Andrew Cuomo accused of sexual harassment............remember, women don't lie about these things

If Cuomo did as the accusations state; he should be punished for it.

However, I find it odd Trump was accused at least 16 times - where's your outrage (or post) of that?
Blow me you fucking hypocrite...Bill Clinton raped 4 women, then put a cigar up a young girls vagina while working in the Oval Orifice. Only when the sick bitch Hitlery didnt win, did you dumbass mother fuckers finally #Metoo him, and not much of that either. Anthony Weiner, not a peep from you cock suckers, John Edwards, cheated on his dying wife with a presidential consultant while the wife was alive with cancer, no big deal. Only when it suites you cumeaters, do you have an issue if a once Democrat turns Republican, and is "accused" but not convicted. May you get HIV and die a horrible death....
I sincerely hope that you are not as dumb as your sound bite. Weiner, Edwards, Clinton--lots of peeps. Their political preferences are irrelevant. There are no peeps from you about trump, who has admitted sexual impropriety and has
been accused of that by 26 women, all liers, yes? Something tells me that you didn't make it through high school.
Accused but no convictions. Just like Joe BiteMe XiBiden right? The guy who fingered a female assistant against her will. Blow me you worthless fuck...
I wonder how soon Dimocrats and their media will be demanding Cuomo resign?

Former Cuomo staffer accuses NY governor of sexually harassing her for years — he denies it

In challenging election defeat, Trump cements his control over the Republican Party
Tensions over eviction of Black-Indigenous family in Portland reach boiling point as protesters clash with police

View attachment 428743
  • A former staffer for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that he sexually harassed her for years.
  • The explosive allegation comes as President-elect Joe Biden reportedly considers Cuomo to run the Department of Justice.
  • Cuomo's press secretary Caitlin Girouard said, "There is simply no truth to these claims," according to a statement provided to the Associated Press.
Former Cuomo staffer accuses NY governor of sexually harassing her for years — he denies it (

So she worked for him starting 5 years ago, and this is the first time she has accused him in public? Why did she wait? Why now?

An allegation made via Twitter, with no verifications or vetting is a very poor choice. Also, no verifications. Very thin.
Good questions.

The same good questions that the right were called bigots for bringing up with the charade the dems went through during the Kavanaugh hearings. The left declared him guilty out of the gate and held up Ford as some sort of hero.
I wonder how soon Dimocrats and their media will be demanding Cuomo resign?

Former Cuomo staffer accuses NY governor of sexually harassing her for years — he denies it

In challenging election defeat, Trump cements his control over the Republican Party
Tensions over eviction of Black-Indigenous family in Portland reach boiling point as protesters clash with police

View attachment 428743
  • A former staffer for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that he sexually harassed her for years.
  • The explosive allegation comes as President-elect Joe Biden reportedly considers Cuomo to run the Department of Justice.
  • Cuomo's press secretary Caitlin Girouard said, "There is simply no truth to these claims," according to a statement provided to the Associated Press.
Former Cuomo staffer accuses NY governor of sexually harassing her for years — he denies it (
Well, she claims she was "harassed" but describes nothing other than some hints that he may have complimented her looks, and she is very nice looking.

She says she wants to "save" others, but she kept silent for 5 years until she moved in a direction where she would be benefitted by media attention and this supposed "strong women standing up against the patriarchy" crap.

I can't stand Cuomo but she's even worse. She climbs up the bodies of those really mistreated.
If Cuomo did as the accusations state; he should be punished for it.

However, I find it odd Trump was accused at least 16 times - where's your outrage (or post) of that?
Blow me you fucking hypocrite...Bill Clinton raped 4 women, then put a cigar up a young girls vagina while working in the Oval Orifice. Only when the sick bitch Hitlery didnt win, did you dumbass mother fuckers finally #Metoo him, and not much of that either. Anthony Weiner, not a peep from you cock suckers, John Edwards, cheated on his dying wife with a presidential consultant while the wife was alive with cancer, no big deal. Only when it suites you cumeaters, do you have an issue if a once Democrat turns Republican, and is "accused" but not convicted. May you get HIV and die a horrible death....
I sincerely hope that you are not as dumb as your sound bite. Weiner, Edwards, Clinton--lots of peeps. Their political preferences are irrelevant. There are no peeps from you about trump, who has admitted sexual impropriety and has
been accused of that by 26 women, all liers, yes? Something tells me that you didn't make it through high school.
Accused but no convictions. Just like Joe BiteMe XiBiden right? The guy who fingered a female assistant against her will. Blow me you worthless fuck...
You are a good storyteller.
They do it all the time.
*shrugs* Both parties do it all the time. Hacks are hacks.

Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
And where is Roy Moore now?

He was beat in 2018 in a very tight race and I guess the wingnuts learned a lesson.
So, also ejected in a massively right wing area. So your comparison is garbage.
I wonder how soon Dimocrats and their media will be demanding Cuomo resign?

Former Cuomo staffer accuses NY governor of sexually harassing her for years — he denies it

In challenging election defeat, Trump cements his control over the Republican Party
Tensions over eviction of Black-Indigenous family in Portland reach boiling point as protesters clash with police

View attachment 428743
  • A former staffer for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that he sexually harassed her for years.
  • The explosive allegation comes as President-elect Joe Biden reportedly considers Cuomo to run the Department of Justice.
  • Cuomo's press secretary Caitlin Girouard said, "There is simply no truth to these claims," according to a statement provided to the Associated Press.
Former Cuomo staffer accuses NY governor of sexually harassing her for years — he denies it (
Well, she claims she was "harassed" but describes nothing other than some hints that he may have complimented her looks, and she is very nice looking.

She says she wants to "save" others, but she kept silent for 5 years until she moved in a direction where she would be benefitted by media attention and this supposed "strong women standing up against the patriarchy" crap.

I can't stand Cuomo but she's even worse. She climbs up the bodies of those really mistreated.
She climbs up the bodies of those really mistreated.

If Cuomo did as the accusations state; he should be punished for it.

However, I find it odd Trump was accused at least 16 times - where's your outrage (or post) of that?
Blow me you fucking hypocrite...Bill Clinton raped 4 women, then put a cigar up a young girls vagina while working in the Oval Orifice. Only when the sick bitch Hitlery didnt win, did you dumbass mother fuckers finally #Metoo him, and not much of that either. Anthony Weiner, not a peep from you cock suckers, John Edwards, cheated on his dying wife with a presidential consultant while the wife was alive with cancer, no big deal. Only when it suites you cumeaters, do you have an issue if a once Democrat turns Republican, and is "accused" but not convicted. May you get HIV and die a horrible death....
I sincerely hope that you are not as dumb as your sound bite. Weiner, Edwards, Clinton--lots of peeps. Their political preferences are irrelevant. There are no peeps from you about trump, who has admitted sexual impropriety and has
been accused of that by 26 women, all liers, yes? Something tells me that you didn't make it through high school.
Accused but no convictions. Just like Joe BiteMe XiBiden right? The guy who fingered a female assistant against her will. Blow me you worthless fuck...
You are a good storyteller.
and you are a groveling slave..a very good one at that...
They do it all the time.
*shrugs* Both parties do it all the time. Hacks are hacks.

Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
And where is Roy Moore now?

He was beat in 2018 in a very tight race and I guess the wingnuts learned a lesson.
So, also ejected in a massively right wing area. So your comparison is garbage.

No. Trump endorsed someone who liked his women underage. Did he apologize for that or something?
They do it all the time.
*shrugs* Both parties do it all the time. Hacks are hacks.

Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
And where is Roy Moore now?

He was beat in 2018 in a very tight race and I guess the wingnuts learned a lesson.
So, also ejected in a massively right wing area. So your comparison is garbage.

No. Trump endorsed someone who liked his women underage. Did he apologize for that or something?

Trump will be gone in one month. REPUBLICANS rejected Roy More. Democrats, actually, did not even reject Al Franken. He chose to fall on his own sword for the good of the party in all honesty.

Something I don't even think he should have done but that is another conversation. Your claim is that the Republicans accept those like More whilst democrats do not. Clearly that is not the case, More was resoundingly rejected to the point that a deep red area would rather a democrat in office than the scum that More was.
I wonder how soon Dimocrats and their media will be demanding Cuomo resign?

Former Cuomo staffer accuses NY governor of sexually harassing her for years — he denies it

In challenging election defeat, Trump cements his control over the Republican Party
Tensions over eviction of Black-Indigenous family in Portland reach boiling point as protesters clash with police

View attachment 428743
  • A former staffer for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that he sexually harassed her for years.
  • The explosive allegation comes as President-elect Joe Biden reportedly considers Cuomo to run the Department of Justice.
  • Cuomo's press secretary Caitlin Girouard said, "There is simply no truth to these claims," according to a statement provided to the Associated Press.
Former Cuomo staffer accuses NY governor of sexually harassing her for years — he denies it (

So she worked for him starting 5 years ago, and this is the first time she has accused him in public? Why did she wait? Why now?

An allegation made via Twitter, with no verifications or vetting is a very poor choice. Also, no verifications. Very thin.
I love how Dimwingers say all women are liars......if the accuse a Dimwinger.

I didn't say she was lying. I asked questions, none of which are answered by your article.

I do love how quickly you made yet another false assumption. That's a real pattern for you.
Not my article, Dummy.

Seems you are the one making false assumptions.

And I’m glad you admit you believe her.
Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
I have no idea. If they don't have any, I don't see the point.

Why did Democrats force Franken to resign and Trump openly endorsed Roy Moore?
Why did Joe Biden eulogize a known KKK member and long time member of congress and senate, Robert Byrd?

Probably because Robert Byrd, a conservative Democrat renounced and apologized for his association with the klan.

But you wingnuts and your cancel culture...
Cancel culture? You are ridiculous.

Then accept an old dead man's apology and move on.
Link to his apology?


"I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times . . . and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

At 87, in his book, he said he “apologized a thousand times”.

where are those apologies? Saying it once in a book at the end of your life doesn’t count for shit.

Try again.

He's supposed to publish them all? I tell ya', you guys and your cancel culture. Next thing you know you're going to want to throw the 2012 and 2008 Republican presidential candidates out of the GOP.
Surely he didn’t perform all those thousands of apologies alone in his den, right?

They should be out in the public for you to post, right?
They do it all the time.
*shrugs* Both parties do it all the time. Hacks are hacks.

Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
And where is Roy Moore now?

He was beat in 2018 in a very tight race and I guess the wingnuts learned a lesson.
So, also ejected in a massively right wing area. So your comparison is garbage.

No. Trump endorsed someone who liked his women underage. Did he apologize for that or something?

Trump will be gone in one month. REPUBLICANS rejected Roy More. Democrats, actually, did not even reject Al Franken. He chose to fall on his own sword for the good of the party in all honesty.

Yep Trump will be gone no thanks to Republicans. Republicans overwhelmingly vote for Moore in 2018 while just finding out what an abhorrent human being he is and only decided not to support him when he proved to be a loser in the previous election.

Something I don't even think he should have done but that is another conversation. Your claim is that the Republicans accept those like More whilst democrats do not. Clearly that is not the case, More was resoundingly rejected to the point that a deep red area would rather a democrat in office than the scum that More was.

If Democrats didn't vote against Moore he would be a sitting senator right now.
Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
I have no idea. If they don't have any, I don't see the point.

Why did Democrats force Franken to resign and Trump openly endorsed Roy Moore?
Why did Joe Biden eulogize a known KKK member and long time member of congress and senate, Robert Byrd?

Probably because Robert Byrd, a conservative Democrat renounced and apologized for his association with the klan.

But you wingnuts and your cancel culture...
Cancel culture? You are ridiculous.

Then accept an old dead man's apology and move on.
Link to his apology?


"I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times . . . and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

At 87, in his book, he said he “apologized a thousand times”.

where are those apologies? Saying it once in a book at the end of your life doesn’t count for shit.

Try again.

He's supposed to publish them all? I tell ya', you guys and your cancel culture. Next thing you know you're going to want to throw the 2012 and 2008 Republican presidential candidates out of the GOP.
Surely he didn’t perform all those thousands of apologies alone in his den, right?

They should be out in the public for you to post, right?

Could have been on tv, written or even in person. It seems you're more concerned with the quantity of apologies rather than whether he apologized at all. That's a losing argument.
They do it all the time.
*shrugs* Both parties do it all the time. Hacks are hacks.

Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
And where is Roy Moore now?

He was beat in 2018 in a very tight race and I guess the wingnuts learned a lesson.
So, also ejected in a massively right wing area. So your comparison is garbage.

No. Trump endorsed someone who liked his women underage. Did he apologize for that or something?

Trump will be gone in one month. REPUBLICANS rejected Roy More. Democrats, actually, did not even reject Al Franken. He chose to fall on his own sword for the good of the party in all honesty.

Yep Trump will be gone no thanks to Republicans. Republicans overwhelmingly vote for Moore in 2018 while just finding out what an abhorrent human being he is and only decided not to support him when he proved to be a loser in the previous election.

Something I don't even think he should have done but that is another conversation. Your claim is that the Republicans accept those like More whilst democrats do not. Clearly that is not the case, More was resoundingly rejected to the point that a deep red area would rather a democrat in office than the scum that More was.

If Democrats didn't vote against Moore he would be a sitting senator right now.
So, IOW, your are just going to go on demanding what is not in evidence.

Not that I expected better.
Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
I have no idea. If they don't have any, I don't see the point.

Why did Democrats force Franken to resign and Trump openly endorsed Roy Moore?
Why did Joe Biden eulogize a known KKK member and long time member of congress and senate, Robert Byrd?

Probably because Robert Byrd, a conservative Democrat renounced and apologized for his association with the klan.

But you wingnuts and your cancel culture...
Cancel culture? You are ridiculous.

Then accept an old dead man's apology and move on.
Link to his apology?


"I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times . . . and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

At 87, in his book, he said he “apologized a thousand times”.

where are those apologies? Saying it once in a book at the end of your life doesn’t count for shit.

Try again.

He's supposed to publish them all? I tell ya', you guys and your cancel culture. Next thing you know you're going to want to throw the 2012 and 2008 Republican presidential candidates out of the GOP.
Surely he didn’t perform all those thousands of apologies alone in his den, right?

They should be out in the public for you to post, right?

Could have been on tv, written or even in person. It seems you're more concerned with the quantity of apologies rather than whether he apologized at all. That's a losing argument.
He didn’t apologize, Dummy. He just claimed he did “thousands of times”.
They do it all the time.
*shrugs* Both parties do it all the time. Hacks are hacks.

Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
And where is Roy Moore now?

He was beat in 2018 in a very tight race and I guess the wingnuts learned a lesson.
So, also ejected in a massively right wing area. So your comparison is garbage.

No. Trump endorsed someone who liked his women underage. Did he apologize for that or something?

Trump will be gone in one month. REPUBLICANS rejected Roy More. Democrats, actually, did not even reject Al Franken. He chose to fall on his own sword for the good of the party in all honesty.

Yep Trump will be gone no thanks to Republicans. Republicans overwhelmingly vote for Moore in 2018 while just finding out what an abhorrent human being he is and only decided not to support him when he proved to be a loser in the previous election.

Something I don't even think he should have done but that is another conversation. Your claim is that the Republicans accept those like More whilst democrats do not. Clearly that is not the case, More was resoundingly rejected to the point that a deep red area would rather a democrat in office than the scum that More was.

If Democrats didn't vote against Moore he would be a sitting senator right now.
So, IOW, your are just going to go on demanding what is not in evidence.

Not that I expected better.

No, I've made my point.
Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
I have no idea. If they don't have any, I don't see the point.

Why did Democrats force Franken to resign and Trump openly endorsed Roy Moore?
Why did Joe Biden eulogize a known KKK member and long time member of congress and senate, Robert Byrd?

Probably because Robert Byrd, a conservative Democrat renounced and apologized for his association with the klan.

But you wingnuts and your cancel culture...
Cancel culture? You are ridiculous.

Then accept an old dead man's apology and move on.
Link to his apology?


"I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times . . . and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

At 87, in his book, he said he “apologized a thousand times”.

where are those apologies? Saying it once in a book at the end of your life doesn’t count for shit.

Try again.

He's supposed to publish them all? I tell ya', you guys and your cancel culture. Next thing you know you're going to want to throw the 2012 and 2008 Republican presidential candidates out of the GOP.
Surely he didn’t perform all those thousands of apologies alone in his den, right?

They should be out in the public for you to post, right?

Could have been on tv, written or even in person. It seems you're more concerned with the quantity of apologies rather than whether he apologized at all. That's a losing argument.
He didn’t apologize, Dummy. He just claimed he did “thousands of times”.

I know it's difficult for you but that was an apology.
They do it all the time.
*shrugs* Both parties do it all the time. Hacks are hacks.

Ask senator Al Franken why Trump and his merry band of morons supported Roy Moore.
And where is Roy Moore now?

He was beat in 2018 in a very tight race and I guess the wingnuts learned a lesson.
So, also ejected in a massively right wing area. So your comparison is garbage.

No. Trump endorsed someone who liked his women underage. Did he apologize for that or something?

Trump will be gone in one month. REPUBLICANS rejected Roy More. Democrats, actually, did not even reject Al Franken. He chose to fall on his own sword for the good of the party in all honesty.

Yep Trump will be gone no thanks to Republicans. Republicans overwhelmingly vote for Moore in 2018 while just finding out what an abhorrent human being he is and only decided not to support him when he proved to be a loser in the previous election.

Something I don't even think he should have done but that is another conversation. Your claim is that the Republicans accept those like More whilst democrats do not. Clearly that is not the case, More was resoundingly rejected to the point that a deep red area would rather a democrat in office than the scum that More was.

If Democrats didn't vote against Moore he would be a sitting senator right now.
So, IOW, your are just going to go on demanding what is not in evidence.

Not that I expected better.

No, I've made my point.
Yes, a point premised on a direct lie.

The other side must be demonized at all costs, even if that cost is reality.

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