Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

And the gop passed the very same tax, only cutting it, by promising these same billion dollar corporations with give everyone pay raised rather the keeping the money to increase share value
Corporations always look out for their share holders before they think of consumers.
What mystifies me is how the gop (or the dems who may be a bit less doctrinaire) demand that bipartisanship is only offered if the other party doesn't pass a bill doing what their party told voters they'd do if they won. Why can't we have the partisanship, and then still expect these grifters to do the right thing when our computer chip supply chain is broken or vets were poisoned by burn pits?
In the case of poisoned vets, there was bipartisanship. There was overwhelming support for the bi-partisan version of the bill, more than 80 votes out of 100.


Then the House Dems spoiled it, no doubt confident that Jon Stewart or some other has-been would rant on Twitter or wherever and that lib-dem internet posters would swallow the narrative whole.
Lol, the media hyped it up so now lefties care about veterans.
Do any of you tards wonder why it was voted down? Have you even BOTHERED to find out why?
Of course not.
That has been discussed in the thread, actually.

Maybe read the thread before making yourself look like a moron.
how is that screwing the veterens by saying they should get every fucking penny?...i think its you who is screwing them by wanting your fellow congress people to get their share...geezus knopp i didnt think you were that much of a political hack...

Solutions not in play are not solutions. The veterans got screwed here because Mitch was butt hurt.
I took it upon myself to peruse the PACT act bill. It appears to feature a lot of pork —although in fairness, the pork seems to be related to the actual purpose of the act (ie, assisting our vets exposed to toxic waste as the likely cause of subsequent illnesses).

The cost projections are as fuzzy as fuck. But this seems to be the most recent relevant document on that aspect of this topic:

Democrats have perverted the bill by including all kinds of extra pork after making a deal. This is what they do. Aren't you aware of that?

It passed the House with bipartisan support. It was set to pass the Senate until Mitch had a conniption. Screw the veterans, Mitch got outplayed.
I took it upon myself to peruse the PACT act bill. It appears to feature a lot of pork —although in fairness, the pork seems to be related to the actual purpose of the act (ie, assisting our vets exposed to toxic waste as the likely cause of subsequent illnesses).

The cost projections are as fuzzy as fuck. But this seems to be the most recent relevant document on that aspect of this aspect:

But pork always leads to misuse of funds

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