Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Because they didn't think Machin would agree to reconcilliation.

But Toomey can aGAIN raise his amendment.

The burn pit bill is the same bill they passed.

It is rather open ended but so are the vets injuries. Toomey may be griping about how it's funded, but ..... if we're gonna send em to war......

On June 23, when the Senate deliberated the PACT Act after a cloture vote, Toomey expressed his concerns with the language of the bill. He argued that there already was $400 billion allocated in the discretionary spending budget, and that moving it to the mandatory spending budget would be nothing more than a "gimmick" to avoid spending caps. The senator said his amendment to keep the budget under discretionary spending would prevent the potential for "huge excessive spending" in other categories.

"Senator Toomey is asking for a fix to prevent the PACT Act from being used to increase spending completely unrelated to veterans," a spokeswoman for the senator said in a statement provided to Fox News. "As currently written, the PACT Act includes a budget gimmick that will allow Democrats to increase spending totally unrelated to veterans by $400 billion over the next 10 years. Sen. Toomey’s technical fix would prevent this unrelated spending without changing any of the underlying policy in the bill."
Good for Toomey.
Well Toomey can bring up his amendments. but seriously for the party of the 2017 tax cuts to complain about deficits or billion dollar corporations paying ANY tax. I mean, jesus, we're not talking about a mom and pop diner with a 3% profit margin in good years.
Says the partisan hack cultist
Why is it "irrelevant" that the gopers voted for the SAME bill they tried to kill yesterday?
Nope. You can keep repeating that lie, but I just gave you the truth. People can read it for themselves.
Nope. You can keep repeating that lie, but I just gave you the truth. People can read it for themselves.
you posted it was irrelvant they voted for it before voting against it. Are you still pathetically trying to deny they voted for same damn thing with the same damn funding stream? Seriously. Do you think Trump won?
you posted it was irrelvant they voted for it before voting against it. Are you still pathetically trying to deny they voted for same damn thing with the same damn funding stream? Seriously. Do you think Trump won?
Wrong. I said naming the Republican Senators is irrelevant. Stop your damn lying and move on.
A lot of Vets will die in that six months

Fuck em huh?
Nah just F you for making 10 year old children raped by illegal aliens a political tool for your golden calf, abortion, and Veterans for your Pork Bills in the same way. You people don't have an honest or moral bone in your bodies. You are predators and fools. God's gonna get yah.
OK, why is naming the specific gopers who voted for before voting no on the same bill helping vets "irrelvant?"
Nothing to do with the point. The point is Democrats are not telling the truth about why Republicans changed their vote.

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