.

Not long after, when Gorsuch came up for a potential vote, Schumer and top Democrats - ALL who had previously praised him, called him the best candidate to fill the USSC opening, and who they had voted for to be a Federal Judge - suddenly claimed they had concerns over Gorsuch's appointment.... BUT IT WAS TOO LATE. By already declaring to the world they were 100% committed to OBSTRUCTING EVERYTHING they had already shown their hand. EVERYONE at that point knew the objection by Schumer and the Democrats was purely partisan butt-hurt hatred for Trump. THEY SHOULD HAVE KEPT THEIR MOUTH SHUT AND JUST DO WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO DO.

File this one under 'YOU SHOULD HAVE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT', too:

10 Months+ of investigations into Russia-Trump connections / collusions / crimes by butt-hurt snowflakes has resulted in the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, House Intel Committee, and top ranking Democrats (Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, etc...) all declaring there NEVER was any evidence of a crime, there is NO crime, there NEVER was any evidence of collusion, IS NO evidence of collusion, is NO Obstruction (by TRUMP), and Trump was NEVER / IS NOT under investigation.

Comey's testimony destroyed all of the Democrats' false accusations against Trump - not to mention their hopes and dreams of Impeaching Trump - by confirming this. Their last hope is Mueller, who was hired as an 'INDEPENDENT' Counsel to investigate Trump-Russian Connection / Collusion. Since Comey just testified none of that exists - there never was / is no evidence to support that, there is no need for Mueller and his Special Counsel, so it should be immediately disbanded and Mueller fired.

Mueller and the Democrats are not even trying to hide their real intent with this 'Independent' Counsel crap, either. Mueller and recently Fired self-identified Leaker Comey and Mueller are thick as thieves. Mueller was Comey's mentor. Add in the fact that Mueller has brought in DONORS and the Clinton's Lawyer to be part of his team, and this circus just became a full-fledged partisan political Lynch Mob minus the torches and pitch forks. (...give them time.)

As if that was not enough - again, Democrats don't know when to shut up - Give them time and they will tell you exactly what they are up to:


'Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner!'

Despite being completely DE-BUNKED (ZERO EVIDENCE that ANYTHING EVER happened) while implicating several of their 0wn members as CRIMINALS, the Democrats' plan is an obvious one: "

"Keep pushing the lies and false, un-substantiated accusations through to the 2018 election and MAYBE 'we' can reverse the Gawd-awful 1,000+ election losses and 2 back-to-back historic record-setting election losses Streak!"

Gee, the Democrats are just too smart for people - WHO could have guessed that was their plan?!

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“We can't keep campaigning on the same tired messages we've been using since 2010,” said one Democratic strategist, who requested anonymity to speak candidly. “In case people haven't noticed, we keep losing."

The average American doesn't care how butt-hurt over losing the Democrats are or how they feel they have a 'score to settle' with Trump, or especially about their '100% commitment' to ensure every attempt by the GOP and Trump make to make things better fails. THEY DON'T WANT THE GOP AND TRUMP TO FAIL BECAUSE THAT EFFECTS THEIR LIVES:

“The average person is like, ‘OK, what about my life out here today in the country?’” said RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United.

She called the focus on Russia a “strategic error” that Democrats have resorted to because it distracts from their own lack of an agenda. It is political fighting that has very little to do with their everyday lives,” said DeMoro, a stalwart liberal advocate who has been openly critical of the Democratic Party."


The Democratic Party Agenda, as declared by DNC Leader Chuck Schumer and top strategists, consists of:

1. 100% commitment to ensure the US government, the GOP, and President Trump FAIL at every effort, no matter what it is, to make things better in the US for the nation and for the American people, which in their minds is what is best for the Democratic party.

2. Keep focusing on the non-existent 'Russia-Trump' scandal while ignoring their constituents who want more than just a platform for and acts of Partisan HATE from their elected Democratic Party politicians.

If those two things are the only things Democrats do between now and 2018, they will only succeed in adding to their 1,000+ election loss total.
Why shouldn't they? Was the Benghazi 'story' pushed into 2014?
Now look who's screaming 'Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi...'


(Not only is none of the snowflake accusations supported by any evidence in the Faux Trump Scandal, no American was murdered, which was not the case in Benghazi... but you snowflakes keep using the incident in which 4 Americans needlessly died as a 'punchline'... Despicable. )
The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
heads esplode.jpg
The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
the problem is it keeps getting worse with every new admin.

when does it stop? right now we are hell bent on destroying the country for nothing more than a "return fire" vendetta.

it's fucking bullshit.
The thing I probably love the most about the NEW desperate, careless, speak-without-thinking Democrats is that despite what they are covertly trying to do they can't help but broadcast their lying / deceptive plans to the world before / as they do it...

Top Elected Snowflake Schumer publicly declared to the world that Democrats are 100% committed to the failure of the United States government, to obstruct anything and everything Congress (the GOP and President) seek to pass, no matter how good it might be for the country and American people, because they HATE Donald Trump that much and they only want what is best for the Democratic Party - Screw the country and the American people.

Not long after, when Gorsuch came up for a potential vote, Schumer and top Democrats - ALL who had previously praised him, called him the best candidate to fill the USSC opening, and who they had voted for to be a Federal Judge - suddenly claimed they had concerns over Gorsuch's appointment.... BUT IT WAS TOO LATE. By already declaring to the world they were 100% committed to OBSTRUCTING EVERYTHING they had already shown their hand. EVERYONE at that point knew the objection by Schumer and the Democrats was purely partisan butt-hurt hatred for Trump. THEY SHOULD HAVE KEPT THEIR MOUTH SHUT AND JUST DO WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO DO.

File this one under 'YOU SHOULD HAVE KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT', too:

10 Months+ of investigations into Russia-Trump connections / collusions / crimes by butt-hurt snowflakes has resulted in the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, House Intel Committee, and top ranking Democrats (Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, etc...) all declaring there NEVER was any evidence of a crime, there is NO crime, there NEVER was any evidence of collusion, IS NO evidence of collusion, is NO Obstruction (by TRUMP), and Trump was NEVER / IS NOT under investigation.

Comey's testimony destroyed all of the Democrats' false accusations against Trump - not to mention their hopes and dreams of Impeaching Trump - by confirming this. Their last hope is Mueller, who was hired as an 'INDEPENDENT' Counsel to investigate Trump-Russian Connection / Collusion. Since Comey just testified none of that exists - there never was / is no evidence to support that, there is no need for Mueller and his Special Counsel, so it should be immediately disbanded and Mueller fired.

Mueller and the Democrats are not even trying to hide their real intent with this 'Independent' Counsel crap, either. Mueller and recently Fired self-identified Leaker Comey and Mueller are thick as thieves. Mueller was Comey's mentor. Add in the fact that Mueller has brought in DONORS and the Clinton's Lawyer to be part of his team, and this circus just became a full-fledged partisan political Lynch Mob minus the torches and pitch forks. (...give them time.)

As if that was not enough - again, Democrats don't know when to shut up - Give them time and they will tell you exactly what they are up to:


'Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner!'

Despite being completely DE-BUNKED (ZERO EVIDENCE that ANYTHING EVER happened) while implicating several of their 0wn members as CRIMINALS, the Democrats' plan is an obvious one: "

"Keep pushing the lies and false, un-substantiated accusations through to the 2018 election and MAYBE 'we' can reverse the Gawd-awful 1,000+ election losses and 2 back-to-back historic record-setting election losses Streak!"

Gee, the Democrats are just too smart for people - WHO could have guessed that was their plan?!

View attachment 132942

“We can't keep campaigning on the same tired messages we've been using since 2010,” said one Democratic strategist, who requested anonymity to speak candidly. “In case people haven't noticed, we keep losing."

The average American doesn't care how butt-hurt over losing the Democrats are or how they feel they have a 'score to settle' with Trump, or especially about their '100% commitment' to ensure every attempt by the GOP and Trump make to make things better fails. THEY DON'T WANT THE GOP AND TRUMP TO FAIL BECAUSE THAT EFFECTS THEIR LIVES:

“The average person is like, ‘OK, what about my life out here today in the country?’” said RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United.

She called the focus on Russia a “strategic error” that Democrats have resorted to because it distracts from their own lack of an agenda. It is political fighting that has very little to do with their everyday lives,” said DeMoro, a stalwart liberal advocate who has been openly critical of the Democratic Party."

The Democratic Party Agenda, as declared by DNC Leader Chuck Schumer and top strategists, consists of:

1. 100% commitment to ensure the US government, the GOP, and President Trump FAIL at every effort, no matter what it is, to make things better in the US for the nation and for the American people, which in their minds is what is best for the Democratic party.

2. Keep focusing on the non-existent 'Russia-Trump' scandal while ignoring their constituents who want more than just a platform for and acts of Partisan HATE from their elected Democratic Party politicians.

If those two things are the only things Democrats do between now and 2018, they will only succeed in adding to their 1,000+ election loss total.

Won't work. That's why the democrats have resorted to shoot republicans while they play baseball.
And The Truth Finally Comes Out: Dems Vow To Push Russia Story Through 2018 Elections
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,

And The Truth Finally Comes Out: Dems Vow To Push Russia Story Through 2018 Elections
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,

In the spirit of your post, in your mind, what are the democrats doing wrong right now? Inquiring minds want to know.
The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
the problem is it keeps getting worse with every new admin.

when does it stop? right now we are hell bent on destroying the country for nothing more than a "return fire" vendetta.

it's fucking bullshit.
I'd agree with you except for the 17 intelligence organizations that unanimously agreed that Russia interfered in our election.
The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
1. Hillary's staff started passing around the 'Birther' story in 2008.
- Flashback: Clinton Surrogate Pitched Reporter Birther Story In 2008
- 2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

2. Hillary and Barry allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY die in Benghazi, modified the CIA Report 13 times, and used the BD video story instead of coming out and being honest with the American people from the start that this was a terrorist attack, one of 22 Middle East-wide terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/12, the anniversary of 9/11/01. iIf they had just been honest from the start the Benghazi hearings would have never happened (at least the way they did).
- Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims

3. Hillary used an UN-Authorized, UN-encrypted, UN-secured server and e-mail, broke numerous laws, to include giving people with no security clearances access to Top Secret information.... Former FBI Director Comey testified Hillary broke the law....
- FBI Docs: Clinton Sent 'Confidential' Emails to Her Maid to Print

4. Obama and Democrats rammed a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven bill that was based on award-winning, heinous lies down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it. It failed to live up to anything promise and is now collapsing...and the Democrats are fighting any and all attempts to undo the damage to the nation and the American citizens THEY did all on their own....
- More Than 1 Million in Obamacare Are Set to Lose Plans as Insurers Quit

Anything else you snowflakes want to falsely accuse / blame on everyone else?
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The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
the problem is it keeps getting worse with every new admin.

when does it stop? right now we are hell bent on destroying the country for nothing more than a "return fire" vendetta.

it's fucking bullshit.

Republicans are set on destroying the FED GOV, not the DEM's. There is a push , right partisan to give states power over the FED GOV, and DT is also behind it. Destroying years of fighting for civil rights.
The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
the problem is it keeps getting worse with every new admin.

when does it stop? right now we are hell bent on destroying the country for nothing more than a "return fire" vendetta.

it's fucking bullshit.

Republicans are set on destroying the FED GOV, not the DEM's. There is a push , right partisan to give states power over the FED GOV, and DT is also behind it.
You say that like it would be a bad thing.
The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
1. Hillary's staff started passing around the 'Birther' story in 2008.

2. Hillary and barry allowed 4 Americans to NEEDLESSLY die in Benghazi, modified the CIA Report 13 times, and used the BD video story instead of coming out and being honest with the American people from the start that this was a terrorist attack, one of 22 Middle East-wide terrorist attacks that occurred on 9/11/12, the anniversary of 9/11/01. iIf they had just been honest from the start the Benghazi hearings would have never happened (at least the way they did).

3. Hillary used an UN-Authorized, UN-encrypted, UN-secured server and e-mail, broke numerous laws, to include giving people with no security clearances access to Top Secret information.... Former FBI Director Comey testified Hillary broke the law....

4. Obama and Democrats rammed a minority-supported socialist agenda-driven bill that was based on award-winning, heinous lies down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it. It failed to live up to anything promise and is now collapsing...and the Democrats are fighting any and all attempts to undo the damage to the nation and the American citizens THEY did all on their own....

Anything else you snowflakes want to falsely accuse / blame on everyone else?
4 total lies
The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
the problem is it keeps getting worse with every new admin.

when does it stop? right now we are hell bent on destroying the country for nothing more than a "return fire" vendetta.

it's fucking bullshit.
I'd agree with you except for the 17 intelligence organizations that unanimously agreed that Russia interfered in our election.
name the 17.
of that 17 name the ones who are actually involved
if all 17 said "yes, russia did it" (and even if they did it doesn't mean shit to trump cause they're not saying trump did anything are they? that's speculation) - who from each agency said they did it?

here's where this mantra falls apart cause i've looked. 3 are actually involved and the rest are part of 1 org and that *org* said it's true - so all now run to SEVENTEEN cause it's greater than 3.
The GOP has no right to complain. Birthers, Benghazi, e-mails, ACA repeal... all political shenanigans dropped the second the election was over.
the problem is it keeps getting worse with every new admin.

when does it stop? right now we are hell bent on destroying the country for nothing more than a "return fire" vendetta.

it's fucking bullshit.

Republicans are set on destroying the FED GOV, not the DEM's. There is a push , right partisan to give states power over the FED GOV, and DT is also behind it.
You say that like it would be a bad thing.

Only because it is a bad idea.

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