Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

I commented on this topic elsewhere but now I can't seem to find it. It turns out this is all over McConnell getting outmaneuvered by Schumer and Manchin.

It's not like McConnell never plays that game. He got all butt hurt over it and took it out on wounded veterans.
yeah, I don't get it. The gop uses reconcillation and complains about lack of bipartisanship.

But for the gop to get in a tizzy over the Chamber of Commerce supported Chips bill and ... Burn Pits? And crying about deficits? PLLLLLEASE
Whine whine whine. Democrats are still pretending that they lost the last election. Wait until November and you will see what losing is all about.
But pork always leads to misuse of funds
True. But it’s true of all legislation. Bad actors will seek to take advantage of opportunities to steal. I mean, hey: just look at Hunter and his “10% for the big guy” dad.
"They’re manufacturing reasons to vote against legislation that they literally voted for just last month," Butler added. "And so it’s really a new level of low."

Veterans who were exposed to toxins during deployments said the lives of sick and dying people who served the nation are on the line.

"It’s angering. It’s frustrating," said Tom Porter, 54, who developed asthma after spending a year in Afghanistan with the U.S. Navy Reserve from 2010 to 2011.

In the first week of his deployment, Porter said he suffered a serious reaction with his lungs and could not breathe.

Le Roy Torres, 49, who was diagnosed with a lung disease and a toxic brain injury after he was deployed to Iraq with the U.S. Army, said he was devastated about the failure of the bill and urged lawmakers to reconvene immediately.

Is that anyway to treat the veterans, they are spiteful at Joe Manchins agreeing to the package.

Yeah....tell us what else is in the Bill.....that would be a good start....but you won' will lie, and deny, and hide what the democrats actually put in that Bill, using veterans as hostages...
No you haven't covered the pork that you support.
Well Toomey can bring up his amendments. but seriously for the party of the 2017 tax cuts to complain about deficits or billion dollar corporations paying ANY tax. I mean, jesus, we're not talking about a mom and pop diner with a 3% profit margin in good years.
That has been discussed in the thread, actually.

Maybe read the thread before making yourself look like a moron.
They voted it down because they were upset with Manchin for finally growing a pair and joining with the Dems to come up with a reconciliation bill that addresses, climate change, inflation, and other issues that are critical to ordinary Americans. It does not give corporations or 1%ers some tax breaks, so repubs are against it.

I took it upon myself to peruse the PACT act bill. It appears to feature a lot of pork —although in fairness, the pork seems to be related to the actual purpose of the act (ie, assisting our vets exposed to toxic waste as the likely cause of subsequent illnesses).

The cost projections are as fuzzy as fuck. But this seems to be the most recent relevant document on that aspect of this topic:

Sorry, but the OP is wrong. The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act IS NOT the Pact Act. The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act is Senate Bill 3363 and was voted on a couple of days ago. The Pact Act is Senate Bill 797, has been read twice and referred to committee. There have been no votes.

There is no "pork" in the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act. I have posted links to the act itself within this thread, you are more than free to peruse the 60 or so pages and find some pork. The entire bill deals with veterans and outside of water quality issues at Camp Legeune, it deals explicitly with the effects of toxic fumes from burn pits.
Look, the OP was wrong. The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act IS NOT the PACT act. The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act is Senate Bill 117S3373. That was the bill that was voted on a couple of days ago. The PACT act is Senate Bill 117S797. It has been read twice and referred to committee. There have been no votes.

I have posted links to a

Sorry, but the OP was wrong.

Sorry, but the OP is wrong. The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act IS NOT the Pact Act. The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act is Senate Bill 3363 and was voted on a couple of days ago. The Pact Act is Senate Bill 797, has been read twice and referred to committee. There have been no votes.

There is no "pork" in the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act. I have posted links to the act itself within this thread, you are more than free to peruse the 60 or so pages and find some pork. The entire bill deals with veterans and outside of water quality issues at Camp Legeune, it deals explicitly with the effects of toxic fumes from burn pits.
If all of what you said is true, imma gonna have a word with Google.
Nobody changed their vote. It's the best propaganda tool in politics. Introduce a faulty bill that allegedly benefits some Veterans but doesn't have a prayer of passing and then accuse republicans when it doesn't pass. Desperate times call for desperate tactics. It beats talking about Biden's impending war with China over Taiwan.
If all of what you said is true, imma gonna have a word with Google.
The problem is that the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act is sometimes called the PACT act with PACT signifying Promise to Adress Comprehensive Toxics. But the “Platform Accountability and Consumer Transparency Act is also called the PACT act. It appears McConnell and his compadres are purposely mixing the two to cover their asses on the recent vote.
Nobody changed their vote. It's the best propaganda tool in politics. Introduce a faulty bill that allegedly benefits some Veterans but doesn't have a prayer of passing and then accuse republicans when it doesn't pass. Desperate times call for desperate tactics. It beats talking about Biden's impending war with China over Taiwan.

It passed the House with wide bipartisan support.
Then why would republicans change their vote if it's identical to the one they said yes to?
Because they didn't think Machin would agree to reconcilliation.

But Toomey can aGAIN raise his amendment.

The burn pit bill is the same bill they passed.

It is rather open ended but so are the vets injuries. Toomey may be griping about how it's funded, but ..... if we're gonna send em to war......

On June 23, when the Senate deliberated the PACT Act after a cloture vote, Toomey expressed his concerns with the language of the bill. He argued that there already was $400 billion allocated in the discretionary spending budget, and that moving it to the mandatory spending budget would be nothing more than a "gimmick" to avoid spending caps. The senator said his amendment to keep the budget under discretionary spending would prevent the potential for "huge excessive spending" in other categories.

"Senator Toomey is asking for a fix to prevent the PACT Act from being used to increase spending completely unrelated to veterans," a spokeswoman for the senator said in a statement provided to Fox News. "As currently written, the PACT Act includes a budget gimmick that will allow Democrats to increase spending totally unrelated to veterans by $400 billion over the next 10 years. Sen. Toomey’s technical fix would prevent this unrelated spending without changing any of the underlying policy in the bill."
The problem is that the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act is sometimes called the PACT act with PACT signifying Promise to Adress Comprehensive Toxics. But the “Platform Accountability and Consumer Transparency Act is also called the PACT act. It appears McConnell and his compadres are purposely mixing the two to cover their asses on the recent vote.
I saw one PACT Act dealing with animal cruelty. Nomenclature isn’t their strongest skill set.

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